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Hanaa, M. El-Sherif | Nagwa, A. Abd El-Megeed | Wally S. | Khalil A.
The response of “Canino” apricot trees to different soils were studied in three different regions, in El-Menoufia Governorate (as a sand and clay soil) & Alexandria Governorate (as a calcareous soil) during the two successive seasons of 2010 & 2011. Evaluation included vegetative growth, flowering, fruit set, tree productivity and fruit characteristics. Chilling units as well as growing –degree hours were also estimated through the two studied seasons. Results indicated that the vegetative growth was the best in clay soil for shoot length, leaf area and leaf chlorophyll content. Concerning periods of flowering, fruit set and harvesting dates there were variations among the three types of soils. Sand soil was the earliest followed by clay and calcareous soils. Percentages of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were positively affected by soil type. Also, Fe, Mn and Zn were affected by soil type. “Canino” apricot trees produced earlier fruit yield with the better fruit quality in sandy soil, whereas clay soil type gave the greatest yield followed by sand and calcareous soils.
Shadia A. Abdel Hady
This work was carried out on six pomegranate cultivars namely: Wardy, Araby , Manfalouty , Nab El Gamal, Hhegazy, and Montakhab through two successive seasons grown in a private farm at Assuit government trees were about 13 years and planting distance was 5X5m . Assuit is governorate considered one of the most important pomegranate producers and exporters in Egypt. The yield and some fruit physical and chemical properties of six different pomegranate cultivars (Punica Granatum L.) were investigated. This investigation aimed to study tree yield and the main fruit characteristics of six commercial pomegranate cultivars. The average fruit yield / tree lies between 38.10–59.90 kg, fruit weight130.96– 399.77g, fruit volume 125.7–520 cm³, fruit diameter 6.23– 9.60 c fruit shape index 1.00–1.10 respectively . Fruit dry matter20.49 – 38.57, in addition, total soluble solid content was found between 8.00–16.67, titratable acidity ranged between 0. 25– 0.53, TSS / Acid ratio between 0.27–0.63, total sugars 9.13–% 11.86, reducing sugars 1.22%–5.80, respectively. Finally it could be concluded that, Manfalouty and Hegazy cultivars recorded most excellent physical, chemical and visual characteristics which are preferred.
Hasanein, N. M. | Abdrabbo A. | El-Khulaifi K.
The present study was carried out during two successive seasons, 2011/2012 and 2012/2013, at the Agricultural Research Station; El-Otouria, Sheehaniya, Doha, Qatar; to investigate the response of two tomato cultivars (Isabella and Milas) to biofertilizers and amino acids. Two biofertilizer treatments, rizobacterien at a rate of 2 and 4 liter per feddan and one of amino acid (Delfan) at a rate of 200 ppm, were used. Chicken manure, at a rate of 10 tons/ feddan, was the control treatment. Results showed the superiority of Isabella compared to Milas in terms of vegetative growth and fruit yield. Using Rizobacterien at a rate of 4 liter/feddan plus Delfan (amino acids) at a rate of 200 ppm increased growth and fruit chemical characters, earliness and total yield. The average fruit weight per plant was significantly high under Rizobacteria at a rate of 4 liter/feddan plus Delfan (amino acids) at a rate of 200 ppm. The lowest vegetative growth, fruit and yield characters were obtained from Rizobacteria at a rate of 2 liter/feddan. The water productivity results showed that all treatments led to the increase of fruit yield. Isabella cultivar had higher water productivity than Milas cultivar. Using of Rizobacterien at a rate of four liter/feddan also increased the water productivity. The same trend was obtained by using Delfan at a rate of 200 ppm. Concerning water productivity, Isabella cultivar had higher water productivity 16.7 and 17.2 kg of tomato fruits per cubic meter of irrigation water (m3) compared with Milas cultivar which produced15.9 and 16.5 kg tomato fruits per cubic meter of irrigation water for first and second seasons, respectively. Isabella cultivar plus amino acid (Delfan) gave the highest water productivity 19.1 and 19.7 kg of tomato fruits per m3 water for first and second seasons, respectively compared the other treatments.
