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Relationship between serum total cholesterol levels on the day of hormonal treatment and the subsequent ovarian response in ovarian cystic cows.
Kweon O.K. | Ono H. | Uchisugi H. | Miyamoto H. | Koyama H. | Kanagawa H.
Effect of long-term administration of ketoconazole in cats.
Willard M.D. | Nachreiner R.F. | Howard V.C. | Fooshee S.K.
Influences of breed, sex, and susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia on lipid composition of skeletal muscle and adipose tissue in swine.
Hartmann S. | Otten W. | Kratzmair M. | Seewald M.J. | Iaizzo P.A. | Eichinger H.M.
Comparison of taurine, alpha-tocopherol, retinol, selenium, and total triglycerides and cholesterol concentrations in cats with cardiac disease and in healthy cats.
Fox P.R. | Trautwein E.A. | Hayes K.C. | Bond B.R. | Sisson D.D. | Moise N.S.
Epidemiologic relations were evaluated between plasma concentrations of nutrients and cardiovascular diseases. A total of 220 cats were assessed: 144 cats with noninduced acquired heart disease and 76 clinically normal cats. Plasma was assayed for taurine, alpha-tocopherol, selenium, retinol, and total cholesterol and triglycerides concentrations. Cardiovascular disease groups included dilated cardiomyopathy (n = 53), left ventricular hypertrophy (n = 28), hyperthyroidism (n = 11), and uncertain classification (n = 52). In cats with dilated cardiomyopathy, mean plasma taurine concentration was the lowest of that in cats of any group, being only 38% of the value in healthy cats; females had less than half the mean value of males. Tocopherol concentration was 20% lower than normal, and retinol concentration was 40% higher than normal. Total cholesterol concentration was 36% lower than normal. Triglycerides concentration was higher in these cats than in any other group-twice the value recorded in healthy cats and 67% higher than that in hyperthyroid cats. In cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, almost 15% had mean plasma taurine concentration < 30 micromol/L. Retinol concentration was 15% higher, and triglycerides concentration was 54% higher than normal. Approximately 27% of hyperthyroid cats had mildly decreased plasma taurine concentration. Hyperthyroid cats had the lowest tocopherol and cholesterol values; both were at least 30% lower than normal. Retinol concentration was 30% higher than Approximately 14% of cats with uncertain classification had mildly decreased plasma taurine concentration. Plasma retinol and triglycerides concentrations were higher than normal in 25 and 38% of these cats, respectively. Plasma selenium concentration, compared between healthy cats and cats with cardiac disease, was not significantly different. This observation may not be meaningful, however, in light of the limited number of cats in which selenium was assessed.
Show more [+] Less [-]Relation among body condition score, serum urea nitrogen and cholesterol concentrations, and reproductive performance in high-producing Holstein dairy cows in early lactation.
Ruegg P.L. | Goodger W.J. | Holmberg C.A. | Weaver L.D. | Huffman E.M.
Body condition scoring (using a 5-point with quarter-point divisions) was performed on 66 Holstein dairy cows that began their second or later lactation in August, September, or October 1988. Cows' body condition was scored beginning on postpartum day 4 (+/- 1) and subsequently at postpartum days (+/- 1) 18, 32, 46, 60, 73 and 87. Blood samples were obtained on the same dates. Reproductive health examinations were conducted by 1 of 2 veterinarians beginning at postpartum day 21. Reproductive performance was evaluated in relation to body condition score and serum urea nitrogen and cholesterol concentrations. Number of days to first recorded signs of estrus and first breeding were not related to body condition score at calving, amount of condition loss, cumulative 80-day milk yield, or 305-day fat corrected milk yield. Cows that calved with body condition score greater than or equal to 3.50 required more days to conceive. Cows losing > 0.75 points of condition had longer days of conception. Body condition score at calving and amount of condition lost were not related to services per conception or diagnosis of follicular cyst. Cumulative 80-day milk yield was not related to days to conception or services per conception. Cows that produced greater than or equal to the mean 305-day milk yield required more services and had longer days to conception than cows that produced < the mean 305-day milk yield. Cows with diagnosis of ovarian follicular cysts had greater cumulative 80- and 305-day milk yields than did cows that were not diagnosed with follicular cysts. Cows conceiving with less than or equal to 2 services did not differ in average daily milk production, body condition score, or serum urea nitrogen concentration from cows conceiving with > 2 services, but cows that conceived with less than or equal to 2 services had higher serum cholesterol values than did cows requiring more services.
Show more [+] Less [-]Studies on body types by body growth and blood chemical values in the Jindo dog., 1; Blood chemical values of Jindo dogs.
Kim W.K. | Lee J.H. | Kim J.S.
