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Detection of colonies of Anaplasma marginale in salivary glands of three Dermacentor spp infected as nymphs or adults.
Stiller D. | Kocan K.M. | Edwards W. | Ewing S.A. | Hair J.A. | Barron S.J.
Salivary glands from males of 3 Dermacentor species (D andersoni, D variabilis and D occidentalis) that were infected with either the Virginia or Idaho isolate of Anaplasma marginale as nymphs or adults were examined for colonies of A marginale by use of light and electron microscopy. Prior to dissection of salivary glands, exposed ticks were held at 25 C for 15 to 18 days, followed by a 3-day incubation at 37 C. Ticks of 2 species transmitted A marginale to calves; the third tick species was confirmed infected by demonstration of typical colonies in tick gut cells, but transmission was not attempted; Colonies of A marginale were seen with light microscopy in salivary glands of all 3 species of ticks; they were located in acinar cells that contained simple granules. Colonies varied morphologically from small, compact ones to larger structures that contained distinct organisms and often were adjacent to the host cell nucleus. Electron microscopy confirmed that the colonies were rickettsial organisms. Morphologic features of A marginale varied and included reticulated forms, forms with electron-dense centers, and small particles; these various forms were similar to those described previously in midgut epithelial cells of ticks. We believe that the organism seen within tick salivary glands may replicate in the glands before its transmission to the vertebrate host.
Show more [+] Less [-]Preliminary studies of the development of Anaplasma marginale in salivary glands of adult, feeding Dermacentor andersoni ticks.
Kocan K.M. | Wickwire K.B. | Ewing S.A. | Hair J.A. | Barron S.J.
On each day of feeding on susceptible calves, salivary glands obtained from groups of adult ticks that transmitted Anaplasma marginale were examined for A marginale colonies by use of light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. On day 8 of feeding, salivary glands were examined, using fluorescein-labeled antibody and methyl green-pyronine stain. Use of fluorescein-labeled antibody consistently revealed small numbers of fluorescent foci in salivary gland acinar cells obtained from ticks that had fed for 8 days. Colonies of A marginale were seen by transmission electron microscopy only in salivary gland acini of male ticks; these colonies could not be identified, using light microscopy, in companion 1-micron plastic sections stained with Mallory stain. Methyl green-pyronine stain, used commonly to detect theilerial parasites in tick salivary glands, did not differentiate A marginale from cytoplasmic inclusions normally found in salivary gland acinar cells.
Show more [+] Less [-]Development and infectivity of Anaplasma marginale in Dermacentor andersoni nymphs
Kocan, K.M. | Yellin, T.N. | Claypool, P.L. | Barron, S.J. | Ewing, S.A. | Hair, J.A.
The development of Anaplasma marginale was studied in Dermacentor andersoni nymphs after they had fed on a calf with ascending Anaplasma infection. Gut tissues were collected on day 4 of tick feeding, from newly replete (fed) nymphs and on postfeeding days (PFD) 5, 10, 15, 20, and were processed for light and electron microscopy to determine density of A marginale colonies. Homogenates of gut tissues were prepared from nymphs collected on the same days and inoculated into susceptible, splenectomized calves to test for infectivity. Anaplasma colonies were detected in gut cells on PFD 5, 10, 15, and 20. Although colony density appeared to be higher on PFD 10 and 15, differences were not significant. Nymphal type-1 colonies were detected in highest numbers on PFD 5 and 10, transitional colonies were seen in highest numbers at PFD 10 and 15, and nymphal type-2 colonies were observed only on PFD 20. Gut homogenates that were collected from ticks at 4 days of feeding, when newly replete, and on PFD 20 caused anaplasmosis when injected into susceptible calves, but homogenates made from ticks collected on PFD 5, 10, and 15 were not infective. The data indicate that of the colony types of A marginale that develop in replete nymphs, nymphal type-1 and transitional colonies may contain organisms that are not infective for cattle.
Show more [+] Less [-]Anaplasma marginale in tick cell culture
Hidalgo, R.J. | Jones, E.W. | Brown, J.E. | Ainsworth, A.J.
Anaplasma marginale was propagated in a tick cell line derived from Dermacentor variabilis embryos. The rickettsial organism was identified and monitored in culture by transmission electron microscopy and the indirect immunofluorescence technique, using specific monoclonal antibodies. Inoculation of the embryonic tick cell line with midguts of infected adult ticks (culture 1), nymphal ticks (culture 2) and adult ticks that were infected as nymphs and dissected as adults (culture 3) resulted in 3 continuous cultures of A marginale. Culture 1 had been maintained through 22 passages over a 11-month period; cultures 2 and 3 had been maintained for 18 passages over a 9-month period. Growth of A marginale in the cell line began in the area of the nuclear membrane at approximately 4 days after inoculation or transfer. Thereafter, the organisms were observed in inclusions scattered throughout the cytoplasm of the host cells. Maximal growth of the organism occurred at 7 to 14 days, after which numbers of inclusions rapidly decreased to minimal or undetectable levels. The organism began new cycles of growth with each 1:5 to 1:10 split and transfer of the host cells. Electron microscopy of recently infected cells revealed a morphology of the organism that closely resembled that observed in marginal bodies of infected erythrocytes. After several passages, A marginale organisms had a varied morphology and resembled the organism described in midgut cells of naturally infected ticks. Substitution of adult bovine serum for fetal bovine serum and adjustment of the pH of the medium from 6.9 to 7.4 resulted in several-fold increases in amount of growth and reduced the period required to reach maximal growth to a predictable time of 5 to 7 days. The importance and potential of this method of continuous laboratory propagation of A marginale are discussed.
