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Comparison of the effects of glycerol, dimethyl sulfoxide, and hydroxyethyl starch solutions for cryopreservation of avian red blood cells
Graham, Jennifer E. | Meola, Dawn M. | Kini, Nisha R. | Hoffman, Andrew M.
OBJECTIVE To compare effectiveness of glycerol, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), and hydroxyethyl starch (HES) solutions for cryopreservation of avian RBCs. SAMPLE RBCs from 12 healthy Ameraucana hens (Gallus gallus domesticus). PROCEDURES RBCs were stored in 20% (wt/vol) glycerol, 10% (wt/vol) DMSO freezing medium, or various concentrations of HES solution (7.5%, 11.5%, and 20% [wt/vol]) and frozen for 2 months in liquid nitrogen. Cells were then thawed and evaluated by use of cell recovery and saline stability tests, cell staining (7-aminoactinomycin D and annexin V) and flow cytometry, and scanning electron microscopy. RESULTS Percentage of RBCs recovered was highest for 20% glycerol solution (mean ± SE, 99.71 ± 0.04%) and did not differ significantly from the value for 7.5% HES solution (99.57 ± 0.04%). Mean saline stability of RBCs was highest for 10% DMSO (96.11 ± 0.25%) and did not differ significantly from the value for 20% HES solution (95.74 ± 0.25%). Percentages of cells with 7-aminoactinomycin D staining but without annexin V staining (indicating necrosis or late apoptosis) were lowest for 10% DMSO freezing medium (3%) and 20% glycerol solution (1%) and highest for all HES concentrations (60% to 80%). Scanning electron microscopy revealed severe membrane changes in RBCs cryopreserved in 20% HES solution, compared with membrane appearance in freshly harvested RBCs and RBCs cryopreserved in 10% DMSO freezing medium. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Cryopreservation of avian RBCs with HES solution, regardless of HES concentration, resulted in greater degrees of apoptosis and cell death than did cryopreservation with other media. Transfusion with RBCs cryopreserved in HES solution may result in posttransfusion hemolysis in birds.
Show more [+] Less [-]Artérias mesentéricas cranial e caudal em aves (Gallus gallus) da linhagem Cobb 500
Danila Barreiro Campos | Frederico Ozanam Carneiro e Silva | Renato Souto Severino | Sérgio Salazar Drummond | Eduardo Maurício Mendes de Lima | Marcelo Ismar Silva Santana | Pedro Primo Bombonato
Estudaram-se as origens, ramificações e distribuições das artérias mesentéricas cranial e caudal em 30 aves (Gallus gallus) da linhagem Cobb 500, machos, com idade entre 5 e 6 semanas. Os espécimes tiveram seus vasos arteriais preenchidos com solução aquosa corada de Neoprene Látex "450" a 50% e a seguir foram fixados em solução aquosa de formaldeído a 10%. A artéria mesentérica cranial emergiu da face lateral direita da aorta descendente caudalmente à artéria celíaca e através das artérias ileocecal, jejunais e ileais distribuiu-se pelo jejuno, íleo, cecos e reto, terminando próximo ao divertículo vitelino. A artéria mesentérica caudal originou-se da face ventral da aorta descendente e após curto trajeto bifurcou-se em ramos cranial e caudal, distribuindo-se pelo reto, cloaca e bolsa cloacal. Evidenciaram-se anastomoses entre ramos da artéria mesentérica cranial e entre ramos desta e ramos das artérias mesentérica caudal e celíaca.
Show more [+] Less [-]Cranial and caudal mesenteric arteries in fowls (Gallus gallus) of the Cobb 500 lineage | Artérias mesentéricas cranial e caudal em aves (Gallus gallus) da linhagem Cobb 500
Danila Barreiro Campos | Frederico Ozanam Carneiro e Silva | Renato Souto Severino | Sérgio Salazar Drummond | Eduardo Maurício Mendes de Lima | Marcelo Ismar Silva Santana | Pedro Primo Bombonato
Theorigins, ramifications and distributions of the cranial and caudal mesenteric arteries were studied in 30 male fowls (Gallus gallus) from Cobb 500lineage, between 5 and 6 weeks old. The arterial vases of the specimens were filled with colored water-based solutionof Neoprene Latex "450" at 50% concentration afterwards they were fixed in a water-based solution of formaldehyde at 10% concentration. Thecranial mesenteric artery emerged from the right lateral surface of the descending aorta caudally the coeliac artery and through the ileocecal, jejunal and ileal arteries distributing itself by the jejunum, ileum, cecum and rectum to end next to the vitelline diverticulum. The caudal mesenteric artery originated from the ventral surface of the descending aorta and soon divided into cranial and caudal branches, distributed by the rectum, cloaca and cloacal bursa. There were anastomoses among branches of the cranial mesenteric artery and also among branches of the cranial mesenteric artery and branches of the caudal mesenteric and coeliac arteries. | Estudaram-se as origens, ramificações e distribuições das artérias mesentéricas cranial e caudal em 30 aves (Gallus gallus) da linhagem Cobb 500, machos, com idade entre 5 e 6 semanas. Os espécimes tiveram seus vasos arteriais preenchidos com solução aquosa corada de Neoprene Látex "450" a 50% e a seguir foram fixados em solução aquosa de formaldeído a 10%. A artéria mesentérica cranial emergiu da face lateral direita da aorta descendente caudalmente à artéria celíaca e através das artérias ileocecal, jejunais e ileais distribuiu-se pelo jejuno, íleo, cecos e reto, terminando próximo ao divertículo vitelino. A artéria mesentérica caudal originou-se da face ventral da aorta descendente e após curto trajeto bifurcou-se em ramos cranial e caudal, distribuindo-se pelo reto, cloaca e bolsa cloacal. Evidenciaram-se anastomoses entre ramos da artéria mesentérica cranial e entre ramos desta e ramos das artérias mesentérica caudal e celíaca.
