AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

Current insights in monitoring, bioaccumulation, and potential health effects of microplastics present in the food chain


Raamsdonk, van, L.D.W. | Zande, van der, M. | Koelmans, A.A. | Hoogenboom, R.L.A.P. | Peters, R.J.B. | Groot, M.J. | Peijnenburg, A.C.M. | Weesepoel, Y.J.A.

Bibliographic information
Volume 9 Issue 1 ISSN 2304-8158
Other Subjects
Vlag; Bu toxicologie bioassays & novel foods; Bu authenticity & nutrients; Rikilt - bu toxicology bioassays & novel foods; Aquatic ecology and water quality management; Rikilt - business unit contaminanten & toxines; Rikilt - bu authenticiteit & nutriënten; Bu toxicologie; Rikilt - bu toxicologie bioassays & novel foods; Rikilt - bu authenticity & nutrients; Bu toxicology; Aquatische ecologie en waterkwaliteitsbeheer; Rikilt - business unit contaminants & toxins; Bu contaminants & toxins; Bu authenticiteit & nutrienten; Bu contaminanten & toxines; Bu toxicology bioassays & novel foods; Leerstoelgroep aquatische ecologie en waterkwaliteitsbeheer; Bu authenticiteit & bioassays; Novel foods & agrochains; Novel foods & agroketens; Bu authenticity & bioassays; Wimek

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