The present study was conducted in order to get the normal blood chemical values of Korean Jindo dogs. Blood samples were taken from 160 (male 34, female 126) healthy Jindo dogs in Jindo area. The mean values of serum total protein (TP), albumin (Alb) and globulin (Glb) content, cholesterol (Chole), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), inorganic phosphate (P), potassium (K), sodium (Na) and chloride (Cl) concentration in the group of less than one year old were 6.64 (male 6.62, female 6.64), 3.63 (male 3.57, female 3.65) and 3.00 (male 3.05, female 2.99) g/100ml, 170.97 (male 166.46, female 172.68) mg/100ml, 1.45 (male 1.43, female 1.46), 5.76 (male 5.62, female 5.81), 4.80 (male 4.95, female 4.75), 4.84 (male 4.72, female 4.89), 148.93 (male 148.79, female 148.98) and 110.22 (male 110.42, female 110.14) mEq/L, respectively, whereas the TP, Alb and Glb content, Chole Mg, Ca, P, K, Na and Cl concentration in the group of one year old and more were 6.88 (male 6.84, female 6.89), 3.65 (male 3.63, female 3.66) and 3.23 (male 3.21, female 3.23) g/100ml, 167.48 (male 173.80, female 166.48) mg/100ml, 1.40 (male 1.36, female 1.40), 5.69 (male 5.53, female 5.71), 4.62 (male 4.73, female 4.60), 4.88 (male 4.90, female 4.87), 149.86 (male 149.60, female 149.90)and 110.03 (male 110.70, female 109.92) mEq/L, respectively. The ratios of mean serum albumin to globulin (A/G), calcium to inorganic phosphate (Ca/P) and sodium to potassium (Na/K) in the group of less than one year old were 1.21 (male 1.17, female 1.22), 1.20 (male 1.14, female 1.22) and 30.77 (male 31.52, female 30.47), respectively, whereas the A/G, Ca/P and Na/K in the group of one year old and more were 1.13 (male 1.13, female 1.13), 1.23 (male 1.17, female 1.24) and 30.71 (male 30.53, female 30.78), respectively. The mean values of Alb content, Mg, Ca and K concentration, A/G and Ca/P ratio appeared to be higher in the female than in the male, whereas the reverse was the case with P concentration. No differences were found between male and female in the TP and Glb content, Chole, Na and Cl concentration and Na/K ratio.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of Artemisia Iwayomogi water extract on hepatic injury by carbon tetrachloride in rats - (1) - Effect of serum AST, ALT, LDH activities, lipid content and liver peroxide content.
Kim K.S. | Park J.H.
Effects of conjugated linoleic acid and selenium on body composition and serum cholesterol concentration in broiler chickens
Jun, H.J. (Konkuk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea) | Kim, J.Y. (Konkuk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea) | Lim, J.J. (Konkuk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea) | Lee, S.H. (Konkuk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea) | Lee, B.H. (Konkuk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea) | Jeong, S.W. (Konkuk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea) | Park, H.M. (Konkuk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea) | Chung, B.H. (Konkuk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea), E-mail:
The purpose of this study was to examine whether conjugated linoleic acid and selenium supplementation in broiler chicken diets would be effective, enhance indices of immune status and body weight, and modulate serum lipid concentration. Forty Hyline brown chickens, 1 weeks of age, were divided into 5 groups of 8 chickens. Chickens were fed the experimental diets supplemented with 1% CLA (conjugated linoleic acid; Group 1), 1% CLA + selenium (Group 2), 1% safflower-seed-oil as LA (Group 3), 1% safflower-seed-oil as LA + selenium (Group 4) or nothing (Control) for 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, serum, liver, spleen and abdominal fat were taken. Measurement of total immunoglobulin were executed using sandwich ELISA.
Show more [+] Less [-]Relationship between serum total cholesterol levels before calving and occurrence rate of disease after calving in Holstein heifers and cows
Kweon, O.K. (Obihiro Univ. of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido (Japan)) | Ono, H. | Seta, T. | Onda, M. | Oboshi, K. | Kanagawa, H.
Estimation of serum glucose, cholesterol and uric acid contents and proximate analysis of meat in different strains of chickens
Bhatti, B.M. | Talat, T. | Sardar, R. (Poultry Research Inst., Rawalpindi (Pakistan))
In this study five samples each of serum glucose, serum cholesterol and uric acid contents were measured in Fayoumi, Rhode Island Red, Parent desi, desi Fl and desi F2 strains of chickens. Cholesterol contents were found to be lowest in desi F2 chickens whereas in other strains there was least significant difference, which can be attributed to reduced lipogenic activity in desi F2 generation. When five samples each of meat from two locations i.e. breast and thigh was subjected to proximate analysis it was found that there was no difference (P greater than 0.05) in crude protein, crude fat, total ash and moisture contents regardless of sex and strains. Dry matter contents differed (P less than 0.05) in breast meat and found to be lowest in Parent desi stocks.
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