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Effects of cisapride on feline colonic smooth muscle function.
Washabau R.J. | Sammarco J.
Blood type AB in the feline AB blood group system.
Griot Wenk M.E. | Callan M.B. | Casal M.L. | Chisholm Chait A. | Spitalnik S.L. | Patterson D.F. | Giger U.
Comparison of taurine, alpha-tocopherol, retinol, selenium, and total triglycerides and cholesterol concentrations in cats with cardiac disease and in healthy cats.
Fox P.R. | Trautwein E.A. | Hayes K.C. | Bond B.R. | Sisson D.D. | Moise N.S.
Epidemiologic relations were evaluated between plasma concentrations of nutrients and cardiovascular diseases. A total of 220 cats were assessed: 144 cats with noninduced acquired heart disease and 76 clinically normal cats. Plasma was assayed for taurine, alpha-tocopherol, selenium, retinol, and total cholesterol and triglycerides concentrations. Cardiovascular disease groups included dilated cardiomyopathy (n = 53), left ventricular hypertrophy (n = 28), hyperthyroidism (n = 11), and uncertain classification (n = 52). In cats with dilated cardiomyopathy, mean plasma taurine concentration was the lowest of that in cats of any group, being only 38% of the value in healthy cats; females had less than half the mean value of males. Tocopherol concentration was 20% lower than normal, and retinol concentration was 40% higher than normal. Total cholesterol concentration was 36% lower than normal. Triglycerides concentration was higher in these cats than in any other group-twice the value recorded in healthy cats and 67% higher than that in hyperthyroid cats. In cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, almost 15% had mean plasma taurine concentration < 30 micromol/L. Retinol concentration was 15% higher, and triglycerides concentration was 54% higher than normal. Approximately 27% of hyperthyroid cats had mildly decreased plasma taurine concentration. Hyperthyroid cats had the lowest tocopherol and cholesterol values; both were at least 30% lower than normal. Retinol concentration was 30% higher than Approximately 14% of cats with uncertain classification had mildly decreased plasma taurine concentration. Plasma retinol and triglycerides concentrations were higher than normal in 25 and 38% of these cats, respectively. Plasma selenium concentration, compared between healthy cats and cats with cardiac disease, was not significantly different. This observation may not be meaningful, however, in light of the limited number of cats in which selenium was assessed.
Show more [+] Less [-]Evaluation of the Doppler ultrasonic method of measuring systolic arterial blood pressure in cats.
Grandy J.L. | Dunlop C.I. | Hodgson D.S. | Curtis C.R. | Chapman P.L.
The accuracy of the Doppler technique for indirect systolic blood pressure measurement was assessed in 16 anesthetized cats. Eight cats were anesthetized with isoflurane and 8 were anesthetized with halothane. Anesthetic depth and mode of ventilation were varied to obtain a wide range of arterial blood pressure. A Doppler transducer was placed on the palmer surface of the left fore-limb over the common digital branch of the radial artery to detect blood flow, and a blood pressure monitoring cuff with a width 37% the limb circumference was placed half way between the elbow and the carpus. To enable direct arterial pressure measurements, the left femoral artery was catheterized and the blood pressure waveforms recorded simultaneously. Systolic blood pressure measured by use of the Doppler ultrasonic technique was significantly lower than that obtained from the femoral artery catheter. Using linear regression, we determined a clinically useful calibration adjustment for Doppler indirect blood pressure measurement in cats: femoral systolic pressure = Doppler systolic pressure + 14 mm of Hg.
Show more [+] Less [-]Functional analysis of ectopic parathyroid activity in cats.
Flanders J.A. | Neth S. | Erb H.N. | Kallfelz F.A.
The ability of ectopic parathyroid tissue to support calcium homeostasis was evaluated by measuring serum concentrations of calcium, phosphorus, albumin, magnesium, and parathyroid hormone before and for 12 weeks after bilateral thyroparathyroidectomy in 14 cats. During the immediate postoperative period, significant decrease was observed in serum calcium, magnesium, and parathyroid hormone (PTH) concentrations. Serum PTH concentration remained subnormal and did not significantly increase during the 12-week observation period. Despite persistent hypoparathyroidism, serum calcium and magnesium concentrations gradually increased. Ectopic parathyroid tissue is not capable of maintaining normal serum calcium concentration immediately after thyroparathyroidectomy. Serum calcium concentration gradually normalizes after thyroparathyroidectomy, apparently by means of a PTH-independent mechanism.
