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Occurrence of heavy elements in street dust from sub/urban zone of Tianjin: pollution characteristics and health risk assessment


Živančev, Jelena R. | Ji, Yaqin | Škrbić, Biljana D. | Buljovčić, Maja B.

Bibliographic information
Journal of environmental science and health
Volume 54 Issue 10 Pagination 999 - 1010 ISSN 1532-4117
Taylor & Francis
Other Subjects
Health effects assessments; Non-carcinogenic risk; Geo-accumulation index; Anthropogenic activities; Chinese dust; Potential ecological risk
The results presented here are obtained within no. 172050 supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and the bilateral project “Human exposure assessment to heavy elements, phthalic acid esters and persistent organic pollutants through air, water, dust and food” contracted under the SERBIAN CHINESE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY COOPERATION PROGRAM FOR YEARS 2014-2015, funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and by the Division of Euro-Asia, Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of China.
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