AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

Nutrient Profiling: Global Approaches, Policies, and Perspectives


Miller, Gregory D. | Drewnowski, Adam | King, Janet | Gibney, Michael | Clemens, Roger

Bibliographic information
Nutrition today
Volume 45 Issue 1 Pagination 6 - 12 ISSN 0029-666X
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Other Subjects
Nutrient content; Daily values; Optimal nutrition; Health promotion; Mypyramid; Nutrition policy; Nutrition information
Affiliations: gregory d. miller, phd, is executive vice president of science and research for the national dairy council and adjunct associate professor in the department of food science and nutrition at the university of illinois. an expert in health and nutrition, dr miller has presented more than 100 invited lectures at national and international meetings and has published more than 140 research papers, reviews, articles, and abstracts on various nutrition topics. he has coedited 3 books on diet, nutrition, and toxicology and has contributed chapters to 9 other books. he is coauthor of the handbook of dairy foods and nutrition, first, second, and third editions. dr miller was formerly president of the american college of nutrition, where he also served as a member of the board of directors, as secretary/treasurer, and as vice president. dr miller is past chair of the public information committee for the american society for nutrition. adam drewnowski, phd, is director of the nutritional sciences program and professor of epidemiology and medicine at the university of washington in seattle. he also serves as director of the center for public health nutrition and the exploratory center for obesity research and is a joint member of the fred hutchinson cancer research center. janet king, phd, rd, is professor of nutrition and internal medicine at the university of california, davis; a professor of nutrition at the university of california, berkeley; and a scientist at children's hospital oakland research institute. king is past-chair of the 2005 dietary guidelines advisory committee and is a current member of the national academy of science, institute of medicine. michael gibney, phd, is director of the university college dublin institute of food and health. gibney was a visiting professor of nutrition at trinity college dublin and is a former president of the nutrition society, london. in 2006, gibney chaired an important ilsi europe workshop entitled "nutritional characterization of foods: science based approach to nutrient profiling." roger clemens, drph, is associate director of the regulatory science program at the university of southern california school of pharmacy. clemens has more than 25 years of experience in the food industry and academia and is an active member of the american society for nutrition.
Text; Journal Article

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