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Clinical applications of imaging modalities of the carpal joint in dogs with particular reference to the carpal canal
Tobolska Angelika | Adamiak Zbigniew | Głodek Joanna
The structure of the canine carpal joint is complex. This small joint consists of articulations that include the antebrachiocarpal, middle, carpometacarpal, and intercarpal joint surfaces. A large number of ligaments and tendons support and stabilise the carpus in dogs. Many injuries of this joint in dogs are not correctly recognised, diagnosed, or treated due to the limited use of diagnostic imaging methods. Radiography, the most common of them, has extensive application in diagnosing the causes of lameness in small animals. Other techniques, such as ultrasonography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging visualise other joint structures and surrounding soft tissues. However, these imaging modalities are rarely used to diagnose diseases and injuries of the canine carpus at present. The main reason for this is the small amount of research carried out and the lack of a properly described methodology for the use of imaging techniques. The wide use of all diagnostic imaging tools in the diagnosis of diseases and injuries of the wrist joint in humans shows that conducting studies on dogs could expand current knowledge. The use of these techniques in veterinary medicine could facilitate diagnosis and subsequent therapy of carpal disorders in dogs. MRI is the most frequently used imaging method in human medicine for visualisation of abnormalities of joints. This method could become a valuable part of the detection of inflammatory, traumatic, and degenerative diseases of the carpal joint in dogs.
Show more [+] Less [-]Evaluation of primary epidermal lamellar density in the forefeet of near-term fetal Australian feral and domesticated horses
Hampson, Brian A. | de Laat, Melody A. | Mills, Paul C. | Pollitt, Christopher C.
Objective—To investigate the density of the primary epidermal lamellae (PEL) around the solar circumference of the forefeet of near-term fetal feral and nonferal (ie, domesticated) horses. Sample—Left forefeet from near-term Australian feral (n = 14) and domesticated (4) horse fetuses. Procedures—Near-term feral horse fetuses were obtained from culled mares within 10 minutes of death; fetuses that had died in utero 2 weeks prior to anticipated birth date and were delivered from live Thoroughbred mares were also obtained. Following disarticulation at the carpus, the left forefoot of each fetus was frozen during dissection and data collection. In a standard section of each hoof, the stratum internum PEL density was calculated at the midline center (12 o'clock) and the medial and lateral break-over points (11 and 1 o'clock), toe quarters (10 and 2 o'clock), and quarters (4 and 6 o'clock). Values for matching lateral and medial zones were averaged and expressed as 1 density. Density differences at the 4 locations between the feral and domesticated horse feet were assessed by use of imaging software analysis. Results—In fetal domesticated horse feet, PEL density did not differ among the 4 locations. In fetal feral horse feet, PEL density differed significantly among locations, with a pattern of gradual reduction from the dorsal to the palmar aspect of the foot. The PEL density distribution differed significantly between fetal domesticated and feral horse feet. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Results indicated that PEL density distribution differs between fetal feral and domesticated horse feet, suggestive of an adaptation of feral horses to environment challenges.
Show more [+] Less [-]Long-term fate and effects of exercise on sternal cartilage autografts used for repair of large osteochondral defects in horses
Howard, R.D. | McIlwraith, C.W. | Trotter, G.W. | Powers, B.E. | McFadden, P.R. | Harwood, F.L. | Amiel, D.
