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Neurophysiologic maps of cutaneous innervation of the external genitalia of the ram.
Kirk E.J. | Kitchell R.L. | Carr D.H.
Studies on the physiological properties of the histamine receptor of ileal smooth muscle in dog
Kim, J.H. (Kyongsang National Univ., Chinju (Korea R.). Dept. of Veterinary Medicine) | Park, Y.B. (Seoul National Univ., Seoul (Korea R.). Coll. of Medicine) | Kwun, J.K. (Seoul National Univ., Suwon (Korea R.). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine)
To validate the physiological properties of the histamine receptors of ileal smooth muscle in dog, the effect of adrenergic, cholineric and H-receptor antagonists on the responses of ileal smooth muscle strips to histamine were investigated. Histamine caused the contraction of ileal smooth muscle and the contractile responses increased between the concentration of histamine (10-7M and 10-5 M) with dosedependent manner in dog. The shorter the treatment interval of histamine, the lower the contractile activity until the treatment interval extended to 40 minutes
Show more [+] Less [-]Влияние влажного зерна, заготовленного с консервантами Кормоплюс, на переваримость и использование питательных веществ бычками на откорме
Kozinets, A.I. | Kot, A.N. | Akulich, V.I. | Radchikova, G.N. | Gurin, V.K., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
The research in RUP Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding of National Academy of Sciences on such parameters as consumption of forages, processes of rumen digestion, morphological and biochemical structure of blood has shown that usage of wet grain preserved with Kormoplus for young cattle fattening has a positive effect on physiological condition and digestibility of nutrients and promotes nitrogen usage by animals that increases at 7,0 and 1,6%
Show more [+] Less [-]Физиологическое состояние и продуктивность бычков в зависимости от качественного состава протеина в рационе
Kovalevskaya, Yu.Yu. | Gurin, V.K. | Kot, A.N. | Kozinets, A.I. | Shorets, R.D., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
It is determined that diets with protein digestibility of 61-66% in organism of a calve activate fermentative processes in rumen, increase digestibility of nutrients at 3,8-10,1% that allows to obtain the average weigh gains of 1036-1075 g, that is at 4,2-8,1% higher than that of control group at forage spends of 6,79-7,04 forage units
Show more [+] Less [-]Течение обменных процессов у цыплят-бройлеров в зависимости от прерывистого освещения
Sharejko, N.A. | Sintserova, A.M. | Gukov, F.D., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
The influence of various light regimes on productive indices of broiler chickens cultivation of СОВВ cross taking into consideration the course of some exchange processes was studied in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. There were formed 4 groups of one-day-old chickens with the approximately identical body weight. For the chickens of a control group there was used the standard for Belarusian poultry farms light regime, i.e. 23 hours of light and 1 hour of darkness (23L:1D), in three experimental groups there were used the following light regimes: first - (3L:1D) х 6, second - (2L:1D) х 8, third - (1L:1D) х 12. The predetermined conditions were set by means of filament lamps with 15 W capacity. Throughout the whole experiment there was realized the identical feeding level for all groups: during the first growing period (1-30 days) chickens were fed with mixed fodder PK 5B containing 22% of crude protein and 296,6 kcal of exchange energy, during second period (31-42 days) - PC 6B containing 20% of crude protein and 332,2 kcal. In the applied mixed fodders there was used enzyme Rovabio. Research results showed that metabolic processes occurring in chicken body in the majority opf cases depended on application of various light regimes. Interchange of light and darkness periods (3 hours of light and 1 hour of darkness) х 6 at light exposure in 15 lk rendered the positive effect on the activity of endocrine systems of chickens of СОВВ crosses. In mentioned above group of chickens the hormones directed their metabolic processes towards increasing the productive indices, namely: daily average gain of chickens of the first group was authentically higher than the same index in the second and the third groups on 13,6% and 17,9%, respectively
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