Aspecte privind diversitatea şi succesiunea în ecosisteme forestiere marginale (Dealul Radu) din Obcinele Bucovinei [Aspects regarding the diversity and succesion in marginal ecosystems (Dealul Radu) from the North of Eastern Carpathians]
Cenușă R | Teodosiu M | Cenușă E
The study is performed in marginal ecosystems from the Northern part of Eastern Carpathians. Aim of the study was sustained by some reasons: (i) the presence of Carpinus betulus, Fraxinus betulus and Tilia cordata in an area where these are not typicaly; (ii) favorable ecological conditions which have promoted the conservation of, after glacial age species (Carpinus betulus). The evaluation of the main characteristics regarding the diversity was performed using specific indices and the study of the succesion included assertions regarding geology and soil, insolation and from hystorical books related to the study area. Relationship between diversity and succesion suggest the presence of the initial stages, sustained by some characteristic species: Crategus monogyna, Corylus avellana, Malus sylvestris etc. Some future possible pathways of succesion, function of the land use, are presented.
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