Bilateral osteochondral defects (10 mm2 X 3 mm deep) were created on the distal articular surface of the radial carpal bone of ten, 2- to 3-year-old horses. One defect of each horse was repaired, using a sternal cartilage autograft (treated), and the other was left untreated (control). The horses were exercised on a high-speed treadmill at incrementally increased speed and duration over the course of 12 months. Horses were evaluated arthroscopically at 6 to 7 weeks, and clinical examinations were conducted weekly at exercise. Twelve months after surgery, carpuses of each horse were radiographed and clinically examined prior to euthanasia. A gross pathologic evaluation of each joint was conducted, and samples were collected for histologic, histochemical, histomorphometric, and biochemical evaluation. Radiographically, the grafted joints had more extensive evidence of arthropathy, and clinically, 8 of the 10 horses were more lame in the grafted limb. On the basis of histomorphometry, the repair tissue of the grafted defects contained a greater median percentage of hyaline cartilage (45%) than that of control defects 4.5%), and the control defects contained a greater percentage of fibrocartilage (82%) than did grafted defects (28.5%). A greater median percentage of repair tissue stained with safranin-O in the grafted defects (24.5%) than in the control defects (3.5%). On gross pathologic and histologic evaluation, repair tissue of the control defects had better continuity and was more firmly attached to the subchondral bone than was repair tissue of the grafted defects. Repair tissue of the grafted defects had extensive fissure and flap formation. Histologically, subchondral bone reactivity and fibroplasia was extensive in grafted joints. Repair tissue of grafted defects had a greater percentage of type II collagen (mean sem, 83.5 +/- 2.95%) than did controls (mean, 79.4 3.87%) that was not statistically significant. Hexosamine content was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in repair tissue of the grafted defect (mean, 28.9 +/- 3.00 mg/g of dry weight) vs control (mean, 20.6 +/- 1.85 mg/g of dry weight). On the basis of this experimental model, sternal cartilage autografts cannot be recommended at this time for repair of osteochondral defects in athletic horses.
Show more [+] Less [-]Keratan sulfate as a marker of articular cartilage catabolism and joint treatment in ponies
Todhunter, R.J. | Yeager, A.E. | Freeman, K.P. | Parente, E.J. | Lust, G.
Keratan sulfate (KS) is a glycosaminoglycan, distribution of which is confined mostly to hyaline cartilage. As such, it is a putative marker of hyaline cartilage catabolism. In experiment 1, a focal osteochondral defect was made arthroscopically in 1 radial carpal bone of 2 ponies, and in 2 other ponies, chymopapain was injected into the radiocarpal joint to induce cartilage catabolism. Sequential and concurrent plasma and synovial fluid concentrations of KS were measured, up to 13 months after induction of cartilage injury, to determine whether changes in KS concentrations reflected cartilage catabolism. In experiment 2, a large, bilateral osteochondral defect was made in the radial carpal bones of 18 ponies, which were subsequently given postoperative exercise and/or injected intra-articularly with 250 mg of polysulfated glycosaminoglycan (PSGAG). Medication was given at surgery, then weekly for 4 weeks. Blood samples were collected and synovial fluid was aspirated before surgery, when medication was given, and at postmortem examination (postoperative week 17). The KS concentration was measured in these fluids to determine whether changes in KS concentration indicated an effect of joint treatment. In experiment 1, the concentration of KS in synovial fluid was highest 1 day after joint injury, and the concentration in plasma peaked 2 days after joint injury. For ponies receiving chymopapain intra-articularly (generalized cartilage catabolism), a fivefold increase over baseline was observed in the concentration of KS in plasma (peak mean, 1.2 microgram/ml), and a tenfold increase over baseline in synovial fluid (peak mean, 2.0 mg/ml) was observed. On average, these maxima were threefold higher than values in fluids of ponies with osteochondral defects (focal cartilage disease). In experiment 2, nonexercised ponies had lower KS concentration (as a percentage of the preoperative concentration) in synovial fluid than did exercised ponies at all postoperative times, and at postoperative week 17, this effect was significant (P < 0.05). This may be related to decreased turnover of KS in articular cartilage attributable to stall confinement and late increase in turnover related to exercise. Seventeen weeks after surgery, synovial fluid from exercised, medicated ponies had significantly (P < 0.05) higher KS content than did fluid from exercised, nonmedicated ponies. This indicated that exercise, when combined with medication, may increase KS release from articular cartilage. Synovial fluid from medicated joints of nonexercised ponies had significantly (P < 0.05) lower KS concentration than did synovial fluid from nonmedicated joints of nonexercised ponies. This indicated that, in nonexercised joints, medication with PSGAG may have decreased either release of KS from the articular cartilage into the synovial fluid or inhibited synthesis of KS. Concentration of KS in synovial fluid was not related clearly to the development of osteoarthritis in these ponies. Exercise or medication did not affect plasma KS concentration, and synovial fluid and plasma KS concentrations were not correlated. Data indicated that KS concentration in plasma and synovial fluid may be increased in acute, marked, generalized articular cartilage catabolism and that KS turnover in cartilage of joints with large osteochondral defects was affected by intra-articular PSGAG and postoperative exercise.
