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Elshymaa Solima ELdeeb | Mahmoiud Hegazi | Osama Bedair
This study aimed to measure the effect of treated wastewater on the performance of pressure irrigation network components and compare it with domestic water. The experiments were conducted in Eastown and Lake View sites in the Fifth Settlement - New Cairo, at N = 30° 01' 14.4", E = 31° 51' 60.9" and N = 30° 02' 22", E = 31° 44' 31.3", respectively, and the experiments were done in (2019). The area under investigation was 155 m², divided into three plots (5×5 m) for spray irrigation, there areas were planted with turf grass (passpalm 10), and three plots (5×2 m) for drip irrigation, there areas were planted with shrubs (Lantana camara nana) and trees (Calistemon viminalis). By irrigation with two types of water: treated wastewater and domestic water with the use of two types of filters in the Lake View site (a screen filter and a sandy filter) and the use of one type of filters in the Eastown site, which is screen filter. The washing process was carried out manually and automatically. The results showed significant effects on the components of the network and on the general appearance of the vitality and shape of the cultivated surfaces. The most important results obtained were: • Emission uniformity for drip system in Lake View site, was higher when using automatic operation with treated wastewater by (5 and 6%) for on-line dripper and built-in dripper, respectively, than manual operation, while, in Eastown site emission uniformity was higher when using automatic operation with treated wastewater by (2.3 and 4.9 %) for on-line dripper and built-in dripper, respectively, than manual operation. • Distribution uniformity for spray system was higher when using automatic operation with treated wastewater by (5 and 5.1%) in Lake View site and Eastown site, respectively, than manual operation. • Clogging ratio in Lake View site by using manual operation with treated wastewater was (40 and 48%) for on-line dripper and built-in dripper, respectively. Clogging ratio using automatic operation was (20 and 25%) for on-line dripper and built-in dripper, respectively, while, in Eastown site by using manual operation with treated wastewater was (34.5 and 44.7%) for on-line dripper and built-in dripper, respectively, and by using automatic operation was (18.75 and 22%) for online dripper and built-in dripper, respectively. It was higher with manual operation than automatic operation and higher with treated wastewater than domestic water. • The concentration of total suspended solids was less by (93.6 and 97.9%) with manual and automatic operations, respectively in Lake View site, while, it was less by (50 and 60%) with manual and automatic operations, respectively, in Eastown site. • The turf quality index (color, density, ground cover) gave the highest degree when using treated wastewater with automatic operation, which is due to the nutrients in treated wastewater. • It is preferable to use sand filters before the mesh filters with treated wastewater to reduce the percentage of clogging with impurities instead of using only mesh filters.
Show more [+] Less [-]دور بعض المشاریع الغذائیة الصغیرة فی زیادة الدخل وتوفیر فرص العمل بمحافظة الفیوم
Mona Shehata | Eman Hamed Elroby | Yasmin Aboseif
