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Adverse effects of contaminants on species and habitats dataset in support of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Descriptor 8 (D08C02, 2018 Reporting) | Jeu de données sur les effets néfastes des contaminants sur les espèces et les habitats en support de la Directive-cadre stratégie pour le milieu marin (DCSMM) Descripteur 8 (D08C02, Rapport 2018) | Datensatz über nachteilige Auswirkungen von Schadstoffen auf Arten und Lebensräume zur Unterstützung der Meeresstrategie-Rahmenrichtlinie Descriptor 8 (D08C02, Bericht 2018) | Dataset i.v.m. de nadelige effecten van contaminanten op soorten en habitats voor de Kaderrichtlijn Mariene Strategie (KRMS) Descriptor 8 (D08C02, Rapportage 2018)


Marinecomponent / Composante Marine / Belgian Navy | Royal Belgian Institute For Natural Sciences (RBINS), Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature), Management Unit Of The North Sea Mathematical Models (MUMM) | Royal Belgian Institute For Natural Sciences (RBINS), Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature), Belgian Marine Data Centre (BMDC) | Royal Belgian Institute For Natural Sciences (RBINS), Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature) | Rijksdienst Voor Zeevisserij (RVZ) | Royal Belgian Institute For Natural Sciences (RBINS), Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature), Ecosystems Physico-Chemistry (ECOCHEM)

Bibliographic information
Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS), Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature), Belgian Marine Data Centre (BMDC)
Other Subjects
Controle van de zee; Bemonstering milieuverontreiniging; Pollution de la mer; Sea regions; Marine monitoring; Greater north sea; Incl. the kattegat and the english channel; Meeresüberwachung; National; Meeresverunreinigung; Marine strategy framework directive; Contaminants do not produce pollution effects; Federale overheid; Zeegebieden; Belgian part of the north sea; Nationaal; Zeevervuiling; Surveillance du milieu marin; Reporting inspire; Nationales; Meeresregionen; Régions maritimes; Directive 2008; Kaderrichtlijn mariene strategie
Dataset; Dataset/dataset

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