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Effect of Pasteurella multocida toxin on physeal growth in young pigs.
Ackermann M.R. | Register K.B. | Stabel J.R. | Gwaltney S.M. | Howe T.S. | Rimler R.B.
Immunologic factors related to survival and performance in neonatal swine.
Tyler J.W. | Cullor J.S. | Thurmond M.C. | Douglas V.L. | Parker K.M.
Logistic regression was used to develop models predicting preweaning survival in 334 neonatal swine. Measured risk factors included birth weight, litter size (live born), dam parity, serum IgG concentration, serum ELISA titers recognizing common gram-negative core antigens, and serum concentrations of the third component of complement. Larger birth weights were associated with increased probability of preweaning survival. The highest mortality was observed in litters with more than 12 pigs. Pigs with serum concentration of the third component of complement (C3) in the lowest stratum, < 20% adult pooled C3 standard (APC3), had reduced mortality, compared with high (> 38% APC3) and middle (20 to 38% APC3) groups. Associations between all other variables, including total serum IgG concentration and preweaning survival were not significant. Few pigs had hypogammaglobulinemia, < 3% of the study population had serum IgG concentrations < 1 g/dl. Of all measured variables, only birth weight and dam parity were significant predictors of preweaning gain. Larger pigs and pigs born to third or greater parity dams had more preweaning gain than other pigs.
Show more [+] Less [-]Prevention and control of coccidiosis in goats with decoquinate.
Foreyt W.J. | Hancock D. | Wescott R.B.
Efficacy of a streptomycin-dependent, live Pasteurella haemolytica vaccine against challenge exposure to Pasteurella haemolytica in cattle.
Blanchard Channell M.T. | Ashfaq M.K. | Kadel W.L.
Growth and reproductive performance, during exposure to ammonia, of gilts afflicted with pneumonia and atrophic rhinitis.
Diekman M.A. | Scheidt A.B. | Sutton A.L. | Green M.L. | Clapper J.A. | Kelly D.T. | Van Alstine W.G.
From 2 to 4.5 months of age, 80 crossbred gilts were reared in a conventional grower unit where they were naturally exposed to mycoplasmal and bacterial pathogens that cause pneumonia and atrophic rhinitis. At 4.5 months of age, gilts were moved to environmentally regulated rooms (4.9 X 7.3 m) and assigned at random to 1 of 2 treatment groups: low aerial concentration of ammonia (4 to 12 ppm; mean, 7 ppm) or moderate aerial concentration of ammonia (26 to 45 ppm, mean, 35 ppm). Low concentration of ammonia was obtained by flushing of manure pits weekly, whereas moderate concentration of ammonia was maintained by adding anhydrous ammonia to manure pits that were not flushed. Gilts were weighed biweekly. Mean daily gain (MDG) was less (P < 0.01) for gilts exposed to moderate concentration of ammonia than for gilts exposed to low concentration of ammonia after 2 weeks in their respective environments. By 4 and 6 weeks, however, MDG was similar between the 2 treatment groups. After 6 weeks in these environments, 20 gilts from each treatment group were slaughtered, and prevalence and severity of lung lesions and snout grades were determined. At slaughter, body weight was greater (P < 0.01) in gilts exposed to low, rather than moderate, ammonia concentration (94.5 vs 86.8 kg; SEM, 3.3 kg). Percentage of lung tissue containing lesions (18 vs 12) and snout grade (2.8 vs 3.1) were similar between gilts exposed to low or moderate concentration of ammonia. The remaining 20 gilts in each treatment group were maintained in their respective environments, exposed daily to mature boars and bred at first estrus. Age at puberty was similar between gilts exposed to low or moderate concentration of ammonia (208 vs 205 days; SEM, 1.3 days), even though weight at puberty was less (P < 0.03) for gilts exposed to low concentration of ammonia than for gilts exposed to moderate concentration of ammonia (109.7 vs 118.2 kg; SEM, 4.5 kg).
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of ivermectin and fenbendazole in strategic treatment of gastrointestinal nematode infections in cattle.
Williams J.C. | Knox J.W. | Barras S.A. | Hawkins J.A.
