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Effects of tendon grip technique (frozen versus unfrozen) on in vitro surface strain measurements of the equine deep digital flexor tendon.
Matthews G.L. | Keegan K.G. | Graham H.L.
Effects of temperature and storage time on pin pull-out testing in harvested canine femurs.
Huss B.T. | Anderson M.A. | Wagner Mann C.C. | Payne J.T.
Effects of temperature and storage time on canine bone-transfixation pin specimens were tested by comparing pin pull-out forces. A total of 16 femurs from 8 mature dogs were tested. Five nonthreaded Steinmann pins were placed through both cortices in the diaphysis of each femur. The femurs were then sectioned transversely between each pin, with a bonepin specimen placed evenly into each of 5 groups prior to biomechanical testing. Four bone-pin specimen groups were stored at -20 or -70 C for 14 or 28 days, while 1 specimen group was immediately tested. Pull-out forces for frozen groups were compared with pull-out forces for the fresh group. Using two-way ANOVA, there was no statistical difference in mean axial-extraction forces among bonepin specimen in any of the tested groups. It is concluded that acute pin pull-out forces are not significantly affected by freezing temperature or time. However, specimens stored at -20 C for as few as 14 days had a trend for increased pull-out forces, compared with freshly harvested specimens. Therefore, the authors recommend storage of bone-pin specimens at -70 C when possible.
Show more [+] Less [-]Ceftiofur distribution in serum and milk from clinically normal cows and cows with experimental Escherichia coli-induced mastitis.
Erskine R.J. | Wilson R.C. | Tyler J.W. | McClure K.A. | Nelson R.S. | Spears H.J.
Eight Holstein cows, 4 inoculated intracisternally in 1 quarter of the mammary gland with Escherichia coli and 4 noninfected controls, were administered ceftiofur sodium (3 mg/kg of body weight, IV, q 12 hours) for 24 hours, beginning at 14 hours after inoculation of infected cows. All challenge-exposed cows became infected, with mean +/-SEM peak log10 bacterial concentration in milk of 5.03 +/-0.69 colony-forming units/ml. The infection resulted in systemic signs (mean peak rectal temperature, 41.5 +/- 0.3 C; anorexia; signs of depression) and local inflammation (mean peak albumin concentration in milk, 7.89 +/- 1.71 mg/ml). Ceftiofur was detectable in milk from all challenge-exposed cows, compared with only 1 of 4 noninfected cows, and the mean period after inoculation that ceftiofur was detectable in milk was longer (P < 0.05) in infected (147.7 +/- 27.5 hours) than noninfected cows (1.3 +/- 1.3 hours). However, maximal ceftiofur concentration attained in milk for all cows was 0.28 micrograms/ml, and was 0.20 micrograms/ml or less for all but 2 milk samples collected for 10 days after challenge exposure. Mean serum concentration of ceftiofur peaked at 1.0 +/- 0.3 micrograms/ml and 0.7 +/- 0.1 micrograms/ml for infected and noninfected COWS, respectively. After each ceftiofur dose, mean peak and trough concentrations of ceftiofur in serum did not differ between groups; however, concentration of ceftiofur in serum was higher at 7 hours after each dose in noninfected cows, suggesting more rapid clearance of the drug in infected cows. Ceftiofur was not detected in serum (< 0.05 micrograms/ml) of any cow at or after 120 hours following inoculation of infected cows Storage of serum samples at -20 C for 3 weeks resulted in a 98.8% decrease in ceftiofur activity, compared with that in fresh serum samples. Eighty-seven percent of this loss occurred 30 minutes after mixing serum and ceftiofur; thus, about 13% of the original activity was lost in storage.
Show more [+] Less [-]Quick freezing of mouse embryos by direct plunge into liquid nitrogen vapor: Effects of sugars.
Takahashi Y. | Kanagawa H.
