AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

[ Published in: Arab Universities Journal of Agricultural Sciences ]
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Impact of Organic Fertilizers Derived from Banana and Orange Peels on Tomato plant Quality


Mona Nossier

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Cointegration tests and spatial price linkage for meat (lamb) and vegetables (tomatoes) in Saudi Arabian markets


Al-Kheraiji, A.A. (King Saud Univ., Qassim (Saudi Arabia). Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine)

Egyptian Documentation and Information Centre for Agriculture - Egypt

Removal of profenofos and methomyl insecticide residues from tomatoes and potatoes by processing


Abd-El-Daim, Y.A. | Zidan, Z.H. (Ain-Shams Univ., Cairo (Egypt). Faculty of Agriculture)

Egyptian Documentation and Information Centre for Agriculture - Egypt