AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

Whole-genome sequencing of European autochthonous and commercial pig breeds allows the detection of signatures of selection for adaptation of genetic resources to different breeding and production systems


Bovo, Samuele | Ribani, Anisa | Munoz, Maria | Alves, Estefania | Araujo, Jose P. | Bozzi, Riccardo | Čandek-Potokar, Marjeta | Charneca, Rui | Di Palma, Federica | Etherington, Graham | Fernandez, Ana I. | García, Fabián | García-Casco, Juan | Karolyi, Danijel | Gallo, Maurizio | Margeta, Vladimir | Martins, José Manuel | Mercat, Marie J. | Moscatelli, Giulia | Núñez, Yolanda | Quintanilla, Raquel | Radović, Čedomir | Razmaite, Violeta | Riquet, Juliette | Savić, Radomir | Schiavo, Giuseppina | Usai, Graziano | Utzeri, Valerio J. | Zimmer, Christoph | Ovilo, Cristina | Fontanesi, Luca

Bibliographic information
Genetics, selection, evolution
Volume 52 Issue 1 Pagination 33 - 33 ISSN 1297-9686
BioMed Central
Other Subjects
Reproductive traits; Large white; Variability; Wild boars; Black slavonian; Heterozygosity; Duroc
Text; Journal Article

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