Effect of extender supplementation with low-molecular-weight antioxidants on selected quality parameters of cryopreserved canine spermatozoa
Lecewicz, Marek | Strzeżek, Rafał | Kordan, Władysław | Majewska, Anna
Introduction The addition of low-molecular-weight antioxidants during the freezing process improves post-thaw sperm quality. The high antioxidant potential of cryopreserved semen could have a positive effect on the motility, viability, and energy status of sperm cells and their ability to bind to the zona pellucida of oocytes. The aim of the study was to determine the effects of different concentrations and combinations of vitamins E and C in a semen extender on selected quality parameters of frozen-thawed canine spermatozoa. Material and Methods The experimental material was the semen of four mixed-breed dogs. Sperm viability (motility, plasma membrane integrity, and mitochondrial function) was examined at 0, 60, and 120 min in semen samples supplemented with the extender and in the controls. Results Combined supplementation with vitamins C + E at a concentration of 200 + 200 μM /1 × 10⁹ spermatozoa had the most profound effect on total sperm motility, linear motility, and the percentage of spermatozoa with intact plasma membrane and active mitochondria. Conclusion The synergistic activity of vitamins E and C had a more beneficial influence on the quality of frozen–thawed sperm than these non-enzymatic antioxidants applied separately.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of storage conditions on results for quantitative and qualitative evaluation of proteins in canine urine
Theron, Marie-Laure | Piane, Laetitia | Lucarelli, Laetitia | Henrion, Remi | Layssol-Lamour, Catherine | Palanche, Florence | Concordet, Didier | Braun, Jean-Pierre D. | Trumel, Catherine | Lavoue, Rachel
OBJECTIVE To investigate effects of storage conditions on the canine urine protein-to-creatinine ratio (UPC) and on SDS–agarose gel electrophoresis (AGE) of urinary proteins. SAMPLE Urine specimens from 20 proteinuric (UPC > 0.5) and 20 nonproteinuric (UPC ≤ 0.2) dogs. PROCEDURES UPC and SDS-AGE were performed on urine specimens stored at room temperature (20°C) and 4°C for up to 5 days and at −20° and −80°C for up to 360 days; some specimens were subjected to 3 freeze-thaw cycles. Results were compared with those obtained for fresh urine specimens. RESULTS UPC was not affected by storage at room temperature or by freezing. A decrease in UPC was observed for specimens from nonproteinuric dogs after 5 days at 4°C (10%) and from both groups after 90 days at −20° and −80°C (≤ 20% and ≤ 15%, respectively). The SDS-AGE profiles revealed no visual changes regardless of duration of storage for specimens stored at room temperature, 4°C, and −80°C, except for 1 profile after 360 days at −80°C. Repeated freeze-thaw cycles did not affect SDS-AGE profiles. Appearance or strengthening of high-molecular-weight bands that could alter interpretation was evident in SDS-AGE profiles after storage at −20°C for ≥ 15 days (31/40 dogs). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Storage of urine at −20° or −80°C for up to 1 year influenced the UPC without affecting clinical interpretation. Storage of urine specimens at −20°C impaired visual analysis of SDS-AGE. When SDS-AGE cannot be performed on fresh or recently refrigerated urine specimens, storage at −80°C is recommended.
Show more [+] Less [-]Enhanced inactivation of avian influenza virus at −20°C by disinfectants supplemented with calcium chloride or other antifreeze agents
Guan, Jiewen | Chan, Maria | Brooks, Brian W. | Rohonczy, Elizabeth
Avian influenza outbreaks have occurred during winter months, and effective disinfection of poultry premises at freezing temperatures is needed. The commercial disinfectants Virkon and Accel, supplemented with an antifreeze agent [propylene glycol (PG), methanol (MeOH), or calcium chloride (CaCl2)], were evaluated for their effectiveness in killing avian influenza virus (AIV) at −20°C or 21°C. An AIV suspension was applied to stainless steel disks, air-dried, and covered with a disinfectant or antifreeze agent for 5 to 30 min. Virkon (2%) and Accel (6.25%) with 30% PG, 20% MeOH, or 20% CaCl2 inactivated 6 log10 AIV within 5 min at −20°C and 21°C. At these temperatures PG and MeOH alone did not kill AIV, but the 20% CaCl2 solution alone inactivated 5 log10 AIV within 10 min. The results suggested that CaCl2 is potentially useful to enhance the effectiveness of disinfection of poultry facilities after outbreaks of AIV infection in warm and cold seasons.
