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V. F. Pivovarov | A. V. Soldatenko | О. N. Pyshnaya | L. K. Gurkina
Increasing the competitiveness of the agro-industrial complex is inextricably linked with the development of science that ensures the development of innovative methods, the introduction of new knowledge and achievements of agricultural science in production. In order to provide scientific support to the vegetable-growing industry in 2017, the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Vegetable Center” was founded. The main directions and tasks of the Center are presented in the article. Brief results of research work for the current year are given: 47 new varieties and hybrids have been created; more than 200 gene sources and 30 donors of especially valuable features were allocated, 28 patents for selection achievements, inventions and utility models were obtained. The publication activity of the center for 2017 is 159 publications in the RINC system, as well as 22 articles in the journals included in the Web of Science, Scopus and RSCI databases. Citation of FSBSI FSVC articles on the RINC database -1075.
Show more [+] Less [-]The state and main directions of onion crop breeding of FSBSI FSVC
L. V. Krivenkov | A. F. Agafonov | V. V. Logunova | T. M. Seredin
The article presents information about the research directions, the results of work and achievements in the selection of onion crops in the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Vegetable Center". Brief historical information is given about the work of the outstanding scientists who headed the laboratory – V.V. Ordynsky, A.D. Plinka, I. I. Yershov, A.F. Agafonov. At present, new varieties and hybrids of onion crops of domestic selection that meet all the requirements are required for industrial production.The FSBSI FSVC is working on studying the breeding material of onion crops and identifying promising ones with a complex of economically valuable characteristics for creating fundamentally new, competitive varieties and hybrids for various zones of the Russian Federation. Selection of individual types of bows is carried out: onions – for early maturation, consistently high yield, high dry matter content (17-22%), keeping quality, resistance to peronosporosis, cervical and bacterial rot, with a different rate of reaction to the length of the day, for winter and spring crops, in sowing culture – with a cold method of storing sowing, good keeping quality; perennial onions – winter hardiness, high productivity of green mass, high content of biologically active substances and high resistance to diseases; winter garlic – winter hardiness, yield, resistance to fusarium and bacteriosis, keeping quality during storage; spring garlic – high yield of large cloves, high shelf life; shallots –ultra-fast ripeness, high productivity, keeping quality during storage. The results of the long-term work of the FSVC were 140 varieties of 16 types of onion crops of various uses. Modern varieties of onion for industrial cultivation were created and submitted to the State Variety Testing in 2020: F1 Drakon, AFBAK.
Show more [+] Less [-]HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! FEDOROVA M.I. – 85 YEARS!
V. A. Stepanov | V. A. Zayachkovsky | S. А. Vetrova | T. S. Vjurtts | T. V. Zayachkovskaya
On March 12th , a doctor of agricultural Sciences, professor, the main scientific reseacher of laboratory of vegetable breeding and seed production of table root crops of Federal State Budgetary Research Institution Federal Vegetable Science Center, Margarita Ivanovna Fedorova celebrates her 85th birth anniversaru and the 60th anniversaru of her labor, scientific and pedagogical activity.
Show more [+] Less [-]Greenhouses in space: from intention to implementation
A. V. Soldatenko | V. F. Pivovarov | O. N. Pyshnaya | L. K. Gurkina | M. M. Tareeva
April 12 is Cosmonautics Day, International Day of Human Space Flight. This is a memorable date dedicated to the flight of the first cosmonaut of the planet, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, who became a symbol of the earthlings' dream come true. The All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Breeding and Seed Production (Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Scientific Vegetable Center (FSBSI FSVC)), like a number of other academic institutions, from the beginning of space exploration, got involved in the work to solve the problem of developing food for astronauts and continues research to this day. In the embodiment of the ideas of K.E. Tsiolkovsky and S.P. Korolev on the creation of space greenhouses received a number of significant achievements in the Federal Scientific Vegetable Center, Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Institute of Biochemical Physics N.M. Emanuel, SSC RF IBMP RAS and others. Varieties of vegetable crops have been created, tested and recommended for weightlessness conditions: radish, Chinese cabbage, dill, lettuce and other rapidly maturing plants. The variety of Chinese Vesnyanka cabbage has successfully passed biotechnical tests on the ground model of the Phytocycle-SD space conveyor greenhouse, during which good production and biochemical parameters were obtained. Russian scientists are conducting research on developing a technology for cultivating various vegetable plants under space flight conditions – in closed ecosystems (synergotrons), which can serve as the basis of life support systems during space flights, at space stations or in space habitats, where some conditions specific for ISS. Studies have been carried out to study tomato plants grown from seeds that have been under space flight conditions for a long time. As a result of the study, a statistically significant increase in the levels of ascorbic acid, polyphenols and carotenoids, the total antioxidant activity of tomato fruits compared to plants grown from control seeds (ground control) was found.
