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Tk-deleted pseudorabies virus retains high pathogenicity in rats
Zhang, Lirong | Ruan, Keyue | Sang, Guoju | Xu, Zhaoyang | Tong, Wu | Yu, Hai | Shan, Tongling | Gao, Fei | Li, Liwei | Kong, Ning | Tong, Guangzhi | Zheng, Hao
The pseudorabies virus (PRV) gene encoding thymidine kinase (tk) is an important virulence-associated factor. Attenuation of PRV in susceptible animals is a frequent result of tk deletion. The aim of the study was to assess the pathogenicity of tk-deleted PRV in rats. Sprague Dawley rats were infected with the tk-deleted PRV strain SuHV-1 ΔTK:247via intranasal or intramuscular inoculation. PRV loads in ten tissues from dead and euthanised rats were determined using real-time PCR. Infection with SuHV-1 ΔTK:247 could cause death in rats. The 50% lethal dose (LD₅₀) of SuHV-1 ΔTK:247 via intranasal inoculation was 10³.¹⁶ TCID₅₀ in rats. Intramuscular inoculation required a higher dose of SuHV-1 ΔTK:247 (10⁵.⁰ TCID₅₀). A high SuHV-1 ΔTK:247 titre was observed in the trigeminal ganglia or spinal cord of dead rats. The results of this study show that rats are highly susceptible to PRV infection, and tk deletion did not completely diminish the pathogenicity of PRV in rats.
Show more [+] Less [-]First description of histopathological lesions associated with a fatal infection of moose (Alces alces) with the liver fluke Parafasciolopsis fasciolaemorpha Ejsmont, 1932
Filip-Hutsch, Katarzyna | Hutsch, Tomasz | Kolasa, Szymon | Demiaszkiewicz, Aleksander W.
Parafasciolopsis fasciolaemorpha is a liver fluke typically parasitising moose in Central and Eastern Europe. The aim of our studies was to describe a case of fatal moose parafasciolopsosis, with special emphasis on the histopathological changes caused in the liver tissue by around 10,000 flukes. A male moose, found dead in Polesie National Park, eastern Poland, was subjected to parasitological necropsy. Macroscopic and histopathological examination of the liver was performed. Over 10,000 flukes identified as P. fasciolaemorpha were isolated from the liver parenchyma. Histopathological examination of the liver revealed the presence of multiple cavities, which were filled with flukes and cellular detritus and encysted with a layered capsule of connective tissue. Extensive liver fibrosis with signs of incomplete septal cirrhosis was also observed. Parafasciolopsosis with accompanying diarrhoea was the most probable reason for the moose’s death. However, it is possible that most moose are able to survive extremely intensive P. fasciolaemorpha infection by formation of extensive fibrosis, which isolates flukes from the liver parenchyma and therefore retards the failure of the organ. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first histopathological description of changes in the liver of a moose infected with P. fasciolaemorpha.
Show more [+] Less [-]African swine fever (ASF) and ticks. No risk of tick-mediated ASF spread in Poland and Baltic states
Frant, Maciej | Woźniakowski, Grzegorz | Pejsak, Zygmunt
Infectious diseases of swine, particularly zoonoses, have had a significant influence on nutritional safety and availability of pig meat as high-energy protein product since the time that pigs were domesticated back in the 7ᵗʰ century BC. The main sources of swine infectious diseases include the so-called primary sources (direct infection, i.e. through contact with infected and sick animals) and secondary sources (contaminated meat products, slaughter products, and vectors, including ticks). At present, the most serious epidemiological and economic threat to swine breeding in Europe is African swine fever (ASF). This disease, originally coming from Africa, is incurable and causes death of infected pigs and wild boars during 7−10 days after infection. Among the various factors that influence the spread of ASF, important role is played by ticks from the genus Ornithodoros, mainly from the species Ornithodoros moubata. Research on the ASF indicates that other species of ticks can also transmit the virus to healthy pigs in laboratory conditions. Sylvatic and domestic cycles of ASF virus transmission, which have been described so far, require further studies and updating in order to point the potential new vectors in the Caucasus and Eastern Europe affected by the ASF. Effective methods of control and biosecurity may significantly slow down the spread of ASF, which undoubtedly is a major threat to world pig production and international swine trade.
