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Pharmacokinetics of single doses of phenobarbital given intravenously and orally to dogs.
Pedersoli W.M. | Wike J.S. | Ravis W.R.
Facteurs de risque nutritionnels de la pathologie hépatique dans les troupeaux bovins laitiers en France
Barnouin , Jacques (INRA (France). UR 0346 Unité de recherche d'Écopathologie) | Paccard , P.
Nutritional risk factors for liver damage were surveyed in Black-Pied French dairy herds using serum glutamic dehydrogenase and gamma glutamyl transferase levels to monitor liver dysfunction.The 34 herds chosen were free of parasitic liver injuries. Feeding systems, nutritional blood parameters and production characteristics are analyzed. Two risk factors appeared to be involved in hepatic injury: feeding of fresh rape (Brassica napus) and high levels of serum urea (>/=6.64 mmol/L) associated with grass pasture or dietary nonprotein nitrogen with corn silage
Show more [+] Less [-]Conditioned feed aversion as a means to prevent tulp (Homeria pallida) poisoning in cattle
Snyman, L.D. | Schultz, R.A. | Joubert, J.P.J. | Basson, K.M. | Labuschagne, L. (Agricultural Research Council, Onderstepoort (South Africa). Onderstepoort Veterinary Inst.)
Влажное консервированное зерно в составе концентратных кормосмесей в рационах бычков
Kozinets, A.I., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Yaroshevich, S.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Kot, A.N., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Budko, V.M., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Pentilyuk, S.I., Kherson State Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was determined the influence of experimental feed mixtures on the basis of humid preserved grain (conserved rolled grain of triticale; barley (Hordeum vulgare); oat (Avena sativa)) and protein, mineral and vitamin supplement (contains rape (Brassica napus) extraction cake; wheat bran; premix PKR-2; chalk; forage phosphate) on digestibility and metabolism of nutritive elements by young stock of cattle. There were presented recipes of the developed experimental feed mixtures and studied their influence on consumption and digestibility of nutritive elements of diets, metabolism of nitrogenous substances, calcium, phosphorous, as well as on hematological indexes. The proposed mixed fodders contained metabolizable energy; dry matter; crude protein; digestible protein; crude fat; fibre; starch; sugars; calcium; phosphorous; magnesium; potassium; sulphur; iron; copper; zinc; cobalt; manganese. In course of the study there was analyzed the consumption of the main nutritive elements; coefficients of their digestibility; nitrogen balance; balance of calcium and phosphorous; morphological and biochemical blood indexes.
Show more [+] Less [-]Оценка поедаемости блистер-приманок лисами при пероральной иммунизации их против бешетсва
Bobkova, O.N. | Prudnikov, V.S., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Studying of palatability of bait blisters applied for oral immunization of wild carnivores against rabies was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus by an example of foxes which were administrated with liquid viral vaccines against rabies. Foxes were divided into 5 groups with 8 animals in each. Animals of the first group were immunized with a liquid viral vaccine in blister baits Lisvulpen-VBF which was produced from an attenuate strain of rabies virus SAD-BERN (Belarus). Animals of the second group were immunized with liquid viral vaccine Belvak TM BP produced from the cultural living strain KMIEhV-V101 (Belarus). Animals of the rest three groups were immunized with liquid viral vaccine in blister baits which was produced from a modified strain of a fixed attenuate rabies virus KMIEV-94. Foxes of the forth group were additionally fed with ascorbic acid with baits in the doze of 0,1 g, and foxes of the fifth group were fed with 5 ml immune response modifier Nuklevit. All mentioned blister baits were studied in accordance with the following parameters: bait flavor and attraction to animals; form and size of bait; bait consistency; blister and its size in relation to bait; palatability of bait; degree of damage of bait containing a vaccine; quantity vaccine which was got into animal oral cavity; postvaccinal complication. Palatability of liquid viral vaccines in blister baits Lisvulpen-VBF was 96%, Belvak TM BP - 94%, KMIEV-94 - 80%
Show more [+] Less [-]Использование рапса и люпина в рационах племенных телок
Kurtina, V.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Tsaj, V.P. | Yanochkin, I.V., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Feeding replacement heifers of 6-12 months of age with mixed feed that contains 20-25% of rape and lupine grain within winter and summer diets instead of sunflower cake allows to obtain the average daily weight gain of 893-927 g at forage spends of 6,0-6,3 с of forage units. The cost of these mixed feeds is decreased at 14% and prime cost of 1 c of weigh gain-at 6-15%
Show more [+] Less [-]Влияние разного соотношения расщепляемого и нерасщепляемого протеина в рационах на эффективность использования питательных веществ бычками
Kovalevskaya, Yu.Yu., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
