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Dietary zinc inhibits the formation of colonic preneoplastic lesion induced by azoxymethane and dextran sodium sulfate in mice
Park, H.J., Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea | Kim, D.Y., Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea | Kang, B.S., Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea | Yoon, J.S., Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea | Jeong, J.H., Chungbuk Province College, Okcheon, Republic of Korea | Nam, S.Y., Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea | Yun, Y.W., Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea | Kim, J.S., Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea | Lee, B.J., Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the leading causes of cancer death in western countries or in the developed countries. Zinc intake has been associated with decreased risk of CRC. We investigated the effect of zinc on the formation of colonic aberrant crypt foci (ACF) induced by azoxymethane followed by dextran sodium sulfate in mice. Five-week old ICR mice were fed with the different zinc levels (0.01, 0.1, 1 ppm) for 12 weeks. The numbers of ACF were measured in the colonic mucosa. The ACF number of HZn group was significantly low compared with LZn group or MZn group. Cytosolic superoxide dismutase activity was the highest in HZn group, while thiobarbituric acid reactive substance level for lipid peroxidation was the highest in LZn group. There was no difference in number of PCNA-positive proliferative cells among the groups. TUNEL-positive apoptotic cells were increased in HZn group compared with LZn group. The HZn group exhibited a decrease of β-catenin immunostaining areas compared with the LZn or MZn group. These findings indicate that dietary zinc might exert a protecting effect against colon carcinogenesis by inhibiting the development of ACF in the mice.
Show more [+] Less [-]Modulation of heat stress in buffaloes by supplementing electrolytes, ascorbate and zinc.
Kumar, B.Y.Sunil | Singh, Gyanendra | Kumar, Ajeet | Kataria, Meena | Meur, S.K.
The ameliorative effect of salts, ascorbic acid olyphosphate and zinc oxide supplementation on heat stress was studied in adult buffaloes of either sex which were randomly divided into two groups of four animals each. Group I served as control and Group II was supplemented with sodium bicarbonate, potassium carbonate, ascorbic acid polyphosphate and zinc oxide. All the animals were exposed to two conditions of temperature and humidity: hot-dry and hot-humid in psychrometric chamber for 4 hours daily for 10 days. Blood was collected on days 1, 5 and 10 of treatment. The activities of enzymes catalase, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and concentrations of reduced glutathione (GSH), hormone cortisol and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) binding substances (lipid peroxidation) were estimated in serum. Significant decreasewas observed in activities of serum catalase and SOD. Serum GSH concentration decreased while serum concentrations of TBA binding substances and cortisol significantly increased in both groups which were subjected to heat stress. Dietary supplementation of ascorbate, zinc and electrolytes resulted in further decrease in the enzymes' activities where as the serum GSH increased at par to normal values. Serum concentrations ofTBA binding substances and cortisol were comparatively lower in supplemented group in both types of stress. Thus, supplementation of ascorbate and zinc in addition to electrolytes relieved the animals of oxidative stress.
Show more [+] Less [-]Plasma Trace Mineral Concentration of Kutuchi Camels.
Shukla, M.K. | Siddiquee, G.M. | Latifand, A. | Parekar, S.S.
The present study reports the concentration of Copper, Zinc, Iron and Manganese in the blood plasma of male kutchi camels during their breeding season. The respective concentrations of the plasma trace minerals were 112.94 ±O.44, 105.65±2.08, 117.65±1.72 and 160.29±0.75 µ/dl.
Show more [+] Less [-]Nickel toxicity and its interaction with zinc, copper and lead in growing chicks
Park, J.H. (Korea Advanced Inst. of Science and Technology, Seoul (Korea R.)) | Kim, C.S. (Tankook Univ., Seoul (Korea R.))
Nickel toxicity and interactions of nickel with zinc, copper and lead were studied in growing chicks fed supplement diet. Feed intake and growth rate of the chick were reduced by 250 mg nickel as a sulfate salt per kg of feed. The toxicity of nickel was decreased by zinc or copper supplementation, but not lead. High nickel feed increased nickel level in kidney and decreased zinc levels in tibia and plasma. However, low zinc levels in tibia and in plasma were reversed by zinc supplementation. Hemoglobin, packed cell volume, and aortic elastin content were increased in chicks fed nickel
Show more [+] Less [-]The effect of ethanol on zinc, calcium and copper concentrations of tissues in rats
Lee, K.W. | Lee, H.B. (Kyongbuk National Univ., Taegu (Korea R.). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine)
This study was designed in order to clarify the effect of ethanol drinking on the mineral contents on liver, kidney, muscle and hair. Forty-five rats were divided into 2 groups and a control group. The control group received tap water and the other 2 groups were given 8 % and 40 % ethanol as drinking source. Liver, kindney, muscle and hair samples were taken and analyzed for zinc, calcium and copper contents by atomic absorption spectrophotometric methods. The zinc content of muscle showed significant (P0.01) decrease in both groups. The calcium content of hair showed significant (P0.1) increase in 8 % ethanol group. The copper contents of kidney and muscle in 8 % ethanol group and liver in 40 % ethanol group showed significant (P0.1) decrease
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of over-dosed lead and its interaction with iron, copper, zinc or protein supplement in chicks
Park, J.H. | Kim, C.S. (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul (Korea R.))