Show more [+] Less [-]Biochemical study of repair of induced osteochondral defects of the distal portion of the radial carpal bone in horses by use of periosteal autografts
Vachon, A.M. | McIlwraith, C.W. | Keeley, F.W.
Periosteal autograft were used for repair of large osteochondral defects in 10 horses aged 2 to 3 years old. In each horse, osteochondral defects measuring 1.0 X 1.0 cm2 were induced bilaterally on the distal articular surface of each radial carpal bone. Control and experimental defects were drilled. Periosteum was harvested from the proximal portion of the tibia and was glued into the principal defects, using a fibrin adhesive. Control defects were glued, but were not grafted. Sixteen weeks after the grafting procedure, the quality of the repair tissue of control and grafted defects was assessed biochemically. Total collagen content and the proportion of type-II collagen were determined. Galactosamine and glucosamine contents also were determined. From these measurements, contents of chondroitin and keratan sulfate and total glycosaminoglycan, and galactosamine-to-glucosamine ratio were calculated. All biochemical variables were compared with those of normal equine articular cartilage taken from the same site in another group of clinically normal horses. Total collagen content was determined on the basis of 4-hydroxyproline content, using a colorimetric method. The proportions of collagen types I and II in the repair tissue were assessed by electrophoresis of their cyanogen bromide-cleaved peptides on sodium dodecyl sulfate slab gels. Peptide ratios were computed and compared with those of standard mixtures of type-I and type-II collagens. Galactosamine and glucosamine contents were determined by use of ion chromatography. In general, the biochemical composition of repair tissue of grafted and nongrafted defects was similar, but clearly differed from that of normal articular cartilage. Total glycosaminoglycan content, galactosamine and glucosamine contents, and galactosamine-to-glucosamine ratio of grafted and nongrafted defects were all significantly (P < 0.05) less than corresponding values in normal equine articular cartilage. By contrast, total collagen content of neocartilaginous tissues of grafted and nongrafted defects was greater than that of normal articular cartilage, although the difference was not significant. The proportion of type-I and type-II collagens in repair tissue in grafted and nongrafted defects was 70 and 30%, respectively. The fibrous nature of the repair tissue reported in a companion morphologic and histochemical study was substantiated by the biochemical results. We concluded that use of periosteal autograft did not improve the healing of osteochondral defects.
Show more [+] Less [-]Mechanical and morphometric analysis of the third carpal bone of Thoroughbreds
Young, D.R. | Richardson, D.W. | Markel, M.D. | Nunamaker, D.M.
The third carpal bone (C3) was collected from both forelimbs of 27 Thoroughbreds. On the basis of age, training, and history, specimens were assigned to 1 of 5 groups: yearling, untrained horses (group 1, n = 4); 2- to 3-year-old, untrained horses (group 2, n = 7); trained 2-year-old horses (group 3, n = 6); trained 3-year-old horses (group 4, n = 6); and 3-year-old, trained horses with carpal pathologic features (group 5, n = 4). A transverse section of subchondral bone 5-mm thick was cut in a precise fashion 10 mm below the proximal articular surface of all specimens. After high-detail radiography was done, indentation testing was performed on the proximal surface of the section at points 5 mm apart. The stiffness of the subchondral cancellous bone was determined from the slope of the load vs displacement curve. Topographic plots of stiffness measurements were compared with radiographs of each specimen. Point determinations were averaged to derive measures for the radial and intermediate facets, and for regions 5, 10, 15, and 20 mm from the dorsal margin of C3. Area fraction (1-p; p = porosity) was measured for the radial and intermediate facets, using an automated image analysis system. Significant (P < 0.05) increases in stiffness and area fraction were found in the C3 from trained horses (groups 3 to 5), compared with untrained horses (groups 1 to 2). Stiffness and area fraction of the radial facet of pathologic C3 were significantly higher than the same variables measured in C. from any other group. A typical profile of regional subchondral stiffness was identified in C3 from normal horses, with maximal stiffness measured 10 mm from the dorsal articular margin. A different pattern was found in pathologic C3, with significantly greater stiffness 15 and 20 mm from the dorsal articular margin when compared with normal horses. A highly significant (P < 0.0001) direct linear correlation between stiffness and area fraction at the radial facet was found. Topographic and radiographic analysis demonstrated good correlation between stiffness and radiographic density of the bone sections. The observed patterns of normal and pathologic C3 were contrasted. In particular, a large gradient in sub-chondral stiffness was identified in pathologic C3 at the dorsomedial aspect of the bone.