The research directed on perfection of a cattle protein food system, taking into account its fractional structure, and also establishment of objective indicators of an estimation of forage protein nutrient density, have great value. It is established, that for young growth of cattle of 4-6 months of age the optimum parity of decomposable and un-decomposable protein in rations corresponds to size 68:32, allowed to raise digestibility of nutrients on 3-4%, nitrogen adjournment in an organism of animals on 10% and daily average a gain on 4% in comparison with parity 80:20. The optimum parity of fractional structure of protein makes positive impact on oxidation-reduction processes in organism to what testifies morphological-biochemical structure of blood. Thus concentration of crude protein raises on 1,7%, urea quantity decreases on 23%. The least cost price of a gain has appeared in group with a parity of decomposable and un-decomposable protein in rations 68:32, or it is better on 4,4% than an indicator of group with a parity 80:20%
Show more [+] Less [-]Сочетанное влияние низкоинтенсивного лазерного излучения и иммуностимулятора Эраконд на иммунобиологическую полноценность молозива и характер иммунологических реакций организма телят
Trofimov, A.V. | Timoshenko, V.N. | Muzyka, A.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
On the basis of the spent research high enough preventive efficiency of Ehrakond application, low intensive laser radiation together with a constant magnetic field is defined that allows to recommend them for wide application in the program of immunocorrection of an organism of agricultural animals. At the first stage of the research in immune deficiency when in blood of newborn calves almost there are no antibodies, influence on biologically active points of an udder of cows (intensity 10 mW/square cm, expositions of seconds) has made positive impact on increase of immune properties of colostric milk. Use of immunostimulants Ehrakond also has increased immunocompetent properties of cow milk (7,5 mg on 1 kg of body weight once a day within 15 days). At feeding of colostrum the physiological condition, growth and development of calves have considerably improved. In the second (when colostric protection factors in an organism decline, and own organism forms them insufficiently) and the third (decrease in immune reactance at changes in feeding and the maintenance of calves) immune deficiency, application of immunostimulants Ehrakond and influence of low intensive laser radiation together with a constant magnetic field on reflexogenic zones on a young growth organism has made positive impact indices of natural resistance of calves. It has led to activization of factors of natural nonspecific protection of an organism that has considerably improved a physiological condition and has increased natural immunity of an organism to diseases. However, the best results on natural resistance, efficiency and safeties of calves have been reached at an irradiation at the BAP initial stage of a mammary gland at cows by low intensive laser radiation together with a constant magnetic field, with the subsequent bottle-feeding of the irradiated colostrum to newborn calves; in 10 days of a life to calves the preparation Ehrakond was entered. | На основании проведенных исследований определена достаточно высокая профилактическая эффективность применения Эраконда, низкоинтенсивного лазерного излучения совместно с постоянным магнитным полем, что позволяет рекомендовать их для широкого применения в программе иммунокоррекции организма сельскохозяйственных животных. На первом этапе исследований в период иммунного дефицита, когда в крови новорожденных телят почти отсутствуют иммуноглобулины, воздействие на биологически активные точки вымени коров (интенсивность 10 мВт/см2, экспозиции секунд) оказало положительное влияние на повышение иммунных свойств колострального молока. Использование иммуностимулятора Эраконд также повысило иммунокомпетентные свойства молока коров (7,5 мг на 1 кг живой массы один раз в сутки в течение 15 дней). При скармливании колострального молозива значительно улучшились физиологическое состояние, рост и развитие телят. В период второго (когда колостральные факторы защиты в организме угасают, а собственный организм образует их недостаточно) и третьего (снижение иммунной реактивности при изменениях в кормлении, содержании телят) иммунного дефицита, применение иммуностимулятора Эраконд и воздействие низкоинтенсивного лазерного излучения совместно с постоянным магнитным полем на рефлексогенные зоны на теле молодняка оказало положительное влияние показатели естественной резистентности телят. Это привело к активизации факторов естественной неспецифической защиты организма, что значительно улучшило физиологическое состояние и повысило естественную невосприимчивость организма к болезням. Однако, наилучшие результаты по естественной резистентности, продуктивности и, сохранности телят были достигнуты при облучении на начальном этапе БАТ молочной железы у коров низкоинтенсивным лазерным излучением совместно с постоянным магнитным полем, с последующим выпаиванием облученного молозива новорожденным телятам; через 10 дней жизни телятам вводили препарат Эраконд.