Show more [+] Less [-]Kinetic of vascular and cellular alterations in the carrageenin-induced peritonitis in Gallus gallus. Effect of steroidal and non-steroidal antiinflamatory drugs | Cinética das alterações vasculares e celulares na peritonite induzida pela Carragenina em gallus gallus. Efeito de drogas antiinflamatórias esteroidais e não esteroidais
Cristina Miyuki Hara | Manuel Henrique Klein Júnior | Julieta Rodini Engrácia de Moraes | Flávio Ruas de Moraes | Antonio Carlos Paulillo
<p>The kinetic of vascular and cellular alterations in the carrageenin-induced peritonitis was investigated (500 mcg) in Gallus gallus and the effect of the pre-treatment with dexamethasone (0.5; 1.0 or 2.0 mg/kg), indomethacin (2.0; 4.0 or 8.0 mg/kg), pyroxiean (20.0; 40.0 or 80.0 mg/kg), given by oral route 30 minutes before the inflammatory stimulus. It was observed that the highest increase in both vascular permeability and leucocyte accumulation ocurred respectively 150 minutes and 4 hours after the carrageenin injection. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes were the predominant cell type in the exudate obtained 2 and 4 hours after the stimulus. An equilibriun between polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cells was observed with 24 hours of inflammation and the latter cell type was predominant after 48 hours. The pre-treatment with indomethacin and pyroxiean significantly (p<0.05) inhibited the vascular permeability increase but not the leukocytes counts. Dexamethasone was significantly reduced both vascular permeability increase and leukocyte accumulation. These results suggest that eicosanoids have a role in the vascular permeability increase but it is less relevant in the leuchocyte chemotaxis in carrageenin-induced acute inflammation in fowls. The vascular permeability increase and cellular migration are independent phenomena when the effect of antiinflammatory drugs are concerned.</p> | <p>Neste trabalho investigou-se a cinética das alterações vasculares e celulares na peritonite induzida pela carragenina (500 mcg) em <em>Gallus gallus </em>e o efeito do pré-tratamento com dexametasona (0,5; 1,0 ou 2,0 mg/kg), indometacina (2,0; 4,0 ou 8,0 mg/kg), ou piroxicam (20,0; 40,0 ou 80,0 mg/kg), administrados por via oral, 30 minutos antes do estímulo lesivo. Observou-se que os máximos aumento de permeabilidade vascular e acúmulo de leucócitos ocorreram 150 min. e 4 h, após a aplicação do irritante, respectivamente. Os leucócitos polimorfonucleares foram o tipo celular predominante no exsudato após 2 e 4 h, equilibraram-se com as mononucleares após 24 h, predominando o último tipo celular após 48 h. O maior acúmulo de células polimorfo e mononucleares ocorreu após 4 h e 24 h, respectivamente. O pré-tratamento com indometacina ou piroxicam inibiu significativamente (p<0,05) o aumento de permeabilidade vascular mas não o acúmulo de leucócitos, 150 min. e 4 h após o estímulo lesivo, respectivamente. A dexametasona foi efetiva em reduzir significativamente (p<0,05) ambos os componentes. Os resultados sugerem que os eicosanóides participem ativamente dos fenômenos vasculares mas são de pouca relevância na quimiotaxia de leucócitos no processo inflamatório agudo induzido pela carragenina cm <em>Gallus gallus. </em>Os achados indicam que quando o efeito de drogas antiinflamatórias é considerado, como no presente trabalho, o aumento de permeabilidade vascular e a migração celular são fenômenos independentes.</p>
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