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10. Baltic-Nordic Agrometrics Conference: Mathematics and Statistics for the Sustainable Development
Vintere, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia). Dept. of Mathematics
X Baltic-Nordic Agrometrics conference “Mathematics and Statistics Society for Sustainable Development” was held from 15 to 17 September at the Latvian University of Agriculture (LLU) in the framework of the Nordplus Higher Education 2016 project NPHE-2016/10342 “Raising awareness about the role of math skills in building specialists’ competence for the sustainable development of society”. Agrometrics is mathematics and statistics in agricultural science and studies. The aim of the X Baltic-Nordic Agrometrics conference was to exchange ideas, find out new solutions or highlight topical problems on the mathematics, statistics, informatics and physics education tendencies, practical application and research in the context of sustainable development.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]A constructivist approach to the teaching of mathematics to boost competences needed for sustainable development
Vintere, A., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia)
The constructivist approach is based on the idea that knowledge can never be passed from one person to another. The only way to acquire knowledge is to create or construct them. The constructivist approach changes also the role of the teacher in the educational process, the task of them is to organize the environment so that the student himself can construct the cognitive forms that teacher wants to give him. In the paper, the nature of the constructivist approach is identified, different aspects regarding mathematics education are analysed as well as the potential impact on the development of mathematical competences in the context of sustainable development is discussed. The study process and learning methods appropriate to constructivist approach also were studied. In order to illustrate the need for a constructivist approach in mathematics education, the survey of students from Latvia University of Life Science and Technologies (LLU) and Riga Technical University (RTU) were carried out, the results of which proved that mathematics learning at universities has to be changed. The current study proved that the constructivist approach radically changes the process of teaching and learning mathematics, connecting it with daily life, rather than teaching only abstract formulas and using a creative approach to mathematical tasks solving. This study shows that using constructivist approach to the teaching of mathematics, the competences needed for sustainable development are boosted.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Cassava productivity for eradicating hunger and poverty in rural areas of Indonesia
Widodo, Y., Indonesian Legume and Tuber Crops Research Inst. (ILETRI), Malang |(Indonesia)
Population of Indonesian around 265,015,300 people, so they need a huge amount of food. Rice is the most important food staple, but it is still imported around 500,000 t to stabilize the price in Indonesia. However, the country’s import of wheat is approximately is greater than 10,000,000 t. Hunger reduction and poverty eradication are the top priorities under SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). Production of food based on cereals and grains was inert. Thus to meet the global claims root-crops, particularly cassava, has the potential to be explored. Cassava originated from tropical Latin America; it was distributed to Asia and Africa after Columbus discovered America in the 15th century. Early distribution of cassava was only across the longitude; recently its distribution is athwart the latitude. Literature review as well as arena reflection were used to gather information to meet the methodology in this research. Increasing productivity to meet the demand of food, feed, and other industrial needs with prosperous communities is considered an endless charity which requires a solid global cooperation. Price fluctuation was a factor affecting cassava progress; however, it was neglected by the government.
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