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Update on Nutrition Research Methodologies: A Selective Review


Costello, Rebecca Bortz | Loria, Catherine M. | Lau, Joseph | Sacks, Frank M. | Yetley, Elizabeth A.

Bibliographic information
Nutrition today
Volume 46 Issue 3 Pagination 116 - 120 ISSN 1538-9839
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Other Subjects
Health policy; Nutrition assessment; Nutrition research; Epidemiological studies
Affiliations: rebecca bortz costello, phd, is the director of grants and extramural activities at the office of dietary supplements, national institutes of health (nih) in bethesda, maryland. catherine m. loria, phd, is with the division of population and prevention science, national heart, lung, and blood institute at the nih. joseph lau, md, is professor of medicine and clinical research at tufts medical school and adjunct professor at the friedman school of nutrition science and policy at tufts university, boston, massachusetts. frank m. sacks, md, is professor of cardiovascular disease prevention at the department of nutrition, harvard school of public health, boston, massachusetts. elizabeth a. yetley, phd, is a senior nutrition scientist (retired) with the office of dietary supplements, nih.
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