أصبحت مشکلة البطالة وانخفاض الدخول الحقیقیة من أهم المشاکل الملحة فی الإقتصاد المصری والتی یتعین مواجهتها لما لها من آثار سلبیة علی الإقتصاد والأمان الإجتماعی، إضافة إلی کونها أحد مظاهر أهدار الموارد المتمثلة فی القوی البشریة العاطلة الباحثة عن العمل وعدم توظیفها بما یساهم فی تحقیق نمو أکبر، وعلیه استهدف هذا البحث تحدید دور بعض المشاریع الغذائیة الصغیرة فی زیادة الدخل وتوفیر فرص العمل بمحافظة الفیوم وذلک من خلال عدة أهداف فرعیة وهی دراسة تطور المشاریع الصغیرة الممولة بمحافظة الفیوم، والتعرف علی قدرة بعض المشاریع الغذائیة الصغیرة محل الدراسة فی الحد من مشکلة البطالة وقیاس مستوى دخول العاملین. وقیاس العائد لتلک المشاریع. بالاضافة إلى التقدیر القیاسی لدوال الإنتاج والتکالیف لتحدید مدى کفاءة تلک المشاریع فی تحقیق التنمیة الإقتصادیة بمحافظة الفیوم. والتعرف علی أهم المشکلات والمعوقات التی تواجه تلک المشاریع محل الدراسة ومحاولة إیجاد الحلول والأسالیب اللازمة لحلها. وقد توصل البحث إلى عدة نتائج أهمها:- أن إجمالی عدد المشاریع الممولة وعدد المستفیدین من الذکور وإجمالی القروض بمحافظة الفیوم تتسم بعدم الاستقرار النسبی فی حین یتسم عدد المستفیدین من الإناث وتکلفة فرصة العمل بالاستقرار النسبی نظرا لانخفاض معامل الاختلاف النسبی والبالغ 48.84% ، 24.78% على التوالی. - بلغت قیمة المرونة الإنتاجیة الإجمالیة لمشاریع تصنیع الجبن البیضاء ومنشآت التخلیل نحو 1.28 ، 1.18 على التوالی ویعنی ذلک أن زیادة الموارد الإجمالیة بالدالة المقدرة بنسبة 10% تؤدی إلى زیادة فی إنتاج الجبن البیضاء والمخللات بنسبة 12.8 ، 11.8% على التوالی. وهذه النتیجة توجه بزیادة حجم تلک المشاریع وتوجه بإعادة مزج عناصر الإنتاج المستخدمة فی العملیة الإنتاجیة بما یحقق التولیفة المثلى منها والاستخدام الکفء لها للانتقال إلى مرحلة الإنتاج الاقتصادیة.- ویتضح تفوق حجم الانتاج الأمثل، وحجم الإنتاج المعظم للربح على حجم الإنتاج الراهن لمنشآت تصنیع الجبن البیضاء بمقدار 0.75 ، 2.44 طن على التوالی. کما یتضح تفوق حجم الانتاج الأمثل، وحجم الإنتاج المعظم للربح على حجم الإنتاج الراهن لمنشآت التخلیل بمقدار 5.02 ، 31.53 طن على التوالی.- أن نسبة إجمالی العائد إلى إجمالی التکالیف لمشاریع تصنیع الجبن البیضاء ومنشآت التخلیل حوالی 1.59 ، 1.36 على التوالی، وأن العائد على الجنیه المستثمر بلغ حوالی 0.59 ، 0.36 جنیه على التوالی. وبلغت نسبة التشغیل حوالی 0.63 ، 0.74 على التوالی ویعبر انخفاضها عن الواحد الصحیح على مدى اربحیة المشروع الإنتاجی.- وتبرز مشاریع تصنیع الجبن البیضاء والتخلیل أهمیتها فى استیعاب العمالة، کعامل جوهری ذا أهمیة فی النشاط الزراعی والمجتمع الریفی، حیث یعمل بها حوالى 124 ، 252 فرد على التوالی جمیعهم من ابناء القریة التی توجد بها هذه المنشآت ومن أبرز العوامل الکامنة وراء ارتفاع قدرة هذه الصناعات على استیعاب العمالة هو انخفاض تکلفة فرصة العمل نسبیاً بتلک المنشآت حیث قدرة تکلفة إتاحة فرصة العمل بنحو 8.35 ، 16.12 ألف جنیه على التوالی، کما بلغت نسبة متوسط إجمالی الأجور إلى متوسط إجمالی التکالیف المتغیرة بالمشروع نحو 26.6%، 35.4% على التوالی وبذلک تمتاز هذه المشاریع بارتفاع المساهمة النسبیة للأجور فی التکالیف المتغیرة، وبذلک تصبح هذه الصناعات قادرة على امتصاص العمالة الزراعیة الفائضة ، کما أن إقامة مثل هذه المشاریع فی المجتمعات الریفیة یؤدى إلى خلق فرص توظیف من ناحیة، وإلى زیادة دخول العمال الزراعیین من ناحیة أخرى
Ahmed Abdel Hamid
The effect of lavender, lemongrass and thyme volatile oils as a supplementary cold storage treatments on quality preservation of fresh cut herb of Menthe piperita L. , during storage for 15 days at 5°C and 7°C followed by 5 days at 20°C, as a marketing condition simulation, was evaluated during 2018 and 2019 seasons. Physical properties, chemical constituents, respiration rate and volatile oil contents were recorded. The results illustrated that discarded herb %, weight loss %, and external appearance (scale) were greatly affected by both factors of the study. The great effect in this respect was obtained with storage at 5°C than 7°C and the effect was also continuous during marketing period at 20°C. An evident decrease in discarded herb % and weight loss % were obtained due to the applied treatments, whereas external appearance values were higher with applied treatments than control during cold storage durations and marketing period. Aromatic oils treatments with 0.50% of lavender, lemongrass and thyme oils were effective than 0.25% of the three aromatic oils. However, chemical constituents i.e total chlorophyll, L-ascorbic acid and total phenols of fresh cut