Bazý þeker pancarý (Beta vulgaris L.) hatlarýnda in vitro adventif sürgün rejenerasyonu | In vitro adventitious shoot regeneration in some sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) lines
Altunok, A., Aegean Agricultural Research Institute, Ýzmir (Turkey) | Er, C., Ankara Univ., Faculty of Agriculture, Ankara (Turkey). Div. of Field Crops
6 tables
Show more [+] Less [-]Turkish. Bu çalýþmada; farklý dozlarda benzil amino pürin (BAP) ,naftalen asetik asit (NAA) ve indol-3-bütirik asi t(IBA) kullanýlarak þeker pancarý (ELK 345, ÇBM 315 ve M 114) hatlarýna ait petiol ve yaprak eksplantlarýnda adventif sürgün rejenerasyonu ve kararma kapasiteleri belirlenmiþtir. Petiol eksplantlarýnda en yüksek sürgün rejenerasyon kapasitesi (% 15,00) 2 mg/1 BAP; 0,2 mg/1 NAA ve 10 g/l sukroz içeren MS ortamýna yerleþtirilen ELK 345 hattýna ait eksplantlarda elde edilmiþtir. En yüksek sürgün rejenerasyonu 0,5 mg/1 BAP ve 0,2 mg/1 NAA içeren MS ortamýna yerleþtirlen ÇBM 315 hattýna ait petiol eksplantlarýnda (% 9,66) tespit edilmiþtir. Maksimum kararma 2 mg/l BAP ve 0,5 mg/1 NAA içeren rejenerasyon ortamýna yerleþtirilen M 114 hattýna ait petiol (% 96,17) eksplantlarýndan elde edilmiþtir. M 114 hattýna ait yaprak eksplantlarýnda da yüksek oranda (ort. % 91,81) kararma görülmüþtür. Bununla birlikte kararma petiol eksplantlarýnda daha fazla olmuþtur.
Show more [+] Less [-]English. This study describes adventitious shoot regeneration and browning in three sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) lines (ELK 345, ÇBM 315 and M 114) with petiole and leaf explants using different concentrations of Benzylaminopurine (BAP) , Naphtalaneacatic acid (NAA) and Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) for adventitious shoot regenerations and browning in sugar beet. The highest shoot regeneration capacity in petiole explants was obtained of line ELK 345 (15 %) with 2 mg/1; BAP, 0,2 mg/1 NAA and 10 g/1 sucrose in MS media. The highest shoot regeneration was determined in petiole explants of line ÇBM 315 (9,66 %) where 0,5 mg/l BAP and 0,2 mg/I NAA was used as regenerant in MS. Maximum browning of 96,17 % was observed in regenerant media containing 2 mg/1 BAP and 0,5 mg/1 NAA in petiole explants of line M 114. Whereas, high frequency of browning was observed in leaf (average 91,81 %) explants of line M 114. However, browning of petiole explants was more severe.
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Bibliographic information
This bibliographic record has been provided by Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Department of Training and Publication, National AGRIS Center (Turkey)