Show more [+] Less [-]Demonstration of Anaplasma marginale in hemolymph of Dermacentor andersoni by animal inoculation and by fluorescent-antibody technique
Kocan, K.M. | Oberst, R.D. | Ewing, S.A. | Hair, J.A. | Barron, S.J.
Dermacentor andersoni, demonstration of Anaplasma marginale in hemolymph by animal inoculation and fluorescent antibody technique
Show more [+] Less [-]Morphologic characteristics of colonies of Anaplasma marginale Theiler in midgut epithelial cells of Dermacentor andersoni Stiles
Kocan, K.M. | Ewing, S.A. | Holbert, D. | Hair, J.A.
Anaplasma marginale, morphologic characteristics of colonies in Dermacentor andersoni midgut epithelial cells
Show more [+] Less [-]Infectivity and antigenicity of Anaplasma marginale from tick cell culture
Hidalgo, R.J. | Palmer, G.H. | Jones, E.W. | Brown, J.E. | Ainsworth, A.J.
The infectivity and immunogenicity of Anaplasma marginale grown in a tick cell culture from embryonic Dermacentor variabilis ticks were assessed in splenectomized and intact calves, respectively. Culture 1 consisted of the cell line inoculated with midguts of adult ticks infected with the Mississippi isolate of A marginale and dissected 5 to 10 days after repletion and detachment from an experimentally infected calf. Cultures 2 and 3 consisted of the cell line inoculated with midguts of ticks infected with the Virginia isolate of the organism. Inoculum for culture 2 was derived from nymphal ticks dissected 5 to 10 days after repletion and detachment from the infected calf; inoculum for culture 3 was midguts from adult ticks that were fed as nymphs, allowed to molt in the laboratory and dissected 21 to 24 days after molting. In trial 1, cultures 1, 2, and 3 were maintained at pH 6.9 and incubated at 28 C; in trial 2, cultures 1 and 3 were maintained at pH 7.4 and incubated at either 28 C or 37 C. Cultures 1, 2, and 3 failed to induce infection when injected IV and SC into 6 calves in 2 separate trials. Prechallenge sera from these calves reacted with 2 purified Anaplasma antigens in the ELISA, but failed to react in the complement-fixation test. Results of a trial to use cultures 1 and 3 in combination with an oil-in-water adjuvant to immunize intact calves against A marginale were inconclusive. However, prechallenge sera from immunized calves reacted with the 2 purified Anaplasma initial body antigens in the ELISA but failed to react in the complement-fixation text. When reacted against electrophoretically separated A marginale initial body proteins disrupted by sodium dodecyl sulfate, prechallenge serums from calves used in infectivity and immunization trials reacted with a majority of the antigens precipitated by an animal experimentally infected by inoculation of infected blood. This offers additional evidence that A marginale was maintained in the tick culture for up to 11 months and that the organism in culture antigens similar, if not identical, to the erythrocytic stage of the rickettsial agent. The importance of the laboratory culture of A marginale is discussed.
Show more [+] Less [-]Development of colonies of Anaplasma marginale in the gut of incubated Dermacentor andersoni
Kocan, K.M. | Holbert, D. | Ewing, S.A. | Hair, J.A. | Barron, S.J.
Dermacentor andersoni, density, size, type, and distribution of colonies of Anaplasma marginale in gut of ticks incubated at 37 C for various periods
Show more [+] Less [-]Influence of increased temperature on Anaplasma marginale Theiler in the gut of Dermacentor andersoni Stiles
Kocan, K.M. | Barron, S.J. | Holbert, D. | Ewing, S.A. | Hair, J.A.
Dermacentor andersoni, transmission of Anaplasma marginale to splenectomized calves by injection of gut homogenates from incubated vs. non-incubated adult ticks
Show more [+] Less [-]Staining characteristics of colonies of Anaplasma marginale Theiler in Dermacentor andersoni Stiles
Oberst, R.D. | Kocan, K.M. | Hair, J.A. | Ewing, S.A.
Anaplasma marginale, several techniques used to determine effectiveness of stains for demonstrating colonies of Anaplasma in Dermacentor andersoni
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