Show more [+] Less [-]Evaluation of a commercially available radioimmunoassay and species-specific ELISAs for measurement of high concentrations of insulin in equine serum
Objective: To evaluate a human radioimmunoassay (RIA) and equine and high-range porcine (hrp) species-specific ELISAs for the measurement of high serum insulin concentrations in ponies. Samples: Serum samples from 12 healthy nonobese ponies (7 clinically normal and 5 laminitis prone; 13 to 26 years of age; 11 mares and 1 gelding) before and after glucose, insulin, and dexamethasone administration. Procedures: Intra-and interassay repeatability, freeze-thaw stability, dilutional parallelism, and assay agreement were assessed. Results: Assay detection limits were as follows: RIA, < 389 μU/mL; equine ELISA, < 175 μU/mL; and hrp ELISA, 293 to 8,775 μU/mL. Mean ± SD intra- and interassay repeatability were respectively as follows: RIA, 6.5 ± 5.1 % and 74 ± 3.4%; equine ELISA, 10.6 ± 11.0% and 9.0 ± 4.6%; and hrp ELISA, 19.9 ± 172% and 173 ± 16.6%. Freezing and thawing affected measured concentrations. Dilutional parallelism in the RIA was only evident when insulin-depleted equine serum was used as a diluent (percentage recovery, 95.7 ± 274%); in the ELISAs, dilutional parallelism was observed when a zero calibrator was used. Agreement between RIA and equine ELISA results was good for samples containing concentrations < 175 μU of insulin/mL (bias, −18.5 ± 25.5 μU/mL; higher in RIA). At higher concentrations, assay agreement was poor between RIA and equine ELISA results (bias, −185.3 ± 98.7 μU/mL) and between RIA and hrp ELISA results (bias, 25.3 ± 183.0 μU/mL). Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Agreement among results of the 3 assays was variable, and dilutional parallelism was only evident with the RIA when insulin-depleted equine serum was tested. Caution is recommended when evaluating high insulin concentrations measured with the RIA or ELISAs.
Show more [+] Less [-]Comparison of results for commercially available microbiological media plates with results for standard bacteriologic testing of bovine milk
Wallace, Jodi A. | Bouchard, Émile | DesCôteaux, Luc | Messier, Serge | Du Tremblay, Denis | Roy, Jean-Philippe
Objective—To compare results for 3 commercially available microbiological media plates with those for standard bacteriologic testing of bovine milk. Sample—Milk samples from postpartum cows and cows with a high somatic cell count (SCC) or clinical mastitis (CM). Procedures—Sample-ready Staphylococcus culture medium (SRSC) plates were used to detect Staphylococcus aureus in milk samples obtained from postpartum cows and cows with a high SCC or CM. Rapid coliform count (RCC) plates were used to detect coliforms in milk samples obtained from cows with CM. Aerobic count (AC) plates were used to detect streptococci in CM samples. Fresh mastitic milk samples were frozen and then thawed to evaluate the effects of freezing for the SRSC and RCC plates. The effects of dilution (1:10) of samples were determined. Agreement of results between the commercially available plates and standard bacteriologic testing was evaluated. Results—The ability of SRSC plates to detect S aureus in milk samples was highest with diluted samples from postpartum cows and cows with a high SCC or CM. Sensitivity of the RCC plate for detection of coliforms was highest with diluted mastitic milk samples. The AC plates had a poor positive predictive value for detection of streptococci in mastitic milk samples. Freezing increased S aureus detection. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Overall, the SRSC and RCC plates were accurate, were easy to use, and yielded results comparable to those of standard bacteriologic testing for the detection of S aureus and coliforms in bovine milk.
Show more [+] Less [-]Comparison of osteogenic efficacy depending on implant preparation in autograft
Lee, J.I. (The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan) | Song, H.N. (Seosin Animal Hospital, Jeonju, Republic of Korea) | Kim, N.S. (Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Republic of Korea), E-mail: | Choi, I.H. (Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Republic of Korea)
Bone graft had been investigated previously to restore bone defects in orthopedics. The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy on new bone formation in bone autografts by treatment of implants. Cortical bone autografts were transplanted to midshaft of diaphyseal fibulae of 9 rabbits which were divided in 3 groups according to the treatment method of implants. Cortical bone implants for graft were treated with 3 different methods; freezing, freeze-drying, defat-freezing. Autografts were achieved by cross-transplantation method to bilateral fibulae of the presented rabbits after implant treatment procedures.
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