Four groups of 18 beef calves each were used to evaluate effects of different treatments on parasite control and weight gains. The investigation extended from November 1986 (weaning) to October 1987. Group-1 calves were treated with ivermectin (200 micrograms/kg of body weight, SC) at approximately 6-week intervals for a total of 8 treatments; group-2 calves were given the same dosage of ivermectin by the same route of administration as group-1 calves in November, March, and July; group-3 calves were given fenbendazole paste (5 mg/kg, PO) at the same times as group-2 calves; and group-4 calves served as untreated controls with provision for ivermectin salvage treatment. All groups grazed on individual pairs of larval-contaminated, 1.6-ha pastures. Highest (P < 0.05) initial worm counts in fall tracer calves were found in group 3 (Ostertagia ostertagi and Trichostrongylus axei adults) and group 4 (O ostertagi and Haemonchus adults). Fecal egg counts of group-1 calves were low throughout the experiment and pasture larval counts remained negligible after July. Egg counts and larval counts of other groups remained higher into summer. Worm counts, including O ostertagi inhibited early fourth-stage larvae (EL4), were highest (P < 0.05) in groups-3 and -4 spring tracer calves; numbers of O ostertagi EL4 were similarly high in groups 2, 3, and 4; and T axei counts were highest (P < 0.05) in groups-3 and -4 yearlings slaughtered in spring. Liveweights of group-1 calves were greater (P < 0.05) than in other groups from March 2 to October, and by July 2, group-2 calves had a liveweight advantage over group-4 calves. Group-3 calves had the lowest rate of gain from March to July and mean liveweight of the group was less (P < 0.05) than in all other groups from April to October. Only minimal worm numbers were recovered from groups-1 or -2 calves in October. Large numbers of O ostertagi and T axei were recovered from group-4 calves and O ostertagi from group-3 calves. A few calves in groups 3 and 4, but 365 kg in group 1, 328 kg in group 2, 316 kg in group 4, and 281 kg in group 3.
Show more [+] Less [-]Complement, bacteriostatic, and enzymatic activities in sera from guinea pigs given aflatoxin and/or rubratoxin.
Thurston J.R. | Sacks J.M. | Richard J.L. | Peden M. | Driftmier K.
The relationship of serum complement activity and bacteriostatic activity was investigated in male guinea pigs given aflatoxin and/or rubratoxin. In experiment 1, guinea pigs were given 0.6 mg of aflatoxin/kg of body weight, PO, once. In experiment 2, guinea pigs were given 0.02 mg of aflatoxin/kg, PO, and/or 8 mg of rubratoxin, PO, 11 times. Aflatoxin (0.02 mg/kg) had no effect given alone, but potentiated the effect of rubratoxin. In both experiments, changes in complement activity were accompanied by similar but not always significant (P less than 0.05) changes in bacteriostatic activity of serum. Guinea pigs given 0.06 mg of aflatoxin/kg had significant (P less than 0.05) changes in complement titers and in serum alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase, and aspartate aminotransferase activities. Guinea pigs given repeated oral doses of aflatoxin and/or rubratoxin had changes in complement titers, bacteriostasis, and alkaline phosphatase and aspartate aminotransferase activities, but not in alanine aminotransferase activities. Significant differences were detected only when average values for all guinea pigs given rubratoxin or rubratoxin with aflatoxin were compared with average values for guinea pigs not given rubratoxin.
Show more [+] Less [-]Leptin inhibits hepatocyte growth factor-induced ductal morphogenesis of bovine mammary epithelial cells
Yamaji, D.(Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan)) | Kamikawa, A. | Soliman, M.M. | Ito, T. | Ahmed, M.M. | Makondo, K. | Watanabe, A. | Saito, M. | Kimura, K.
We examined the effect of stroma-derived factors, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and leptin, on morphological differentiation of bovine mammary epithelial cells (BMEC) in collagen gel three-dimensional culture in vitro. BMEC treated with HGF, but not leptin, formed duct-like organoids. The formation of organoids by HGF was enhanced by treatment with a mixture of insulin, cortisol and prolactin, while BMEC treated with the mixture alone did not produce the organoid. In contrast, the formation of organoids by HGF was dose-dependently inhibited by simultaneous addition of leptin, regardless of the presence or absence of the hormone mixture. These results suggest that stroma-derived factors intricately regulate mammary epithelial morphogenesis.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of administration with fat-free diet and dietary iron on polyunsaturated fatty acid, vitamin E and their derivatives in male rats
Huh, R.S. | Kim, Y.H. | Do, J.C. | Lee, Y.H. | Choi, Y.S. (Kyungpook National University, Taegu (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Kim, S.H. (Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Taejon (Korea Republic))
Effects of nitrate on thyroid function in rabbits
Kim, J.S. | Han, J.H. (Chonbuk National Univ., Chonju (Korea R.). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine) | Kim, K.S. (Kimje Agricultural High School, Kimje (Korea R.))
The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of nitrate (KNO3) on the thyroid glands in rabbits which were administrated KNO3 of 1g/kg/day for 6 weeks. Growth rate, and serum levels for T4, T3 and TSH were observed every week. The histological changes and the weights of the thyroid glands were observed in 6 weeks. The mean growth rates of experiments were decreased significantly in the 1st week, but were increased a little from the 5th to 6th week compared with those of controls. The serum levels for T4 of the experimental group manifested significantly decreased values than those of control through the experimental term consistently and the serum levels for T3 were greatly decreased in the 3rd and 4th weeks. TSH contents of the serum were not changed through the experimental term. The mean weight of the thyroid gland in the experiment was decreased significantly after 6 weeks compared with that of cotrol. In the experimental group, the color of colloid in the thyroid follicles revealed deeper eosinophilic and the heights of the follicular epithelial cells were taller than those of controls. The colloid in the thyroid follicles revealed depletion. As summarized above, the observations suggest that nitrate can be an antithyroid substance in rabbits and it leads the thyroid glands to hypofunctional state
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