Show more [+] Less [-]Characteristics of selected bioaccumulative substances and their impact on fish health
Walczak, Marek | Reichert, Michał
The aim of this article was to evaluate the influence and effects of chosen bioaccumulative substances i.e. heavy metals, pesticides, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on fish, as well as provide information on time trends and potential threat to human health. Chemical substances which pollute water may affect living organisms in two ways. First of all, large amounts of chemical substances may cause sudden death of a significant part of the population of farmed fish, without symptoms (i.e. during breakdown of factories or industrial sewage leaks). However, more frequently, chemical substances accumulate in tissues of living organisms affecting them chronically. Heavy metals, pesticides, and polychlorinated biphenyls are persistent substances with a long-lasting biodegradation process. In a water environment they usually accumulate in sediments, which makes them resistant to biodegradation processes induced by, e.g., the UV light. These substances enter the fish through direct consumption of contaminated water or by contact with skin and gills. Symptoms of intoxication with heavy metals, pesticides, and PCBs may vary and depend on the concentration and bioavailability of these substances, physicochemical parameters of water, and the fish itself.
Show more [+] Less [-]Occurrence of marine biotoxins in bivalve molluscs available in Poland in 2014–2018
Madejska, Anna | Osek, Jacek
Marine biotoxins are toxic substances that may cause illness and death in marine organisms and humans. This article disseminates the results of a 4-year study on the occurrence of marine biotoxins in raw bivalve molluscs purchased from Polish suppliers. A total of 256 samples of 8 different molluscs species were analysed for the presence of biotoxins using the ELISA method for paralytic shellfish poison, diarrhoetic shellfish poison, and amnaesic shellfish poison. The permitted limits of marine biotoxin content were not exceeded in any of the analysed samples and the majority of them were free from these compounds. The results of the study indicate that the tested raw bivalve molluscs available in Poland were safe for consumers.
Show more [+] Less [-]Luteolin attenuates cognitive dysfunction induced by chronic cerebral hypoperfusion through the modulation of the PI3K/Akt pathway in rats
He, Haitao | Chen, Xi
In our study, we evaluated the beneficial effect of luteolin in the treatment of cognitive dysfunction in rat models induced by cerebral hypoperfusion by two-vessel occlusion (2-VO). Seventy-five male Sprague Dawley rats were subjected to 2-VO surgery, in all but 15 (the sham group, group I) the ligation being permanent to impair cognitive abilities. The sham group rats received saline instead of a drug; 15 2-VO rats were not injected at all (the model group, group II); 15 2-VO rats were administered luteolin at 50 mg/kg b.w. (the lut 50 group, group III); to a further 15 luteolin was given at 100 mg/kg b.w. (the lut 100 group, group IV); and the final 15 received nimodipine at 16 mg/kg b.w. as positive controls (the nimodipine group, group V). Object recognition and Morris water maze tests were performed to investigate memory ability. A Western blot test was also conducted to assess expression of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), its downstream target protein kinase B (Akt), and the phosphorylated form (P-Akt) in cerebral cortex and hippocampus tissue samples. Significant variations in the discrimination index in the object recognition test, the escape latencies in the Morris water maze test, and expression levels of PI3K-p110α and PI3K-p85 were observed three months after 2-VO surgery in both lut groups, with a significant change in the nimodipine group compared to the model group. P-Akt and Akt were expressed significantly higher in both lut groups and the nimodipine group than in the model group. Luteolin treatment of rats cognitively dysfunctional after experimental cerebral hypo perfusion was neuroprotective by activating the PI3K/Akt signals which inhibit neuronal death in the cerebral cortex and hippocampal region.
Show more [+] Less [-]Investigation and sequence analysis of avian polyomavirus and psittacine beak and feather disease virus from companion birds in eastern Turkey
Adiguzel, Mehmet Cemal | Timurkan, Mehmet Ozkan | Cengiz, Seyda
Avian polyomavirus (APV) and psittacine beak and feather disease virus (PBFDV) induce contagious and persistent diseases that affect the beaks, feathers, and immune systems of companion birds. APV causes hepatitis, ascites, hydropericardium, depression, feather disorders, abdominal distension, and potentially death. PBFDV can induce progressive beak deformity, feather dystrophy, and plumage loss. We conducted the first prevalence survey of both APV and PBFDV infections in companion birds in eastern Turkey. A total of 113 fresh dropping samples from apparently healthy companion birds were collected in a random selection. The dropping samples were analysed for PBFDV and APV by PCR. Positive samples were sequenced with the Sanger method. The sequence was confirmed through alignment and the phylogenetic tree generated through the maximum likelihood method computationally. PBFDV and APV were detected in a respective 48.7% and 23.0% of samples. Coinfection was found in 12.4% of the samples, these all being from budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus). APV and PBFDV were detected in budgerigar and cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) samples. This report provides a foundation for future studies on the influence of these viruses on the health of companion birds. These high positive rates for both pathogens emphasise that healthy M. undulatus and N. hollandicus in eastern Turkey may be prone to the emergence and spread of APV and PBFDV with subclinical potential.