Khalid S. Alshallash
Treatments by three herbicides named; Methabenzthiazuron, Isoprotoron and Chlorotoluron to control Italian ryegrass growing with barley during pre-emergence stage were investigated. Results showed that clear damage have been occurred by the three chemicals without prominent effect on barley plants. Italian ryegrass was controlled significantly (p<0.01) by all of the herbicides used but the three herbicides differed significantly (p<0.05) in their effects. Chlorotoluron gave effective control of Lolium multiflorum at dose of 2kg a.i/ha and slight damage on barley was observed. Isoproturon and methabenzthiazuron were less effective as more than 40% of Lolium multiflorum survived at different doses while barley was not affected significantly.
Amal K. Eid
The Fisheries is considered an important source of national income. Fish product is one of important component in the agricultural production. the problem of this study determined in increasing fish food gap with about 319 thousand tons in 2012. The study aimed to description and analysis of fish production in Egypt in terms of domestic production, imports, exports, consumption, the food gap, the proportion of self-sufficiency, the average per capita available amounts for consumption, In addition, studying the factors that effect on the production and consumption of fish in Egypt. The study should be verification the following results The fish production in Egypt is growing annually by about 55.9 thousand tons during the period average (1995-2012), which represents about 6.4% of the annual average, Imports of fish increase during the study period by about 4.5 tons by about 33.6 million pounds per year, and fish exports are increasing annually by about 0.68 tons by about 5.3 million pounds annually while the production of fish according to different sources show that fish farming ranked first by about 55.3% of the average amount of production, and the total northern lakes ranks second at about 14.7%, while the production of the Sea (White, Red ) ranked third by about 14.1%, and the River Nile is ranked fourth by about 10.2 and inland lakes and coastal ranked fifth and sixth by about 5.2%, 0.5% respectively during the study period . Nevertheless, the results show that there are statistically significant differences between the indicators during the period average (2008-2012). In addition, the results show that tilapia ranked first with an average production of about 646.4 thousand tons representing about 52.1%, While the average production of mullet, carp, catfish, reaches about 181.9, 142.1, 43.1 thousand tons respectively, representing about 14.7%, 11.5%, 3.5% respectively of the average total fish production during the period (2008-2012). The study also indicate that the most important economic factors that affecting on the fish production in Egypt is the amount of fish imports, the quantity of available fish, the partial elasticity of them are about -0.294 and 1.2, which indicates that an increase in the quantity of imports by about 1% leads to the decline of fish production by about 0.3%, increase the amount of fish consumption by about 1% lead to increase the amount of production by about 1.2%. However, the results show that the most important factors affecting on the amount of fish consumed in Egypt is the population and the average price of a kilogram of fish. Therefore, the study recommended the development of fisheries sector and set up of collection centers for the production of fish near fish farms, Moreover, the necessity of expansion in aquaculture to fill the fish food gap.
Mona K.R. Abdel Karim
Aim of this study is to examine the substitution and complementary relationships of Egyptian exports from fresh and frozen potatoes in the global market. The study focused on investigating current situation of Egyptian exports from fresh and frozen potatoes at world market in comparison to its situation at Egyptian market. Hereby, demand on Egyptian fresh and frozen potatoes was assessed and time trends of price developments were statistically estimated and their relationship to global prices were analyzed. Most important results of existing study are summarized in the following points The analysis of Egyptian and global export prices for fresh and frozen potatoes during the time period 2000- 2012 showed increasing trends of both, which is statistically significant. The results showed increasing demand on frozen at the cost of fresh potatoes. This also matches with same development at global market. The development of export prices of Egyptian potatoes (fresh and frozen) matches with the development of prices at global market. The relationship between Egyptian and global export prices has shown linear and stable between 2000 and 2012. It seems also that export prices of frozen Egyptian potatoes much more stable than those of fresh potatoes. By studying for Stability Coefficient to export prices for fresh and frozen potatoes during the time period 2000- 2012 showed that export prices of frozen Egyptian potatoes much more stable than those of fresh potatoes. Canada, France, Germany, and Netherlands are the most export countries that competing with Egypt on world market of potatoes, particularly fresh. When computing the price competitiveness of Egyptian fresh potatoes, the result shows that Egyptian potatoes are highly competing with open-mentioned European export countries. The price competitiveness of Egyptian frozen potatoes is relatively higher when comparing to other competitive markets of Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, etc. This shows great opportunity for Egypt for expanding its exports from frozen potatoes in nearly future. Using regression analysis of time series data, the study of demand for Egyptian exports of fresh potatoes indicated that Egyptian potatoes is considered as necessary good for consumers of open-mentioned countries based on estimated price and cross elasticities. It has also proven that there is a substitutional relationship between Egyptian fresh and frozen potatoes. An important result that insure the importance of re-drawing export policies of potatoes exports in Egypt.