The protective effects of high levels of dietary iron, copper, zinc or protein on lead toxicity were studied in chicks. Growth retardation, reduction of feed intake, anemia and accumulation of lead in the bone and kidney were observed in chicks fed a diet containing 500mg lead as chloride/kg of feed for 42 days. Early changes due to ingested lead were inhibition of red blood cell 8-aminolevulinic acid dehydrase at all doses and no effect of iron, copper, zinc or protein addition were observed
Show more [+] Less [-]Studies on the safety of recombinant bovine somatotropin in dairy cow, 1; Effects of recombinant bovine somatotropin on mineral composition in milk of dairy cows
Lee, M.H. (Seoul National Univ., Suwon (Korea Republic). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine) | Cho, T.H. (Rural Development Administration, Anyang (Korea Republic). Veterinary Research Institute)
Effects of dietary copper and zinc supplementation on some biochemical parameters in broilers
Cinar, M. | Nizamlioglu, M.(Selcuk Univ., Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Konya (Turkey))
In the present study, effects of different doses of dietary Cu and Zn suplementation on plasma biochemical parameters in broilers were investigated. In this study, a total of 430 avian broiler chicks were used and divided into 12 groups as control and treatment groups in which different doses of Cu, Zn and Cu+Zn supplemented
Show more [+] Less [-]Изучение токсичности комплексонатов микроэлементов в опытах на телятах
Matsinovich, A.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Investigation of acute and subchronic (chronic) toxicity of complexinates of trace elements in experiments with calves was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. The realized experiments were based on developed in Belarus veterinary preparations for the treatment and prevention of diseases connected with disorders of trace elements exchange containing chelate compounds of trace elements with sodium ethylene diamine acetate: Cuprovet (on the basis of CuNa); Cobalvet (on the basis of CoNa), Zinkovet (on the basis of ZnNa), and Feravet (on the basis of FeNa). There were the following indexes of ferrum in nephros - 55,3 +/- 2,26, in muscles - 134 +/- 26,6 mkg/g, and in liver - 565 +/- 35,5 mkg/g after administration of Feravet. There were the following index of zinc in nephros - 56,3 +/- 2,64, in muscles -25, 8 +/- 1,23 and in liver - 84,4 +/- 3,29 mkg/g after administration of Zinkovet. There were the following indexes of cuprum in nephros - 4,1 +/- 0,325, in muscles - 2,33 +/- 0,117, and in liver - 12,3 +/- 1,12 mkg/g after administration of Cuprovet. There were the following indexes of cobalt in nephros - 40,35 +/- 2,29, in muscles - 12,5 +/- 0,98, and in liver - 126,5 +/- 10,45 ng/g after administration of Cobalvet. Parameters of toxicity of all preparations were by the example of laboratory mice, rats and calves given. Content of trace elements in blood of calves in dynamics of the experiment was analyzed. There were determined parameters of acute toxicity of the analyzed preparations: they all could be referred to substance hazard category 4 (low-hazardous substances). The determined parameters of acute toxicity made it possible to recommend them for treatment and prophylaxis of microelementoses of cattle, as well as to use them as feed additives taking into consideration that defect action levels of the analysed preparations exceed the deficiency needs of cattle in case of their limited cumulation
Show more [+] Less [-]Совершенствование профилактических мероприятий при гипомикроэлементозах супоросных свиноматок в условиях диспансеризации
Kovalenok, Yu.K. | Nikolaenko, S.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
There was studied the width of distribution and peculiarity of clinical manifestation of mineral exchange diseases at pregnant sows, and also perfection of preventive actions at pathology of mineral metabolism in the conditions of prophylactic medical examination. Results of research have shown, that diseases of mineral metabolism widespread (84,7%) among pregnant sows in the conditions of industrial production, are most extended scarce conditions on Zn (17,7%) and Fe (22,5%). Clinically this insufficiency was expressed by oppression, appetite distortion, occurrence on a skin of specifically red stains correct roundish the form: with the clarified sites in the centre, are registered as abortions at final stages of pregnancy. It is established, that the way of preventive maintenance of hypomicroelementosis of pregnant sows with use of chelated forms of microelements is more preferable than sows, as reduces percent of clinical display of Zn and Fe deficiency, stabilize level of hematological and biochemical indicators of blood more effectively, and also raise industrial indicators of pregnant sows. | Целью работы было изучение широты распространения и особенностей клинического проявления заболеваний минерального обмена у супоросных свиноматок, а также совершенствование профилактических мероприятий при патологии минерального обмена веществ в условиях диспансеризации. Результаты исследований показали, что болезни минерального обмена веществ широко распространены (84,7%) среди супоросных свино¬маток в условиях промышленного производства, наиболее распространены дефицитные состояния по Zn (17,7%) и Fe (22,5%). Клинически эта сочетанная недостаточность выражалась угнетением, залеживанием, понижением и извращением аппетита, появлением на коже специфически красных пятен правильной округлой форма: с просветленными участками в центре, зарегистрированы так же аборты на конечных стадиях супоросности. Установлено, что способ профилактики гипомикроэлементозов супоросных свиноматок с использованием хелатных форм микроэлементов предпочтительнее, поскольку сокращает процент клинического проявления дефицита цинка и железа, эффективнее стабилизируют уровень гематологических и биохимических показателей крови, а также повышают производственные показатели супоросных свиноматок.
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