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Publisher, Volume 23(1) of the Temas Agrarios journal. | Editorial, Volumen 23(1) revista Temas Agrarios.
Campo Arana, Rodrigo Orlando
Publisher of Temas Agrarios journal | Editorial revista Temas Agrarios
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Agroecological family farming, an inclusive rural development strategy. A review
Fonseca-Carreño, Nelson Enrique | Salamanca-Merchan, Juan David | Vega-Baquero, Zulma Yesenia
Among theories of environmental sciences, it is mentioned that there are complex, dynamic and constant established interrelations, among agroecology, ecosystems and territories, and for all them family farming is of particular importance as fundamental for subsistence and food security. The objective of this research is to determine the adjacent approaches to Agroecological Family Farming (AFA) and its theoretical construct. This document presents a systematic review of family farming in scientific databases, supplied by bibliographic information stored in scientific journals and books. Among the findings, highlights the fact that the AFA has been a topic of interest since it supports its own fertility and productivity, therefore contributing to the protection of biodiversity within economic, ecological, political, social and cultural dimensions. Finally, it is concluded that the AFA favors generation of good agroecological practices, evidenced through the presence of high numbers of both plant and animal species and their associated knowledge, contributing to greater stability in the use of natural capital and promoting sustainability
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Study of the reproductive characteristics of carnation hybrids (Dianthus caryophyllus)
Ríos, Dian Marcela | Filgueira, Juan José
Carnation is the most important flower in the exportation and the principal destination are United States of America and Europe and the country is the first producer of carnation in the word. The vascular diseases are the most important cause of losses in the crop and the most efficient method of control is to count to resistant varieties. The recognitions of the reproductive characteristics of the carnation hybrids, object of this work, permitted in a prudent period establish a program of varieties production in Colombia. In this work we used hybrids of three successive generations obtained by autopollination studding the reproductive characteristics. As much as pollen and ovules in the flowers, as well as in the male and female reproductive organs we find a high variability in the number of structures, were the reproductive variability is not bound to the endogamous generation. The pollen quantity is not directly bound with the number of seeds produced, as well as with the number of ovules in the gynoecium. Conversely, the seeds number is related directly with the number of viable ovules by flower. The hybrid fertility expressed in terms of number of pollen grains vs fertilized ovules and produced seeds by flower show that exist a plenty variability in the reproductive conditions in the hybrids, but enough to permit a successful production of seeds.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Typification of coffee production systems in La Union Nariño, Colombia
Jurado, Héctor Ramiro Ordóñez | Estrada, Jorge Fernando Navia | Possú, William Ballesteros
In Colombia, the diversity of agroecosystems gives the coffee characteristic flavors and aromas. A first step to know the particular aspects of each coffee region is the description of the productive systems. In the coffee crops of the Union Nariño municipality, located at 1º 36’ 06” ‘North latitude and 77º 00’ 15’’ West longitude, the coffee activity takes place in heterogeneous farms in terms of extension, distances of sowing, applied technology, organization, family structure and fundamentally in the use and management of shade; which is why it is important to typify them by integrating the social, economic and environmental dimension and establish the differences between them, know their dynamics and determine the potential and limitations to contribute to the planning, research and organization of the coffee sector. A semi-structured survey was applied to 104 coffee producers located between 1400 and 1800 meters above sea level. This information was complemented with information from institutions linked to the coffee sector. A multivariate analysis from a cluster analysis (Ward method and principal components) was applied to the variables with high correlation. Four typologies of production systems were established: coffee with shade of woody (S1), coffee semi-shade (S2), coffee-banana (S3) and the coffee cultivation system without shade (S4). Within each typology, different dynamics were found in crop management practices, leading to differences in production, quality and economic yields.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Evaluation of substrate mixture in a lettuce yield (Lactuca sativa L.) var. Veronica
Reyes-Medina, Andrea J. | Fraile-Robayo, David | Álvarez-Herrera, Javier G.
The production of vegetables on substrates has become a great alternative. Therefore, different substrates were evaluated in a greenhouse lettuce culture. A completely randomized block design (BCA) with three treatments was used as follows: T1: peat 30% coconut peat 70%, T2: peat 70% coconut peat 30% and T3: peat 50 % Coconut peat 50%, for a total of 9 experimental units each consisting of 10 plants. Every 8 days, during 32 days, the height of the plant, fresh and dry mass of leaves and root, leaf area and every 2 days, the SPAD units and the stomatal conductivity (SC) were determined. There were significant differences in the SPAD units in time for day 11 ddt with a value of 20.7. The SC presented the highest values in T3 and T2 with values of 354.2 and 366.2 mol m-2 s–1, respectively. T1 presented the highest value of stomatal resistance (RE) with 7.5 m2 s mol–1. The leaf area and height did not show significant differences. T2 at 15 days after transplant showed the highest values of fresh root mass (MFR), dry root mass (MSR) and fresh leaf mass (MFH) with 3.1 g, 0.106 g and 13.19 g respectively. In harvest, T3 showed 10% and 15% more production of MFH in lettuce than treatments T2 and T1, respectively.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Multiple Imputations, tool for the estimation of missing data in regression modeling
Mejía-Giraldo, Luis Miguel | Restrepo-Betancur, Luis Fernando
