AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

Effect-based and chemical analytical methods to monitor estrogens under the European Water Framework Directive


Könemann, Sarah | Kase, Robert | Simon, Eszter | Swart, Kees | Buchinger, Sebastian | Schlüsener, Michael | Hollert, Henner | Escher, Beate I. | Werner, Inge | Aït-Aïssa, Selim | Vermeirssen, Etienne | Dulio, Valeria | Valsecchi, Sara | Polesello, Stefano | Behnisch, Peter | Javurkova, Barbora | Perceval, Olivier | Di Paolo, Carolina | Olbrich, Daniel | Sychrova, Eliska | Schlichting, Rita | Leborgne, Lomig | Clara, Manfred | Scheffknecht, Christoph | Marneffe, Yves | Chalon, Carole | Tušil, Petr | Soldán, Přemysl | von Danwitz, Brigitte | Schwaiger, Julia | San Martín Becares, Maria Isabel | Bersani, Francesca | Hilscherová, Klara | Reifferscheid, Georg | Ternes, Thomas | Carere, Mario

Bibliographic information
Trends in analytical chemistry
Volume 102 Pagination 225 - 235 ISSN 0165-9936
Elsevier B.V.
Other Subjects
Emerging pollutants; Environmental quality; Eu watch-list; Estrone; Steroid analyses; In vitro bioassays; Estrogen screening; Endocrine disruption; Endocrine-disrupting chemicals; Science-policy interface; Surface and waste water assessment; Integrated effects of mixtures
Text; Journal Article

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