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Diethylcarbamazine-induced Dirofilaria immitis larval death, as indicated by immunoglobulin E concentration, in dogs with concurrent Ancylostoma caninum infection.
Yamagata G.R. | Gershwin L.J. | Wong M.M.
Immunoglobulin E is produced in response to parasitic nematodes that undergo blood and tissue migrations. Results of our previous studies indicated that IgE and IgG respond to Dirofilaria immitis in experimentally infected dogs. To determine the association between treatment with the larvicide, diethylcarbamazine (DEC), and antibody responses and to examine the potential influence of infection with a nonfilarid intestinal nematode on isotype-specific immune responses, we monitored, by use of isotype-specific ELISA, separate IgE and IgG responses against D immitis in 4 groups (A-D) of 8 dogs experimentally coinfected with D immitis and Ancylostoma caninum. All dogs were monitored from 2 weeks before inoculation with D immitis, through postinoculation (PI) week 20. Group-B dogs received a daily regimen of 6.6 mg of DEC/kg of body weight. Group-C dogs received 4.95 mg of oxibendazole/kg daily. Group-D dogs received DEC and oxibendazole, equivalent to the daily doses given to dogs of groups B and C. All dogs given oxibendazole had no A caninum at necropsy. Of the groups receiving DEC, 3 group-B dogs each had 1 to 2 D immitis at necropsy. When results of chronologic IgE determination for all groups were statistically compared, only groups B and C had significant (P = 0.0148 and P << 0.00005, respectively) increases in IgE values. Group-C dogs had the highest IgE values from PI week 10 until the end of the study, whereas IgG values were statistically identical to those of group-A dogs. Group-B dogs given only DEC and having the least number of D immitis of all groups, had IgE values that peaked at PI week 6; values were significantly (P = 0.0002) higher than those for all other groups. In Group-B dogs, IgG values increased significantly (P << 0.00005) only at PI week 20 and were significantly (P << 0.00005) decreased after PI week 6, compared with values for all other groups. Group D containing 6 dogs infected with 1 to 18 D immitis found at necropsy had IgE values betwee.
Show more [+] Less [-]Diminution of aflatoxin toxicity to growing lambs by dietary supplementation with hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate.
Harvey R.B. | Kubena L.F. | Phillips T.D. | Corrier D.E. | Elissalde M.H. | Huff W.E.
Hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate (HSCAS), an anticaking agent for mixed feed, was added to the diets of growing wethers (mean body weight, 34.0 kg) and was evaluated for its ability to diminish the clinical signs of aflatoxicosis. The experimental design consisted of 4 treatment groups of 5 wethers each, consuming concentrations of 0 g of HSCAS and 0 g of aflatoxin (AF)/kg of feed (control; group 1); 20 g of HSCAS/kg (2.0%; group 2), 2.6 mg of AF/kg (group 3); or 20 g of HSCAS (2.0%) plus 2.6 mg of AF/kg (group 4). Wethers were maintained in indoor pens, with feed and water available ad libitum for 42 days. Lambs were observed twice daily and weighed weekly, and blood samples were obtained every 2 weeks for hematologic and serum biochemical analyses and for measurement of mitogen-induced lymphocyte-stimulation index. At the termination of the study, wethers were euthanatized and necropsied. Body weight gain was diminished significantly (P less than 0.05) by consumption of 2.6 mg of AF/kg of feed, whereas body weight of lambs consuming HSCAS plus AF did not differ from that of control wethers. The AF-alone treatment increased serum aspartate transaminase and gamma-glutamyltransferase activities, prothrombin time, and cholesterol, uric acid, and triglyceride values and decreased albumin, glucose, and urea nitrogen values, and urea-to-creatine ratio. A 27% decrease in lymphocyte stimulation index, increased spleen weight (as a percentage of body weight), and decreased liver weight were induced by AF-alone treatment. Results indicate that HSCAS may be a high-affinity sorbent for AF, that 2.6 mg of AF/kg of feed induces signs of aflatoxicosis in growing wethers, that lambs may not be as resistant to the effects of AF as previously thought, that 2.0% HSCAS can substantially reduce the toxic effects of 2.6 mg of AF/kg, and that sorbent compounds may offer a novel approach to the preventive management of aflatoxicosis in livestock.
Show more [+] Less [-]Prevention and control of coccidiosis in goats with decoquinate.
Foreyt W.J. | Hancock D. | Wescott R.B.
Pharmacokinetic model for cefazolin distribution during total hip arthroplasty in dogs.
Marcellin Little D.J. | Papich M.G. | Richardson D.C. | DeYoung D.J.
Задачи зооспециалистов по профилактике нарушений обмена веществ у высокопродуктивных животных
Zhuk, L.L., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Definition of quality parameters and chemical composition of feeds, evaluation their nutritional value and composing on this basis optimal rations for high productive animals are the most significant conditions for their health and production. More often metabolism disorders registers in the conditions of intensive animal production, at high dairy efficiency and intensive fattening. At animals at disorder of key parameters of technology (unbalanced feeding, hypodynamia, lack of insolation) is broken metabolism, decreases natural resistance, goes down quality of production that conducts to disease, premature culling and to the compelled slaughter of animals. On frequency these diseases occupy on the average 10% from all noncontagious diseases, and on dairy complexes with industrial technology and in specialized feeding economy at intensive cultivation on their share it is necessary over 30% of a noncontagious pathology. Today the control of rations on such indicators, as dry matter level, quantity of exchange energy, the maintenance of a crude and digested protein, amino acids, sugars, starch, cellulose, fat, macro-and microelements, vitamins, and also sugar-energy-protein and calcium-phosphoric parities, acid-base balance has got special value. The lack of those or other nutrients causes infringement of a clinical condition of animals and reduces their efficiency. Among the most widespread diseases of the animals registered in animal industry: cattle ketosis, osteodystrophy, endemic struma, hypomagnesiemia tetany, pasturable tetany, microelementosis, hypovitaminoses A and Е.
Show more [+] Less [-]Влияние полифепана с лактулозой на гематологические показатели и динамику перекисного окисления липидов при профилактике гастроэнтеритов поросят
Abramov, S.S. | Belko, A.A. | Velikanov, V.V. | Malkov, A.A. | Shparkovich, M.V. | Vasilevskaya, E.M. | Kozlovskij, A.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Influence of polyphepan with lactulose on dynamics of hematological parameters for the preventive maintenance of gastroenteritis of piglets was studied in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Research results showed that application of the presented preparation provided normalization of haemotological parameters of blood, reduction of a level of organism intoxication that was characterized by lowering of concentration lipid peroxidation components.
Show more [+] Less [-]Оценка профилактической и терапевтической эффективности комплексного препарата Феровитал в условиях клиники и производства
Kurdeko, A.P., Belarus State Academy of Agriculture, Gorki (Belarus) | Zajtsev, V.V., Vitebsk Biofactory (Belarus) | Dremach, G.Eh., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Zajteseva, A.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus clinic and production conditions there was analyzed the prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy of a new national complex iron dextrane preparation Ferovital against deficiency (nutritional) anemia of new-born cattle and swine. In course of the study there were analyzed results of hematological and biochemical tests of blood of piglets which were administrated with Ferovital preparation. There were also marked the general economic index: live weight gain, disease incidence, piglet death rate, etc. Research results showed that the Ferovital preparation had an expressed prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy both in clinic and production conditions.
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