AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

Gender differences in respiratory health outcomes among farming cohorts around the globe: findings from the AGRICOH consortium


Fix, Jonathan | Annesi-Maesano, I. (Isabella) | Baldi, Isabelle | Boulanger, Mathilde | Cheng, Soo | Cortes, Sandra | Dalphin, Jean- Charles | Dalvie, Mohamed Aqiel | Degano, Bruno | Douwes, Jeroen | Eduard, Wijnand | Elholm, Grethe | Ferreccio, Catterina | Harding, Anne-Helen | Jeebhay, Mohamed | Kelly, Kevin M. | Kromhout, Hans | MacFarlane, Ewan | Maesano, Cara Nichole | Mitchell, Diane Catherine | Mwanga, Hussein | Naidoo, Saloshni | Negatu, Beyene | Ngajilo, Dorothy | Nordby, Karl- Christian | Parks, Christine G | Schenker, Marc B | Shin, Aesun | Sigsgaard, Torben | Sim, Malcolm | Soumagne, Thibaud | Thorne, Peter | Yoo, Keun-Young | Hoppin, Jane A

Bibliographic information
Journal of agromedicine
Volume 26 Issue 2 Pagination 97 - 108 ISSN 1545-0813
Taylor & Francis
Other Subjects
Respiratory health; Occupational exposure; Farmworkers; Agromedicine
This work was supported by Dr. Hoppin’s startup funds at NC State University. The Keokuk County Rural Health Study was supported by Grants # (U07/CCU706145) (Round 1) and # (U50 OH07548) (Round 2 and Round 3) from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health to the Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health, The University of Iowa. This research was supported in part by the Intramural Research Program of the NIH, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (Z01-ES049030). KwaZulu-Natal was supported by the South African Netherlands Research Program on Alternatives in Development (SANPAD) and the South African Medical Research Council (SA MRC) – grant number 04/15. MAUCO was supported by Conicyt – FONDAP No (15130011).
Text; Journal Article

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