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Rubus plicatus Weihe & Nees: resilience to pollution caused by stone quarries


Bibliographic information
Nature Conservation
Volume 55 Pagination 321 - 341 ISSN 1314-3301 | 1314-6947
ISSN 2015-0502
Pagination 324 pp
Phytomonitoring of dust load and its effect on foliar micro-morphological characteristics of urban trees.
Volume 2 Pagination 170 - 179
ISSN 0013-9327
ISSN 1526-100X
Pagination 331 pp
Effect of flavonoids on heavy metal tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings.
Volume 50 Pagination 311 - 318
Effect of road dust pollution in mulberry on silkworm performance in Kashmir valley, India.
Volume 4 Pagination 501 - 506
Effect of quarrying activity on biodiversity: Case study of Ogbere site, Ogun State Nigeria.
Volume 4 Pagination 740 - 750
The heavy metals content in leaves of the forest fruits (Hippophae rhamnoides and Rubus fruticosus) from the tailings dumps mining.
Volume 67 Pagination 64 - 68
Pagination 165 pp
ISSN 4419-1352
ISSN 1522-6514
Efficiency of photosynthetic apparatus of plants grown in sites differing in level of particulate matter. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum.
Volume 13 Pagination 17 - 30
Pagination 34 pp
ISSN 4614-0668
ISSN 2016-0606
Plant- pollutant interactions with a special mention of dust accumulation by plants - A review.
Volume 16 Pagination 375 - 384
Environmental impact of aggregate mining by crush rock industries in Akamkpa local government area of Cross River State.
Volume 31 Pagination 128 - 138
Pensoft Publishers
Other Subjects
Research Article

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