Ibraheim, A.M. S. | Nafisa Ahmed Hamed El-Hawari | Mohamed M.
The study aims basically at identifying some indicators of village local unitseffictiveness in Benisuef Governorate. Personal interviews were conducted with directors of all the thirty nine village local units of Benisuef Governorate, using questionnaire was made to obtain the required data. A number of complementary statistical measures and techniques were utilized in the analysis of the collected data including: frequencies, arithmetic mean, weighted arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and alpha coefficient. According to the description of organizational effectiveness level and its components, the findings showed that: The first indicator: Goal attainment The findings showed that about (25.6%) of the studied village local units had a low level of goal attainment, and about (46.2%) of them had a mod- erate level, and finally about (28.2%) had a high level of goal attainment. The second indicator: Job satisfaction Findings showed that about (2.6%) of the local units directors had a low level of job satisfaction, and about (33.4%) of them had a moderate level, and finally about (64.0%) had a high level of job satisfaction. The third indicator: Organizational integration The findings indicated that about (2.6%) of the studied village local units had a low level of organizational integration, (23.0%) had a moderate level, and about (74.4%) of them had a high level of organizational integration. The fourth indicator: organizational productivity About (48.7%) of the studied local units had a low level of organizational productivity, (33.4%) had a moderate level, and about (17.9%) of them had a high level of organizational productivity.
Abeer Abdalla Kinawy | Rehab Said Ibrahim
Gross national product (GNP) is considered as one of the important indicators that reflect the ability of national economy to achieve the main objectives of the state including creation of employment opportunities, development of export potentials, and positive contribution in reduction of the deficits in the balance of payments and the balance of trade. Analysis of the most important components of the gross national income is of considerable importance that enables the identification of changing values of individual components of the gross national product. The study aimed at identifying causes of imbalance in the national economy through the following determination of the relative importance of Egyptian GNP and development of important economic indicators in the Egyptian national economy. Analysis and identification of the most important economic factors affecting expenditure on consumption, investment, exports and imports are mode through building single and multiple equation models aiming at identifying the most important economic factors affecting variables of the study. Moreover, forecasting the most are also mode important variables until.2020. Results obtained indicated that the household consumer expenditure in 2012 was equal to 158.5 billion Dollars representing 58% of the GNP, followed by Investment expenditure, representing 18% of GNP, followed by government expenditure, total exports and total imports representing 9%, 8% and 7%, respectively. Results obtained proved that the most important economic indicators increased annually with different rates during the study period. Studying of the mutual impact between GNP and the study variables through building an econometric model and applying two stage least square method. The model contains six equations for GNP, total investments, total imports, total exports, government expenditure, and household expenditure. In addition, an identification equation for the (GNP= household expenditure + Investment expenditure + Government expenditure + net international trade). The study proved that while the most important determinants of the Egyptian GNPare total investments, total exports and imports factors, mostly affect total investment are total GNP, total Egyptian exports and exchange rate Egyptian Pound. In addition, factors determining total Egyptian Imports are total exports and the exchange rate of the Egyptian Pound. Moreover, factors determining government expenditure are total exports and households consumption. Furthermore, the household consumption is highly affected by GNP and total indirect taxes. Forecasted values of the study variables are obtained by estimating single equation trend model and simultaneous equation model. Results obtained indicated that the forecasted value of the Egyptian GNP in 2020 will be equal to 334$ and 335 billion Dollars using single trend equation and simultaneous equation models, respectively. The forecasted total investment in 2020 is expected to be equal 64 billion dollars. The forecasted Total Egyptian imports and exports using single trend equation are 33.2, and 29.2, billion dollars, respectively. The forecasted values of total exports and imports in 2020 using simultaneous equation model are 32.8, and 830.1, respectively. Regarding Government expenditure results obtained indicated that the forecasted government expenditure is expected to take values of 31.9 and 51.4 billion dollars using single equation trend model and simultaneous equation model, respectively. Results related to the forecasted household expenditure in 2020 is expected to take values of $206.5 billion and $334 billion using single equation trend model and simultaneous equation model, respectively. Based on the research results, best forecasted values the study variables are obtained by using simultaneous equation models. This may be attributed to the fact that simultaneous equation mod- els takes into account all variables as well as the interactions between variables. Based on results the study recommend that the state would give the highest priority to economic policy that would lead to rationalization of household expenditure. In addition, aiming at reducing the Egyptian trade balance, policies that would lead to reduction of the gap between imports and exports by limiting imports and encouraging exports are highly recommended. Moreover, policies that increase and encourage investment, limit inflation, and control of prices of goods and services are expected to have positive impact on the Egyptian economy.
