AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

Endocrine disrupting chemicals impact on ovarian aging: Evidence from epidemiological and experimental evidence


Ding, Ting | Yan, Wei | Zhou, Ting | Shen, Wei | Wang, Tian | Li, Milu | Zhou, Su | Wu, Meng | Dai, Jun | Huang, Kecheng | Zhang, Jinjin | Chang, Jiang | Wang, Shixuan

Bibliographic information
Environmental pollution
Volume 305 Pagination 119269 ISSN 0269-7491
Elsevier Ltd
Other Subjects
Fshr; Ttp; Cyp17a1; Erα; Lifestyle; Pi3k; Cyp11a1; Hsd3β; Pfass; Tcdd 2; Pof; Menopause; Dehp; Ivf; Follicular development; Hsd17β; Pkd-1; Erβ; Bok; Bcl2; Cell cycle checkpoints; Female health; Mehhp; Pfoa; Amh; Bpa; P4; Bcl2l10; E2; Edcs; Mcop; Kitl; Adult exposure; Cyp19a1; Ovarian aging; Let-7b; Cdkn1a; Starl; Pfhxs; Gdf9; Cdx4; Des; C-kit; Lhr; Mir; Signal transduction; Bax; Erk1; Afc; Vcd; Ovarian reserve; Casp3; Sod1; Mtorc1; Endocrine-disrupting chemicals; Errγ; Mbp; Meohp; Poi; Pten; Perfluorocarbons; Gpr30; Pfos; Atm
Text; Journal Article

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