Show more [+] Less [-]Use of seed coating for chicory sowing
N. A. Ratnikova | A. V. Yanchenko | T. Yu. Polyanina | E. A. Evseeva
Relevance. When using precision seeders, seeds that are uniform in weight and size are needed. The maximum uniformity of the seeds can be achieved by by pelleting. Thanks to the coating, small chicory seeds increase their size by 8 times or more. In this case, the composition of the shell can include various plant protection products against pathogens, growth stimulants, micronutrient fertilizers. It is advisable to seed the seeds with their initial germination of at least 95%.Material and methods. The article presents the results of a study conducted at the Rostov Vegetable Experimental Station for chicory – a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Scientific Vegetable Center, where seeds with fillers were used for sowing root chicory: Maxim fungicide, treater Prestige, Isabion – liquid organic and mineral fertilizer, Agrogel.Results. As a result, a positive effect of pelleting on the sowing quality of seeds was revealed (germination energy and field germination are higher than in the control, 2% and 0.6%, respectively, and laboratory germination at the control level), effectiveness against root rot during the growing season and during winter storage time, increase in crop root crops yield by more than 30% and ensuring net profit in comparison with the control by 21.4 thousand rubles / ha. At the same time, the level of profitability is increasing by 26%.
Show more [+] Less [-]Screening of vegetable pea breeding material on rust resistance at Omsk State Agrarian University
S. P. Kuzmina | N. G. Kazydub | L. Y. Plotnikova | M. Yu. Kukoleva
Relevance. Pea rust regularly damages the vegetable pea crop in the Omsk region. The harmfulness of the disease has begun to intensify in recent years; in years favorable for the development of the disease, the damage to susceptible varieties can be 100%. Therefore, breeders are forced to constantly search for new sources of resistance genes due to the rapidly developing rust pathogens. The goal of our research is to screen samples of a vegetable pea collection under field conditions in the southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia and identify sources of resistance.Material and Methodology. As an object for study, 72 samples of vegetable peas were taken from the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Scientific Vegetable Center (FSBSI FSVC) and the “Federal Research Center of the All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources named after. N.I. Vavilov" (VIR). The research was conducted over four years from 2020 to 2023. in the conditions of the southern forest-steppe of the Omsk region. The records were carried out in accordance with the “Methodological instructions for studying the collection of grain legumes”.Results and Discussion. As a result of the studies, it was established that the resistance of vegetable peas to rust depends on both the genotype and weather conditions. Weather conditions had the greatest influence on the development of the disease (the factor’s share was 51.5%), the contribution of the genotype was also significant and amounted to 44.8%. The resistance of collection samples to rust in the conditions of the Omsk region varied from low (2.8 points) in warm and humid weather to very high (7.8 points) in dry and hot weather. The main influence on the spread of rust is exerted by the hydrothermal conditions of the “flowering – ripening” period (r=-0.98±0.11). Plant resistance to rust varies greatly depending on growing conditions (Cve=20.2-54.6%). The variety Darunok had the least variability of the trait over the years (Cve=20.2%), which will most consistently maintain resistance when the infectious load increases. As a result of screening of collection material of vegetable peas, sources of partial resistance to rust were identified for breeding in Western Siberia: varieties Darunok, Namorodok (Federal Scientific Vegetable Center (FSBSI FSVC)), Orel, Cruiser, Vityaz, Flagman-8, Nemchinovsky 46, B-579, In Memory of Khangildin (VIR collection).
Show more [+] Less [-]The main directions and tasks of pumpkin crop breeding of the FSBSI "Federal Scientific Vegetable Center»
I. B. Korottseva
Pumpkin crops are an important segment in the structure of cultivated vegetable crops. Their selection is mainly aimed at precocity, increased resistance to adverse climatic factors and the most harmful diseases (true and downy mildew, olive, angular and brown spots, anthracnose, viruses and other diseases). The article presents the main directions of selection work on cucumber, squash, zucchini and pumpkin in the FSBSI "Federal Scientific Vegetable Center". A network of branches of FSBSI "FSVC" engaged in the creation of new varieties, with specified parameters, for the above crops is presented. The features of breeding work on pumpkin crops in various regions of the Russian Federation are shown.