Show more [+] Less [-]Mouse (Mus musculus) embryonic cerebral cortex cell death caused by carbofuran insecticide exposure
Luqman, Epy Muhammad | Sudiana, I Ketut | Darmanto, Win | Achmad, Agung Budianto | Widjiati,
The aim of the study was to describe the process of neuron death in the cerebral cortex caused by embryonic carbofuran exposure. 81 mouse foetuses from 27 breeding mice were used in the study. Carbofuran was administered by gavage from the 6ᵗʰ to the 15ᵗʰ day of gestation to two groups: one at 0.0208 and the other at 0.0417 mg/kg b.w. On the 17ᵗʰ day, the mice were sacrificed and the foetuses were taken to measure the ROS (malondialdehyde/MDA and superoxide dismutase/SOD) activity in brain tissue, the number of apoptotic embryonic cerebral cortex neurons using a TUNEL assay, and necrotic cells using HE staining. Examination of p53 and caspase 3 expression was done by immunohistochemistry. Data were analysed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan’s test. Increased activity of cerebral ROS characterised by significant elevation of the MDA level (P < 0.05), decreased SOD (P < 0.01), increased p53 and caspase 3 expression, and cerebral cortical neuron death either by necrosis or apoptosis (P < 0.05) were found. At the low dose carbofuran increased expression of p53, caspase 3, and apoptosis. At the high dose it increased levels of MDA and necrosis. Increased expression of p53 and caspase 3 and apoptosis indicated that carbofuran may cause apoptosis through the intrinsic pathway. The increased apoptosis grants an opportunity to prevent and treat the effect of ROS due to gestational carbofuran exposure.
Show more [+] Less [-]Retrospective analysis of indications and complications related to implantation of permanent pacemaker: 25 years of experience in 31 dogs
Noszczyk-Nowak, Agnieszka | Michałek, Marcin | Kapturska, Karolina | Cepiel, Alicja | Janiszewski, Adrian | Pasławski, Robert | Skrzypczak, Piotr | Pasławska, Urszula
Introduction: Pacemaker implantation is the only effective symptomatic treatment for life-threatening bradyarrhythmias. Major complications observed after implantation of cardiac pacemakers include lead dislocation, loss of pulse generator function, and inadequate stimulation. The aim of this retrospective single-centre study was to analyse the indications for pacemaker implantation and the incidence and types of complications associated with this procedure in dogs treated for symptomatic bradyarrhythmia. Material and Methods: The retrospective analysis included 31 dogs with symptomatic bradyarrhythmia, implanted with permanent cardiac pacemakers in 1992–2017. The list of analysed variables included patient age, breed, sex, indication for pacemaker implantation, comorbidities, and the incidence of procedure-related complications along with the type thereof. Results: The most common indication for pacemaker implantation was 3ʳᵈ degree AVB, followed by SSS, advanced 2ⁿᵈ degree AVB, and PAS. Pacemaker implantation was associated with a 35% overall complication rate and 6.45% periprocedural mortality. There were no significant differences in terms of procedure-related complications with regard to age, sex, breed, indications for pacemaker implantation, or comorbidities. Conclusions: Cardiac pacing is the only effective treatment of symptomatic bradycardia, but as an invasive procedure, may pose a risk of various complications, including death.
Show more [+] Less [-]Changes in serum protein electrophoresis profiles and acute phase proteins in calves with diarrhea
Choi, Kyoung-Seong | Kang, Jin-Hee | Cho, Hyung-Chul | Yu, Do-Heyon | Park, Jinho
Calf diarrhea leads to substantial economic losses in the livestock industry worldwide due to medical treatment costs, retarded growth performance, and even death. The objective of this study was to investigate changes in serum protein profiles and acute phase proteins in calves with diarrhea and identify the association between these changes and diarrhea. A total of 185 Korean beef calves were used and divided into 3 groups by age: 1 to 10 days (n = 46), 11 to 20 days (n = 65), and 21 to 30 days (n = 74). Blood and fecal samples were collected from each calf. Serum concentrations of total protein, protein fractions (albumin, α1-globulin, α2-globulin, β-globulin, and γ-globulin), haptoglobin (Hp), and serum amyloid A (SAA) were analyzed. Compared to calves without diarrhea, calves with diarrhea had significantly lower albumin concentrations at 11 to 20 days and 21 to 30 days of age (P = 0.017 and P = 0.000, respectively) and significantly higher α1-globulin fractions at 21 to 30 days of age (P = 0.01). Interestingly, α2-globulin fractions were significantly higher in diarrheic calves in all age groups, whereas γ-globulin fractions were significantly lower in calves with diarrhea aged 1 to 10 days, compared with normal animals. In calves with diarrhea, the concentration of Hp was significantly higher, whereas SAA levels were not different between normal and diarrheic calves. In addition, a positive correlation was found between α2-globulin and Hp (P = 0.0004). Taken together, these results provide useful information about the use of serum protein profiles and Hp as prognostic and diagnostic markers for animal health status.
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