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Weight Loss and Medication in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Therapy


Tolstoi, Linda G. | Josimovich, John B.

Bibliographic information
Nutrition today
Volume 37 Issue 2 Pagination 57 - 62 ISSN 0029-666X
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Other Subjects
Insulin resistance; Weight loss; Polycystic ovary syndrome; Hyperinsulinemia
Affiliations: from boston university, mass (ms tolstoi), and new jersey medical school, newark (dr josimovich). linda g. tolstoi received a bachelor of arts degree in biology from west virginia university, a bachelor of science degree in pharmacy from duquesne university, a master of science degree in biology from the university of pittsburgh, and a master of education degree in human nutrition from the pennsylvania state university. she is visiting scholar in the center for advanced biotechnology, department of biomedical engineering, boston university. she has published several articles in medical, pharmacy, nursing, and nutrition journals. john b. josimovich received his ab degree at harvard college and md from harvard medical school. after postgraduate training in reproductive physiology at harvard medical school and residency training in surgery at the boston city hospital and obstetrics/gynecology at the boston lying-in hospital and free hospital for women (now brigham-women’s hospital, boston, mass), he spent a career in clinical practice, teaching basic and clinical research in obstetrics/gynecology reproductive endocrinology full-time from 1964 to 1996 and part-time, subsequently. currently, he is clinical professor of obstetrics/gynecology women’s health at new jersey medical school in newark. he is author of more than 50 refereed journal articles and editor of 6 books. he was codiscoverer of the placental growth factor, human placental lactogen.
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