Show more [+] Less [-]Mineral nutrition system for chicory root culture
O. M. Vyutnova | I. V. Smirnova | I. A. Novikova | K. S. Maksimova
Relevance. Chicory root (Cichorium intybus) is a very valuable technical, vegetable and medicinal crop. The development and improvement of a scientifically based fertilizer system is one of the most important issues in agricultural production, since it determines not only the level of crop yield, but also the direction of changing, increasing and preserving soil fertility in general.Material and Methods. The aim of the research was to identify the most effective doses of mineral fertilizers and methods of their application (basic and top dressing) to ensure maximum yields of root chicory root crops. The research was carried out in 2021-2022 in the field of the Rostov Vegetable experimental station on chicory – Branсh of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Scientific Vegetable Center. Chicory seeds of the Petrovsky root variety were used for sowing. Mineral fertilizers were applied in the form of azophosphate and potassium sulfate.Results. On sod-podzolic soils, the use of mineral fertilizers had a positive effect on the yield of chicory root crops. The more developed the leaf rosette of plants, the higher the yield of root chicory.Conclusion. In the soil and climatic conditions of the Non-Chernozem zone of the Russian Federation, the greatest effect from the use of mineral fertilizers on root chicory is observed with a mineral nutrition system that includes the main application at a dose of N60P60K60 and top dressing at a dose of N60P60K60.
Show more [+] Less [-]Russkie belye is a new heavyproductive promising variety of vegetable beans (Vicia faba L.)
E. P. Pronina | V. A. Ushakov | I. P. Kotlyar | A. V. Soldatenko
Relevance. Among vegetable crops beans are leaders in terms of protein and essential amino acids, rich in vitamins, carbohydrates, organic acids, biologically active compounds and microelements, they are classified as functional nutrition. Beans can also be very relevant for modern ecological farming systems. The achievements of domestic selection in this culture are modest. Only 16 varieties of vegetable beans have been included in the State Register of breeding achievements approved for using in 2019; 3 of them (19%) from the Federal Scientific Vegetable Center.The purpose of the work is to create a new midseason high-yielding variety of vegetable beans.Materials and methods. Studies were carried out from 2008 to 2018 on breeding fields of the FSBSI “Federal Scientific Vegetable Center” (Moscow Region, Odintsovo District). We studied samples of vegetable beans from the world collection of VIR and Federal Scientific Vegetable Center for quantitative and qualitative characteristics.Results. As a result selection work for many years, a new mid-season high-yielding variety of vegetable beans with light seeds and a light seed scar has been created. Hybridization was carried out by step crossing in 2009 followed by multiple individual selection. The surface of the beans is smooth, the color in the technical stage of ripeness is green. Seeds are light, egg shaped, have a light scar. The variety has a complex resistance to major diseases. According to the results of the competitive variety testing of 2016 - 2018, a new variety of Russkie belye vegetable beans was transferred to the State variety testing, and in 2019 it successfully passed an expert assessment.
Show more [+] Less [-]Food independence and technological sovereignty of Russia in the vegetable growing sector
V. F. Pivovarov | A. V. Soldatenko | O. N. Pyshnaya | L. K. Gurkina | E. V. Pinchuk
Relevance. The state of Russia's agro-industrial complex determines the country's national security, as it provides the population with quality agricultural products and raw materials, which affects state sovereignty. According to a number of analysts, in commercial vegetable growing, about 80 % of sown areas are annually sown with imported varieties and hybrids, and this is a vulnerability in ensuring the industry's independence and the country's competitiveness. Strengthening technological sovereignty in the field of vegetable production is one of the priorities of the state agrarian policy, as well as the main focus of scientific organisations and private companies.Results. Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Scientific Vegetable Center (FSBSI FSVC) is a major scientific center of the industry, which can compete with foreign companies with its breeding achievements. The article shows the leading position in the breeding of vegetable and melon crops FSBSI FSVC, which actively conducts research on private genetics, biotechnology, contributing to the acceleration of the breeding process; varieties and hybrids are created that combine consistently high productivity, early maturity, resistance to biotic and abiotic stressors, high quality products with an optimal content of biologically active substances to obtain potential raw materials and products of functional action; development of resource-saving, environmentally safe, high-precision technologies for cultivation of vegetable and melon crops, taking into account species and varietal characteristics, as well as scientific bases and practical recommendations for production of original seeds taking into account zonal specifics.However, there are problems hindering the introduction of breeding achievements: the increased cost of registration of breeding achievements in the State Register of Selection Achievements of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation, bureaucratic difficulties in their approbation, which arose for breeders after the adoption of the new law "On Seed Production". In order to solve the problems of seed production, the Ministries in charge of vegetable production have launched a sub-programme "Development of breeding and seed production of vegetable crops", which aims to increase the production of domestic competitive seeds and brings together the state, science and business.
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