In recent years there has been an increase in research on missing data problems, with multiple imputation being a fundamental alternative; where data sets often present complexities that are currently difficult to manage appropriately in the probability framework, but relatively simple to deal with imputation; For this reason, this article describes a series of practical aspects to apply this methodology in the case of carbon capture modeling for Colombia, based on the World Bank databases including missing data reaching R2 of 79.2988%, highlighting that when estimating said data and recalculating the respective model, a greater R2 is evidenced, being of 94.76901%, which evidences a substantial improvement of the respective multiple linear regression model as such.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Characterization of plantain farmers typologies (Musa AAB) in the Llanos Orientales of Colombia
Rodríguez-Yzquierdo, Gustavo Adolfo | Becerra-Campiño, Julio Jairo | Miranda-Salas, Tatiana Camila | Alzate-Henao, Sandra Viviana | Sandoval-Contreras, Hector Augusto
The Llanos Orientales has traditionally been one of the most productive plantain regions. However, farmer´s classification has always been as small (1-5 ha), medium (6-15 ha) and big (> 15 ha) according to the planting area, without considering any other technical or economic criteria that would allow to differentiate plantain farmers in this area of the country. A economic, technical and social characterization of plantain producers in the departments of Meta, Casanare and Arauca was done based on a survey in the municipalities of Granada and Fuente de oro in Meta, Yopal and Pore in Casanare, Tame and Saravena in Arauca. The survey addressed all crop technical factors from soil preparation to post-harvest of plantain. Data analysis resulted in the following farmer´s typologies: 1. Producers with high productivity, technology and financial investment; 2. Producers with medium productivity, high technology and intermediate financial investment; 3. Producers with medium to low productivity, low technology and low financial investment and 4. Producers with low productivity, low technology and low financial investment. The results defined critical points for each typology and the facts to design work and research plans required to improve the production system for each type.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Technological and socioeconomic diagnosis of passion fruit and guava crops in Ariari, Meta
Romero-Ramirez, Ana Cecilia | Salazar-Cerón, Maira Alejandra | Orduz-Rodriguez, Javier Orlando
Fruit growing is the main agricultural activity of the Ariari region in the department of Meta. The cultivations of guava (Psidium guajava L.) and passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims) were established in the 1990s and currently about 2000 hectares of each crop are sown. In order to know the main phytosanitary problems and their management practices, a study was conducted with a survey of 40 guava producers and 43 maracuya producers in the Meta municipalities (Granada, Lejanías and Villavicencio). The information collected was socialized with the communities and the results were validated in-group workshops. The producers do not have support for technical assistance or agricultural extension services. We do not have the same technical means for the control of pests and diseases, neither the products nor the dose for their control; In addition to using products not recommended for these products or for phytosanitary problems. These management methods are higher than production costs and fruits. The implementation of the training of the producers and the evaluation of the biological control of the plagues and the practices of clean agriculture and the accompaniment of the programs of extension specialized in fruitculture is required.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of growth promoting bacteria on the fertilization of sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas Lam)
Ariza-González, Anthony R. | Jarma-Orozco, Alfredo de Jesús | Pérez-Pazos, Jazmín V. | Sánchez-López, Diana B.
An alternative to reduce the effect of chemical fertilization on soils and favor the growth of sweet potato crops is the incorporation of microorganisms that promote plant growth in fertilization. In the Colombian Caribbean, sweet potato is currently one of the emerging crops due to its high nutritional properties in the human diet. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of two bacterial strains, Pseudomonas denitrificans IBVS2 and Azotobacter vinelandii IBVS13, on the yield of sweet potato clone Tainung 66 in field conditions, in the Valle del Sinú, Córdoba, Colombia. The research was carried out during second semester of 2017, at the Turipaná-Agrosavia Research Center, using apical cuttings from the Tainung 66 clone. A randomized complete block design with a 3x2+2 factorial arrangement was implemented, physiological component, foliar and edaphic chemical analysis, yield and bromatological composition variables were evaluated. The results showed that yield and dry root mass showed significant differences with respect to the chemical control when fertilization consisted of IBVS2 strain plus 50% of chemical fertilizer, obtaining a yield of 11.32 t.ha-1 and 5,78 t.ha-1 respectively. These results showed that inoculation of PGPRs constitutes an alternative for sweet potatoes cultivation with positive effects when compared to complete chemical fertilization.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Fisiología del cultivo de yuca en el bosque seco tropical de Sucre – Colombia
Santos, Joseth | Narváez, Lainer | Salcedo, Saula M. | Acevedo, Alba N. | Mercado, Luis C. | Salcedo, Jairo G.
La especie M. esculenta presenta gran variabilidad genética que dificulta su estudio debido a que debe ser evaluada no solo por su comportamiento varietal sino también por su respuesta al ambiente donde se produce. Para esta investigación se evaluó el comportamiento fisiológico de yuca en tres de las variedades más cultivadas en el departamento de Sucre: MCOL 2066 (Chirosa: uso industrial y comestible), MCOL 2215 (Venezolana: comestible) y M-Tai 8 (M-Tai: uso industrial), bajo la oferta ambiental del bosque seco tropical, se utilizó un diseño en bloques completos al azar con tres repeticiones. Se evaluó altura de planta (AP), diámetro de tallo (DT), número de hojas (NH), diámetro de raíces tuberosas (DR), fotosíntesis (PN), conductancia estomática (GS), transpiración (E) acumulación y distribución de masa seca e índice de cosecha (IC). Las evaluaciones se llevaron a cabo a los 90, 270, 315 y 360 días después de la siembra (DDS). La variedad M-Tai presentó los resultados más favorables un crecimiento y desarrollo más precoz en los primeros estadios del cultivo (90 DDS) expresado en un mayor porte y mayor acumulación de biomasa con una media de 198,51 gr de materia seca. En la fecha de cosecha 270, 315 y 360 DDS no se observó diferencias entre variables de intercambio gaseoso y acumulación y distribución de biomasa, presentando valores promedios de 130 mmol H2O m-2s-1, 17,87 µmoles CO2 m-2 s-1 y 1,99 mmol H2Omm-2 s-1 para GS, PN y E respectivamente, y con valoresalrededor de un 55% para IC.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]