herb were scored highly increases by storage at 5°C than at 7°C storage conditions. Furthermore, The richest chemical constituents mentioned above were obtained with 0.50% of the three aromatic oils treatments and with superior for marketing durations for 5 days at 20°C. On contrary, total acidity of fresh cut herb recorded the minimum values with applied treatments than control (except the treatment of 0.25% thyme oil) during all cold storage durations and marketing period. On the reverse , electrolyte leakage and respiration rate values were controlled and minimized with the applied aromatic oils treatments under 5°C or 7°C cold storage conditions and followed by 5 days at 20°C as a marketing period. The decreases of both electrolyte leakage and respiration rate of fresh cut herb either with cold storage or due to the applied treatments are considered a good indicators to increase storage longevity and high quality. Meanwhile, volatile oil was greatly affected by both cold storage conditions and supplementary refrigeration treatments with lavender, lemongrass and thyme aromatic oils. Conclusively , it could be concluded that the peppermint fresh cut herb can be treated with lavender, lemongrass and thyme aromatic oils before storage at 5°C for 15 days , handling and marketing under 20°C to conserve the quality of the herb.
Show more [+] Less [-]Assessment of Spectroscopic and Morphological Properties of some Fruit Crops under the Influence of Pollution with Heavy Metals Using Remote Sensing Techniques
Amany Abd Elhameed Elwesemy | Nazmy Abd Elghany | Ayman Abouhadid | Mohamed Aboelghar
Dietary exposure to a variety of heavy metals, including Ni, Cd, Cr, Pb, Zn, and Hg, has been identified as a danger to human health through fruits and vegetables, contamination of heavy metals is known as a grave risk to our climate. The study aims to develop empirical models to predict the concentration of heavy metals (Ni, Cd, Cr, Pb, Zn, and Hg) in the leaves of Citrus and Mango crops. The study was carried out in an observation site in Giza governorate that is cultivated by varied herbaceous and tree cover crops. This study area is suffering from severe pollution caused by near industrial district. The sample collected from deferent zones that are divided to six spatial zones and coded by from zone (2, 3, 4, 5, and 6). The distance between each Zone 10 Km that extends from the north to south and covers 60% from the Agriculture area in the Giza governorate. The main inputs of the generated models were spectroscopic remotely sensed data and laboratory analytical measurements of heavy metals in crop leaves. ASD (Analytical Spectral Devices) field spectro-radiometer was used to calculate hyper-spectral vegetation indices. Modeled heavy metal concentrations were tested against laboratory analysis through two common statistical tests; the Correlation of determination (R2) and Root Mean square (RMSE) error between predicted modeled heavy metals. Results shown the correlation coefficient of the generated models, red and near-infrared spectral bands demonstrated high precision and sufficiency for mango and citrus leaves to predict heavy metals. The models produced refer to specific regions with the same conditions. The overall results imply that hyper-spectral vegetation indices could be correlated with heavy metal content, while heavy metal content in plants may be influenced by many others. Remote sensing spectroscopy is a possible and promising technology to track the environmental pressures on agricultural vegetation. Additional ground remote sensing experiments are needed to assess the possibility of hyper-spectral reflectance spectroscopy in monitoring the stress of different types of metals on various plants.
