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Cell autonomous circadian waves of the APRR1/TOC1 quintet in an established cell line of Arabidopsis thaliana


Nakamichi, N. | Matsushika, A. | Yamashino, T. | Mizuno, T.

Bibliographic information
Plant & cell physiology
Volume 44 Issue 3 Pagination 360 - 365 ISSN 0032-0781
Other Subjects
Dna-binding proteins; Arabidopsis lhy protein; Radiation effects; Multigene family; Arabidopsis cca1 protein; Chemical constituents of plants; Arabidopsis ccr2 protein; Blotting; Northern; Cold temperature; Rna-binding proteins; Signal transduction; Cell autonomous circadian waves; Cold circadian rhythm rna binding 2 gene; Genetic; Arabidopsis toc1 protein; Arabidopsis pseudo response regulator; Arabidopsis aprr1 protein; Cell line; Genetic regulation; Circadian clock associated 1 gene; Late elongated hypocotyl gene; Arabidopsis proteins; Dark; Plant proteins
Text; Journal Article

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