Show more [+] Less [-]Morphologic study of induced osteochondral defects of the distal portion of the radial carpal bone in horses by use of glued periosteal autografts
Vachon, A.M. | McIlwraith, C.W. | Trotter, G.W. | Norrdin, R.W. | Powers, B.E.
The use of periosteal autografts to resurface osteochondral defects was investigated in 10 horses (2 to 3 years old), and the repair tissue was characterized morphologically. Middle carpal joint arthrotomies were made, and osteochondral defects were induced bilaterally on the distal articular surface of each radial carpal bone. Each defect measured approximatively 1 cm2 and extended 3 mm into the subchondral bone plate. Residual subchondral bone plate of control and principal defects was perforated by drilling. A sterile fibrin adhesive was made by mixing a fibrinogen component and a thrombin component. A periosteal autograft was harvested from the proximal portion of the tibia and was glued onto the recipient osseous surface, with its cambium facing the joint cavity. Control defects were glued, but not grafted. Horses were walked 1 hour daily on a walker, starting at postoperative week 7 and continuing for 9 weeks. Sixteen weeks after the grafting procedure was done, carpal radiography was performed, after which horses were euthanatized. Quality of repair tissue of control and grafted defects was evaluated and compared grossly, histologically, and histochemically. Using a reticule, the proportions of various repair tissue types filling each defect were quantitated. Seven weeks after the grafting procedure was done, bilateral arthroscopy revealed synovial adhesions and marginal pannus formation in control and grafted defects. None of the autograft was found floating unattached within the respective middle carpal joints. At 16 weeks, the gross appearance of most grafted and nongrafted defects was similar, and repair was dominated by a fibrous pannus. In 4 grafted defects, bone had formed either concentrically within the defect or eccentrically in the fibrous adhesions between the defect and the joint margin. Histologically, all grafted and nongrafted defects were repaired similarly by infiltration of a mixture of fibrous tissue, fibrocartilage, and bone. Fibrous tissue was the predominant tissue in most defects and its mean proportion was 56 and 59% in the grafted and nongrafted defects, respectively. Fibrocartilaginous tissue in the deeper layers approximated 20%, and woven bone at the base of the defect was 20% in all defects. Histochemically, difference in staining for proteoglycans was not observed between grafted and nongrafted defects. Little remaining original periosteal graft tissue was evident at the defect sites. The only distinguishing feature of grafted defects was the presence of islands of bone formation either at the defect site (n = 2 horses), or in somewhat dorsally displaced tissue that was incorporated in fibrous adhesions (n = 2 horses). It was concluded that use of periosteal autograft did not improve the healing of osteochondral defects of the distal portion of the radial carpal bone. The repair tissue produced in grafted and nongrafted defects was similar and was principally fibrous in nature.
