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Serologic and blood culture survey of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in four canine populations of southern Louisiana
Barr, S.C. | Dennis, V.A. | Klei, T.R.
Blood culture and serologic testing were used to study the prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in a group of 85 dogs from southern Louisiana rural environment. These dogs were known to have been in contact with wild mammalian hosts of the hemoflagellate. Results were compared with blood culture and serologic test results in 103 dogs from a rural environment and with limited known wild mammalian T cruzi host contact. Serologic test results for the 188 dogs from the rural environment were compared with results for 176 dogs from an urban animal shelter and for 100 household pet dogs from an urban southern Louisiana environment. Blood culture was not performed on urban dogs. Culture results were negative in all dogs from rural environments. Serologic evidence of infection was obtained for 4 of the 85 (4.7%) dogs of rural environment with known host contact. Of 176 dogs from the animal shelter, 4 (2.3%) had high antibody titer to T cruzi, and 11 others had low titer (< 2 adjusted ELISA units [aEU]). Two and 4 dogs of the housed urban and rural groups, respectively, had antibody titer to T cruzi that was < 2 aEU. Results indicate that prevalence for exposure to T cruzi antigen is higher in dogs with high potential contact with the vector and wild mammalian hosts of T cruzi, whether they are from rural or urban environment. Furthermore, results indicate that similar studies on high-risk human populations may be indicated.
Show more [+] Less [-]Clinical, clinicopathologic, and parasitologic observations of trypanosomiasis in dogs infected with North American Trypanosoma cruzi isolates
Barr, S.C. | Gossett, K.A. | Klei, T.R.
Nineteen purebred Beagles of various ages (4, 5, 13,and 47 weeks) were inoculated with North American Trypanosoma cruzi isolates obtained from an opossum (Tc-O), armadillo (Tc-A), or a dog (Tc-D). Dogs were grouped on the basis of clinical outcome of infection. During the acute stage of disease, dogs of group 1 (n = 7 inoculated with Tc-O or Tc-A) died or were euthanatized because of the severity of disease. Dogs of group 2 (n = 5 inoculated with Tc-O or Tc-A) developed acute disease, but survived to develop chronic disease. Dogs of group 3 (n = 7Tc-D-inoculated dogs) developed neither acute nor chronic disease. Dogs of group 4 (n = 4-2 dogs 13 weeks old and 2 dogs 47 weeks old) served as noninoculated controls. Clinical signs associated with severe acute myocarditis developed in dogs of groups 1 and 2 between postinoculation day (PID) 15 and 28. Generalized lymphadenopathy and lymphocytosis were observed in all dogs of groups 1, 2, and 3 between PID 14 and 17. Serum alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase activities and urea nitrogen concentration were high, and glucose concentration was low prior to death of dogs in group 1. Serum activities of isoenzymes of creatine kinase were significantly (P < 0.05) high in only 1 dog (group 1), whereas serum lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme activities were not significantly high in any dog. Parasitemia was detected by examination of thick blood smears as early as PID 3, peaked by PID 17 in most dogs, and was not detected by PID 33 in dogs of groups 1 and 2. Parasitemia was documented by blood culture results in dogs of groups 2 and 3 at various times throughout the study. Dogs infected at an older age generally had lesser degree of parasitemia and higher survival rate than did dogs infected at a younger age. Dogs of group 2 did not manifest clinical signs of disease for 27 to 120 days prior to onset of chronic disease. Ventricular-based arrhythmias and exercise intolerance developed in all dogs of group 2 at various times by PID 120. Two dogs developed signs of biventricular heart failure.
Show more [+] Less [-]Pathologic features of dogs inoculated with North American Trypanosoma cruzi isolates
Barr, S.C. | Schmidt, S.P. | Brown, C.C. | Klei, T.R.
Twenty-three clinically normal Beagles were inoculated with North American Trypanosoma cruzi isolates from an opossum (Tc-O), an armadillo (Tc-A), or a dog (Te-D). The dogs were grouped according to the clinical outcome of inoculation. Group 1 consisted of 7 dogs inoculated with Tc-O or Tc-A that died or were euthanatized during acute stages of disease. Group 2 consisted of 5 dogs inoculated with Tc-O or Tc-A, that also developed acute disease, but survived to develop chronic disease. Group 3 consisted of 7 dogs inoculated with Tc-D neither developed acute nor chronic disease. Group 4 consisted of 4 dogs and served as noninoculated controls. In group 1, the gross lesions were diffusely pale myocardiums with right ventricular enlargement, hepatomegaly, and a moderate amount of modified transudate in the abdominal cavity. Severe diffuse granulomatous myocarditis with large numbers of pseudocysts and minimal fibrosis characterized the tissues from all cardiac chambers and septum. The lesions were most severe in the right atrium and ventricle. Mild multifocal myositis and pseudocysts were observed in skeletal muscles and smooth muscles of the urinary bladder and small intestine. Multifocal encephalitis and pseudocysts were in the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and brain stem. In group 2, the gross lesions were biventricular enlargement and thinning of the ventricular free walls. The right ventricle contained the most severe microscopic changes. There were mild multifocal interstitial lymphohistiocytic cellular infiltrates, perivasculitis, and marked fibrosis in all areas of the myocardium. Mild myositis and multifocal encephalitis were seen in the skeletal muscles and brains. Pseudocysts were not observed in any tissues. In group 3, there was mild biventricular dilatation, minimal inflammation with fibrosis in cardiac tissues, and a multifocal myositis in most skeletal muscles. Multifocal encephalitis was seen in the brain stem. Pseudocysts were not observed in any tissues. Lesions were not found in group 4. Our results indicated heterogeneity between North American T cruzi isolates in lesion development in dogs, and there appeared to be a temporal relationship between acute and chronic trypanosomiasis in Tc-O- and Tc-A-inoculated dogs and the 3 phases of Chagas disease in human beings.
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