Lesões extra-renais de uremia em 72 cães Extrarenal uremic lesions in 72 dogs
Antônio Flávio Medeiros Dantas | Glaucia Denise Kommers
Entre 1986 e 1995 foram diagnosticados 72 casos (4,43%) de uremia de um total de 1.623 cães necropsiados no setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - RS. Sinais clínicos de uremia foram descritos em 58 cães (80,55%), com predomínio de vômito, anorexia, diarréia e apatia. As lesões extra-renais de uremia foram mais evidentes, em ordem decrescente, nos sistemas digestivo, respiratório, cardiovascular, endócrino e ósseo. As lesões mais freqüentes foram gastropatia urêmica (79,16%), pneumopatia urêmica (49,27%) e endocardite mural do átrio esquerdo associada à arteriopatia degenerativa no miocárdio (34,72%). Em 70 casos a uremia era de origem renal, correspondendo a 16,27% de 430 cães com lesões renais primárias. Dois cães (14,28%) desenvolveram uremia de origem pós-renal dentre 14 cães que apresentaram obstrução ao fluxo urinário. Nenhum caso de uremia de origem pré-renal foi diagnosticado. As lesões renais desencadeadoras de uremia foram glomerulonefrite, nefrose tubular aguda, nefrite intersticial, infarto, cistadenocarcinoma bilateral e amiloidose. A idade dos cães afetados variou entre 2 meses e 12 anos sendo as lesões agudas e subagudas mais freqüentes em animais de até 5 anos e as crônicas em cães entre 6 e 12 anos.<br>Between 1986 and 1995, 72 cases of uremia were diagnosed from 1,623 (4.43%) dogs necropsied at the Veterinary Pathology Lab of the "Universidade Federal de Santa Maria", RS, Brazil. Clinical signs of uremia were reported in 58 dogs (80.55%) and included mainly vomitus, anorexia, diarrhea and depression. Extrarenal lesions of uremia were most evident, in decreasing order of frequency, in the following organ systems: alimentary, respiratory, cardiovascular, endocrine and skeletal. More frequently observed lesions were uremic gastropathy (79.16%) and pneumopathy (49.27%), and mural endocarditis of the left atrium associated with degenerative arteriopathy of the coronary vessels (34.72%). Seventy (16.27%) out of 430 dogs with primary renal lesions had uremia. Two (14.2%) out of 14 dogs with obstruction of the urinary flow developed post-renal uremia. No case of pre-renal uremia was diagnosed. The renal lesions which induced uremia in the dogs were glomerulonephritis, acute tubular nephrosis, interstitial nephritis, infarction, bilateral cystadenocarcinoma, and amyloidosis. The age of affected dogs varied from 2 months to 12 years. The acute and subacute renal lesions were more frequent in dogs up to 5 years and the chronic renal lesions were more frequent in dogs from 6 to 12 years of age.
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