Show more [+] Less [-]Biochemical changes in articular cartilage opposing full- and partial-thickness cartilage lesions in horses
Using arthroscopic technique, identical diameter defects were created in the proximal articular surface of both intermediate carpal bones of 6 horses. One of each pair of defects was deepened to penetrate the subchondral plate. Removed cartilage was assayed for [35S] sulfate incorporation, total hexosamine content, and DNA content. Six weeks later, cartilage was harvested and similarly analyzed from the distolateral portion of the radius directly opposite the created lesions and the distomedial portion of the radius distant from the lesion. The repair tissue filling the full-thickness defect and the cartilage at the periphery of the partial-thickness lesion also were analyzed. There was a marked increase in synthetic activity (35S sulfate incorporation) opposite the full-thickness defect, compared with the cartilage opposite the partial-thickness defect. A marked decrease in glycosaminoglycan content in the cartilage opposite the full-thickness defect was found as compared with that opposite the partial-thickness defect. The repair tissue filling the full-thickness defect was highly cellular, high in synthetic activity, but low in glycosaminoglycan content. Insignificant changes occurred in the cartilage adjacent to the partial-thickness defect. On the basis of these results, we suggest that full-thickness defects at 6 weeks result in more detrimental change to the cartilage opposite it than do partial-thickness lesions of the same diameter.
Show more [+] Less [-]Three-dimensional inverse dynamics of the forelimb of Beagles at a walk and trot
Andrada, Emanuel | Reinhardt, Lars | Lucas, Karin | Fischer, Martin S.
OBJECTIVE To perform 3-D inverse dynamics analysis of the entire forelimb of healthy dogs during a walk and trot. ANIMALS 5 healthy adult Beagles. PROCEDURES The left forelimb of each dog was instrumented with 19 anatomic markers. X-ray fluoroscopy was used to optimize marker positions and perform scientific rotoscoping for 1 dog. Inverse dynamics were computed for each dog during a walk and trot on the basis of data obtained from an infrared motion-capture system and instrumented quad-band treadmill. Morphometric data were obtained from a virtual reconstruction of the left forelimb generated from a CT scan of the same dog that underwent scientific rotoscoping. RESULTS Segmental angles, torque, and power patterns were described for the scapula, humerus, ulna, and carpus segments in body frame. For the scapula and humerus, the kinematics and dynamics determined from fluoroscopy-based data varied substantially from those determined from the marker-based data. The dominant action of scapular rotation for forelimb kinematics was confirmed. Directional changes in the torque and power patterns for each segment were fairly consistent between the 2 gaits, but the amplitude of those changes was often greater at a trot than at a walk. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results indicated that control of the forelimb joints of dogs is similar for both a walk and trot. Rotation of the forelimb around its longitudinal axis and motion of the scapula should be reconsidered in the evaluation of musculoskeletal diseases, especially before and after treatment or rehabilitation.
Show more [+] Less [-]Kinematic and kinetic analysis of dogs during trotting after amputation of a thoracic limb
Jarvis, Sarah L. | Worley, Deanna R. | Hogy, Sara M. | Hill, Ashley E. | Haussler, Kevin K. | Reiser, Raoul F II
Objective-To characterize biomechanical differences in gait between dogs with and without an amputated thoracic limb. Animals-Client-owned dogs (16 thoracic-limb amputee and 24 quadruped [control] dogs). Procedures-Dogs were trotted across 3 in-series force platforms. Spatial kinematic and kinetic data were recorded for each limb during the stance phase. Results-Amputees had significant increases in stance duration and vertical impulse in all limbs, compared with values for control dogs. Weight distribution was significantly increased by 14% on the remaining thoracic limb and by a combined 17% on pelvic limbs in amputees. Braking ground reaction force (GRF) was significantly increased in the remaining thoracic limb and pelvic limb ipsilateral to the amputated limb. The ipsilateral pelvic limb had a significantly increased propulsive GRF. The carpus and ipsilateral hip and stifle joints had significantly greater flexion during the stance phase. The cervicothoracic vertebral region had a significantly increased overall range of motion (ROM) in both the sagittal and horizontal planes. The thoracolumbar vertebral region ROM increased significantly in the sagittal plane but decreased in the horizontal plane. The lumbosacral vertebral region had significantly greater flexion without a change in ROM. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Compared with results for quadruped dogs, the vertebral column, carpus, and ipsilateral hip and stifle joints had significant biomechanical changes after amputation of a thoracic limb. The ipsilateral pelvic limb assumed dual thoracic and pelvic limb roles because the gait of a thoracic limb amputee during trotting appeared to be a mixture of various gait patterns.
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