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Early life multiple exposures and child cognitive function: A multi-centric birth cohort study in six European countries


Julvez, Jordi | López-Vicente, Mónica | Warembourg, Charline | Maitre, Lea | Philippat, Claire | Gützkow, Kristine B. | Guxens, Monica | Evandt, Jorunn | Andrusaityte, Sandra | Burgaleta, Miguel | Casas, Maribel | Chatzi, Leda | de Castro, Montserrat | Donaire-González, David | Gražulevičienė, Regina | Hernandez-Ferrer, Carles | Heude, Barbara | Mceachan, Rosie | Mon-Williams, Mark | Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark | Robinson, Oliver | Sakhi, Amrit K. | Sebastián-Gallés, Núria | Slama, Remy | Sunyer, Jordi | Tamayo-Uria, Ibon | Thomsen, Cathrine | Urquiza, José | Vafeiadi, Marina | Wright, John | Basagaña, Xavier | Vrijheid, Martine

Bibliographic information
Environmental pollution
Volume 284 Pagination 117404 ISSN 0269-7491
Elsevier Ltd
Other Subjects
Second hand smoke; Exposome; Neuropsychological development; Environmental epidemiology; Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid; Birth cohort study; Chemical biomarkers; Cognition; Childhood; Indoor air pollution; Neurodevelopment; Alcohol drinking; Fast foods
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