Show more [+] Less [-]Quantifying the hydraulic properties of some Egyptian soils using RETC code
Ahmed Talat | Mohamed Galal | Arfa yeser | A. A. Saad El-Dein
Temporal and spatial soil variabilities reduce the accuracy of quantifying the hydraulic properties of the soil, leading to poor irrigation management. Modeling estimation and computer codes (e.g., RETC code) have been used to quantify and predict soil hydraulic properties. One hundred soil samples were collected to represent soil textural classes according to USDA textural triangle. Following the physical, chemical and hydraulic characterization of the soil samples collected, one soil sample was chosen to represent each texture class. The selected soil samples covered six USDA textural classes. Then, Brooks-Corey (B-C) (1964) and van Genuchten (vG) (1980) parametric models were used to describe the functional relationship between soil water tension and water content, i.e. the soil water retention curve, and the Mualem (1976) theoretical models of pore size distribution were used to predict the functions of unsaturated conductivity K (θ) and soil water diffusivity D (θ). The RETC (retention curve) code was used to obtain the parameters of vG and B-C models by simultaneously matching to the observed data. Output file of refining process showed the iteration levels to achieve minimum value of residual summed square (RSSQ).The values of determination coefficient (R2) of the fitted θ (h) as a power function increased after fitting the experimental data either in B-C or in vG models. The values of R2 of the fitted equation of θ (h) with both B-C and vG data increased after refining process through RETC code. The increments of R2 values after refining are more pronounced in coarse textured samples (Sand, Loamy sand, and Sandy loam).The values of determination coefficient (R2) of the fitted functions K (θ) and D (θ) as a power function are highly significant after fitting soil parameters either in B-C or in vG models. While using RETC code refined the obtained soil parameters of both K (θ) and D(θ) increasing R2 values of fitted power function and reducing residual summation square. RETC reduced the value of residual summed square (RSSQ) of the objective function O(b) under using both B-C and vG models. This reduction of RSSQ by using RETC fluctuated between 60.4% and 98.2% with B-C for six soil textural classes. While, the reduction of RSSQ by using RETC fluctuated between 90.4% and 98.6% with vG for the same six soil textural classes. In general, the RETC code is a good tool for obtaining accurate values of hydraulic properties in a variety of soil textures.
Gehad Khattab | Walaa Abdelghany | Mohamed Abdelmegeed | Ibrahim Attalah
The monitoring of the counterfeit situation of a pesticide widely used in Egypt (abamectin) was done through the present study as seven samples of Abamectin formulations were collected from the Egyptian market. Packaging and labels were checked and analyzed by HPLC to determine the active ingredient content present in these samples. GC-MS and FTIR were used for additional analysis and detection of other active ingredients in the formulation.Counterfeit pesticides were studied in Egypt by doing questionnaires for all workers in the pesticide system (farmer - trader - researchers in the pesticide field) and the results of these forms were analyzed to show the most dominant pesticides in Egypt, in addition to random purchase of pesticides from the Egyptian market and the most number of samples Is from (abamectin pesticide) (7 samples).To obtain this number of abamectin formulations, 58 different pesticide formulations (16 different active ingredients) were collected from the Egyptian markets, and the share of abamectin was 7 samples (one active substance), representing 12.1% of the total tested samples. The obtained results showed that Examination of Packaging and indicated that three samples were not registered through Egyptian Agricultural Pesticides Committee thus representing 42.86% of the total tested samples. The non-registered products are Komaktin Gold Plus, Super Vertimic and Abamectine Strela. Three samples have registration number as other formulations already registered in Ministry of Agriculture which are Abamectin Super, Farmactine and Abamectin power. The last product (Tinam) has the correct registration number (no.1391) and it is the same number used to register it in Ministry of agriculture. The percentage of the active ingredient in 5 samples was less than the acceptable limits, The samples were (Abamectin super, Komaktin Gold Plus, Abamectin Power, Super vertimic and Abamectine strela) active ingredient content was 1.416, 0.64, 1.01, 0.2 and 0.12% respectively. One sample (Farmactine) didn’t contain Abamectin, and the sample (Tinam) was within the acceptable limits (1.53%). GC-MS used to determine the presence of any other materials or active ingredients within the samples. The result showed that Abamectin Super sample contains (Lambda cyhalothrin at R.t. 29.512 min), Farmactine sample contains (Fenpropathrin at R.t. 28.634 min), Abamectin Power sample contains (Diazinon at R.t. 16.088 min and Cypermethrin at R.t. 26.554 min) and Super Vertimic sample contains (Fenpropathrin at R.t. 23.916 min and Lambda cyhalothrin at R.t. 34.85 min). Three products Komaktin Gold Plus, Tinam and Abamectine Strela didn’t contain other active ingredients.The physical properties of the studied samples before and after storage were determined through emulsion characteristic test and four samples (Abamectin super, Farmactine, Abamectin Power and Tinam) showed good emulsion characteristics before and after storage. Super vertimic and Abamectine strela samples showed poor emulsification characteristics before and after storage. Komaktin Gold Plus showed good emulsification before storage but poor emulsion characteristics after storage.