Show more [+] Less [-]Ветеринарно-санитарные показатели мяса кур-несушек при использовании в рационе ферментных препаратов
Shulga, L.V. | Pakhomov, P.I., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was analyzed the efficiency of application multi-enzyme preparations (drugs) Ehkozim (contained beta-glucanases; endo-xilanase; cellulose) and Vitazim (contained complex of enzymatic carbohydrases: xylanase; cellulose; beta-glucanases) in diets of lying hens. Vitazim was applied for destruction of complex structures: dietary fibre, protein, starch. Ehkozim was applied for albuminolysis of the main nonstarch polysaccharides of fodders. It was established that application of preparations in feeding of lying hens promoted the increasing of biological value of poultry meat, and prove to be economically expedient. Poultry meat of analyzed samples in accordance with physical, chemical and bacteriological indices, as well as in accordance with biological value and harmlessness was not worse than meat of control samples. As a result of the realized bacteriological research of all experimental samples of meat and internal organs there were not stated microorganisms Е. coli, S. aureus, bacteria of sort Proteus, B. сеreus and sulfate-reducing clostridium, salmonellas.
Show more [+] Less [-]Пробиотики в кормлении сельскохозяйственной птицы
Glaskovich, M.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Data on studying of efficiency of application of immunobiological preparations on efficiency and other clinical and biochemical indicators for chickens-broilers are cited. It is established, that their application to chickens-broilers promotes increase of biological value of fowl as foodstuff and is economically expedient. Application of a preparation the Biococktail-NK in an optimum dose 0,1 - 0,2 ml/goal (10,0-20,0 million microbic bodies) has allowed to increase intensity of growth of chickens-broilers by 3,5%, to lower forage expenses for production of a gain of body weight of 1 kg on 4,95%, to raise safety of young growth of birds on 3,4 % and to lower a case of birds to 1,6% (technological norm of 5%). The carried out calculations have shown, that introduction of the Biococktail-NK in a ration of broilers is economically justified, as safety of young growth in 4th trial group has raised on 3,4%, in the third - on 2,5%, in the second - on 1,3%. On the basis of the spent research fowl of the delivered samples in which ration it was entered the probiotic Biococktail-NK from calculation 0,1 - 0,2 ml/goal (10,0-20,0 million microbic bodies) since daily age within the first 5 days into 4 cycles with an interval of 7 days till the end of the cultivation period is established, that on organoleptic, physical and chemical, bacteriological indicators, and also biological value and harmlessness does not concede to meat of control group and is good-quality. In the literature there are data about influence of biologically active substances on growth and development of bird. Despite it, about influence of probiotical and immunostimulatory preparations as separately, and in a complex with probiotics, on an organism of chickens-broilers it is not enough data that induces carrying out of scientific research in the given direction. Simultaneous use of probiotics on the basis of an intestinal stick in rations of chickens-broilers is the perspective directions. Proceeding from it, working out of new effective ways of increase of chickens-broilers efficiency with a view of reception of ecologically pure and safe products of poultry farming is actual for poultry-farming economy of Belarus.
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