Alaa M.R. Elsabea | Mohamed O. Abd El-fatah
The study showed the the importance of the effect of seasonality in determining the amounts received for the transit market of vegetable crops in Egypt. As it turned out great linkage between the quantities and prices of vegetables in the transit market, which reflects the importance of reconsidering the random cropping and where there is no minimum or organizing thread. Where it should be to regulate the use of agricultural resources limited to Egypt and so achieve the maximum return for producers and consumers and the marketer and reduces wastage of resources in making a glitch between supply and demand, resulting in higher prices hurt consumer Login or drop in prices hurt farmers' incomes. It is worth noting that the changes in the agricultural sector, which is the main activity in the Egyptian countryside, especially in the light of economic liberalization policies such as the abolition of support for agricultural inputs, and the liberalization of prices of agricultural and left are determined by market forces, with the demolition of Tzawar marketing system for Khaddrady to irregular or balance of supply with the demand after the policy of economic liberalization in the agriculture sector, which increased from large fluctuations in prices as a result of increasing the gap between supply and demand for agricultural commodities, and all of these reasons have led to an increase in poverty in the countryside and in Egypt in particular. This reflects the importance of Tzawar marketing system and return to the installation Almsola Central, which balances the needs of the consumer growing and limited agricultural resources by reducing the size of the gap between supply and demand, which reduces the price differences during the months of the year and which is reflected in the increase in income and welfare of the consumer and the producer together. The return of the agricultural cycle of the most important requirements for achieving balance in the prices of vegetables in Egypt and reduces loss in the limited agricultural resources and achieve the protection of soil fertility and reduces the need for fertilizers and pesticides. This regulation of the market productive agricultural reduce the imbalance between supply and demand, which increases the efficiency of the distribution of the use of agricultural resources among the wider use of alternative optimal resource allocation and reduce the waste of limited agricultural resources. Decreases as well as huge losses for producers and consumers at the micro level as well to reduce the negative effects on the macro level by reducing imports and increasing exports, where there is improved efficiency performance in the Egyptian agricultural sector at the micro level and kidneys.
Abd El-Hady, M. A. | Rizk Y. | El-Bially E. | Farag A.
A laboratory experiment was carried out to study the early growth response of 22 sugar beet (Beta vulgaris, L.) varieties to four salt concentrations of seawater i.e. 2000, 4000, 8000 and 16000 ppm. Germination and seedling growth traits (germination percentage (%), germination rate, seedling length (cm), seedling fresh weight (mg) and seedling vigor) were determined at the end of the experiment after 30 days from planting. The results showed that increasing the salinity level decreased the germination %, germination rate, seedling length, seedling fresh weight and seedling vigor of all sugar beet varieties under investigation to different extents. The results also clearly revealed that the response of the investigated varieties to salt concentrations was not the same, some varieties approved to be highly salt tolerant i.e. Soultan, Kawmira and Desprez; others were very sensitivity tolerant i.e. Helsiniki and LP16. However most of the investigated varieties were moderately salt tolerant. Results revealed clearly that the interaction effect between sugar beet varieties and salt concentrations was significant. This significant effect means that the tested varieties do not behave the same under the different levels of salinity stress.
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