Show more [+] Less [-]Evaluation of mint and sweet basil herbs production integrated into the Aquaponic Tilapia production system
Sabah Salama | Awad Kandil | Mohamed Elshenawy | Mohamed Abdelbaki | Mohamed Abulseoud
The impacts of climate change combined with water shortage and the need to increase food production to meet increasing population stimulate the implementation of Aquaponic systems not only on food scale but also on some medicinal plants in agriculture production. The current experiment was conducted at the Institute of Graduate Arid Land Agriculture and Research Institute (ALARI) at Ain Shams University, Egypt, to test sweet basil and mint development during the summer seasons of 2017 and 2018 under urban conditions through the aquaponic system. The objective of the study was to investigate the use of aquaponic compared to the chemical nutrient solution (control) as a nutritional source combined with two plant densities (6 and 8 plants / m²) in the design of complete randomized blocks for evaluating basil and mint growth. The density of the Nile Tilapia was 100 fish / m3 in the aquaponic facility. The yield characteristics, the nutrient (N, P and K) and the oil content (percent) of basil and mint, have been measured in. Reveled results indicated that basil plant had a higher capacity for removing NH4, NO3, P and K from fish rearing water than mint while plant density 8 plants/m2 had a higher capacity compared plant density 6 plants / m2 resulted enhancing the quality of fish rearing water led to increase the fish yield (the final and gain tilapia yield). The chemical nutrient solution provided higher plant height, fresh and dry yields of basil and mint than the aquaponic solution, as well as N, P, K, and oil content (percent) of basil and mint plants in both plant density (6 and 8 plants / m²) and in both seasons. The composition of aquaponic water as a source of nutrition was not sufficient to meet the requirements for basil and mint nutrients. The highest plant height, N, P, K, and oil content results were reported for the treatment of chemical nutrient solution + plant density 6 plants / m² while chemical nutrient solution + plant density 8 plants / m² had the highest fresh and dry yield of basil and mint. The need for increasing the food production under climate change impacts, the use of aquaponic systems for sweet basil and mint production provided food production (fish and vegetables) as well as the medicinal plants at the same time protecting the environment by avoiding the use of chemical fertilizers.
Show more [+] Less [-]تقییم السیاسات الزراعیة لآهم محاصیل الحبوب بإستخدام مصفوفة تحلیل السیاسات
Hala Mohamed Rashad | mahmoudom Odamy | Mosaad Ragab | Abdullah Abdel Maqsoud
- تبین من نتائج قیاس تحلیل مصفوفة السیاسات الزراعیة لمحصولی الدراسة أن معامل الحمایة الأسمی لمستلزمات الإنتاج قد بلغ حوإلی 0.915، 0.915 لکل من القمح والأرز خلال الفترة 2013- 2017، الأمر الذی یشیر إلی عدم وجود دعم لمستلزمات الإنتاج. - کما تبین أن معامل الحمایة الإسمی للنواتج من محصولی القمح والأرز علی الترتیب خلال فترة الدراسة قد بلغ حوإلی 0.771، 0.746، الأمر الذی یوضح إلی عدم وجود سیاسة إنتاجیة عادلة وذلک لقیام الدولة بفرض ضرائب مباشرة وغیر مباشرة علی المنتج وتقدیم دعم للمستهلک. - کما تبین من النتائج إلی وجود میزة نسبیة لمحاصیل الدراسة خلال نفس الفترة ، الأمر الذی یعنی إلی ان معامل المیزة النسبیة أقل من الواحد الصحیح. - کما تبین ان بمقارنة التقییم المإلی والتقییم الاقتصادی لکل من أجور الآلات، ثمن التقاوی، ثمن السماد الکیماوی، ثمن المبیدات، نجد أن التقییم المإلی یقل عن التقییم الاقتصادی لهذه البنود مما یدل على أنها مدعومة من جانب الدولة لمزارعی القمح. - کما تبین ان بمقارنة التقییم المإلی والاقتصادی لکل من إیجار الأرض، أجور الحیوانات، ثمن السماد البلدی، والمصاریف العمومیة یتبین أنهما متساویان مما یدل على عدم تدخل الدولة فی أسعار هذه البنود. - کما تبین ان بمقارنة التقییم المإلی والتقییم الاقتصادی لکل من أجور الآلات، ثمن التقاوی، ثمن السماد الکیماوی، ثمن المبیدات، نجد أن التقییم المإلی یقل عن التقییم الاقتصادی لهذه البنود مما یدل على أنها مدعومة من جانب الدولة لمزارعی الأرز. - کما تبین ان بمقارنة التقییم المإلی والاقتصادی لکل من إیجار الأرض، أجور الحیوانات، ثمن السماد البلدی، والمصاریف العمومیة یتبین أنهما متساویان مما یدل على عدم تدخل الدولة فی أسعار هذه البنود. - کما تبین من النتائج إلی أن قیمة معامل الحمایة الفعال لمحصول القمح بلغت حوإلی 0.756 خلال فترة الدراسة، مما یعنی أن محصول القمح لم یتمتع بحمایة حکومیة خلال تلک الفترة. - کما تبین من النتائج أن قیمة معامل الحمایة الفعال لمحصول الارز بلغت حوإلی 0.723 خلال فترة الدراسة، مما یعنی أن محصول الأرز لم یتمتع بحمایة حکومیة خلال تلک الفترة.
Yaser Mohamed | Fathy Abdel_Azeem | Hany Thabel | Amal Hassan
Six weeks feeding trial using 210 one-day old unsexed Cobb 500 chicks was carried out to study the effects of addingphytase enzyme on growth performance, blood parametersand bone characteristics in broiler chicks. Three starter diets were used from 1 to 21 days; T100 {100% of Ca & non-phytate phosphorus NPP requirements (1.00% Ca and 0.50% NPP)}; T75{75% of Ca & NPP requirements (0.75% Ca and 0.38% NPP)} and T50 {50% of Ca & NPP requirements (0.51% Ca and 0.25% NPP)}. Three grower diets were used from 22 to 42 days; T100 {100% of Ca & NPP requirements (0.91% Ca and 0.46% NPP)}; T75{75% of Ca & NPP requirements( 0.68% Ca and 0.34% NPP)} and T50{50% of Ca & NPP requirements (0.45% Ca and 0.23% NPP)}. Seven dietary treatments were distributed according to diets fed consecutively during starter and grower phases as; (100/100) fed starter T100 then grower T100; (100/75) fed starter T100 then grower T75; (100/50) fed starter T100 then grower T50; (75/75) fed starter T75 then grower T75; (75/50) fed starter T75 then grower T50 and (50/50) fed starter T50 then grower T50.All diets added phytase enzyme (FTU 10000/Ton). Each treatment comprised of 30 chicks in 3 replicates of 10 chicks each. Results showed that live body weight and weight gain did not significantly affected by restricted Ca and NPP diets at starter period, where weight gain was significantly affected at grower period. Birds group received diet containing 100/75 with phytase (T3) gave the highest significant values for LBW and BWG, then 50/50 with phytase (T7) as compared with the other experimental groups during the grower and overall periods.Feed consumption and conversion ratio values were no significant differences among groups fed different dietary treatments during starter and grower phases. Plasma P concentrations was significantly affected however plasma Ca concentrations, GOT and GPT valueswere not significantly affected by the reduction of dietary Ca and NPPwith adding phytase. Percentages of tibia ash, Ca and P were significantly affected by dietary treatments. Supplementation of phytasehas a significant effect ontibia breaking strength, while supplementation of phytase hasn’t any effect on tibia Seedorindex.It is obvious that, the best performance was seen with (100/75) diet without any adverse effect on productive performance, blood parameters and most of tibia measurements and chemical composition.
Marwa Hassan Hassan | S. Ibrahim | A. Abdel Razek | Sawsan Elateek
Staphylococcus aureus isolates were isolated from fifty clinical samples collected from Ain Shams University Hospitals (March - July 2016) and identified using biochemical and microbiological tests. PCR was performed using specific primers to determine the isolates of Methicillin - Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) based on the presence of mecA gene. Thirty-four isolates from total fifty isolates (68%) were identified as MRSA isolates. To study the genotoxicity for this isolates, forty-five mice were injected with these MRSA isolates and comet and micronuclei assays were performed on mice liver tissues and bone marrow respectively. These assays revealed 24% - 22% DNA damage as an indicator for chromosomal breakage by comet and micronucleus assays respectively which indicate that infection with these isolates leads to mutations. Studying these isolate furthermore will give an insight on how critical maintaining high standard hygiene in Egyptian hospitals and attention to infection control system can prevent occur of outbreaks
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