Show more [+] Less [-]Variable suppression of feline bone marrow fibroblast colony-forming units by two isolates of feline leukemia virus.
Wellman M.L. | Kociba G.J. | Mathes L.E.
Bone marrow fibroblast colony-forming units (CFU-F) were evaluated in cats experimentally infected with different isolates of FeLV. Cats infected with the Kawakami-Theilen isolate of FeLV (FeLV-KT) had progressive decrease in the number of CFU-F at 2, 4, and 6 weeks after infection. The number of CFU-F in FeLV-KT-infected cats ranged from 38 to 70% of the preinoculation CFU-F value. Of 3 cats with FeLV-KT-induced suppression of CFU-F, 2 developed fatal nonregenerative anemia. Cats infected with the Rickard isolate of FeLV (FeLV-R) had more moderate decrease in the number of CFU-F at 2, 4, and 6 weeks after infection. The number of CFU-F in FeLV-R-infected cats ranged from 62 to 82% of the preinoculation CFU-F value. The FeLV-R-infected cats did not become anemic.
Show more [+] Less [-]Electromyographic evaluation of the external urethral sphincter during cystometry in male cats.
Sackman J.E. | Sims M.H.
Electromyographic (EMG) evaluation of the external urethral sphincter (EUS) was conducted during cystometry in 11 adult male cats sedated with xylazine and ketamine. A percutaneously placed antepubic catheter was used for bladder infusion and recording intravesicular pressures during cystometrography (CMG). A fine-wire electrode was placed percutaneously into or near the EUS for recording EMG during CMG. The bladder was infused with sterile 0.9% NaCl solution at a rate of 2 to 3 ml/min until a detrusor reflex was initiated. Intravesicular pressures at the onset of infusion, immediately prior to micturition, at the onset of urine flow, and at the maximal voiding pressure were recorded. The time from infusion to micturition, from opening pressure to return to baseline, and from the beginning to the end of the CMG were also recorded. The total volume of 0.9% NaCl solution infused and the residual bladder volume after micturition were also measured. Recordings were replicated once during each trial in all cats, and trials were replicated once approximately 1 week later in 4 cats. Micturition patterns were characterized by slight to moderate EUS EMG activity during vesicular filling, with reduction in activity during emptying. Maximal EMG activity was recorded at the completion of the reflex and was associated with pulsatile expulsion of small amounts of urine. The simultaneous recording of CMG and EUS EMG with fine-wire electrodes was simple and reliable for assessing the neuromuscular integrity and synchrony of detrusor and EUS muscles. There were no significant differences in variables between recordings within trial 1, but there were differences (P less than or equal to 0.05) between trials for pressure at the onset of urine flow and maximal voiding pressure.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of gentamicin administration on the neuromuscular blockade induced by atracurium in cats.
Forsyth S.F. | Ilkiw J.E. | Hildebrand S.V.
Atracurium besylate, a nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent, was administered as an infusion to 8 anesthetized cats in which neuromuscular blockade was assessed, using the train-of-four response. Once 50% depression of the first-twitch (T1) response was achieved, the infusion was held constant for 60 minutes before being discontinued and the recovery time was determined. The time for recovery was recorded as the time for the train-of-four ratio (T4 ratio) to increase from 50% to 75%. After recovery, atracurium infusion was reinstituted and the cats were again maintained for 60 minutes at 50% depression. A single bolus of gentamicin sulfate (2.0 mg/kg of body weight) was administered IV, and the infusion was continued for another 60 minutes before it was discontinued and the time for recovery was recorded. Within 1 minute of gentamicin administration, the mean +/= SD T1 response decreased from 49 +/- 5% to 33 +/- 8% of baseline and the T4 ratio decreased from 28 +/- 19% to 14 +/- 11%. Peak effect occurred at 5 minutes, with a T1 response of 29 +/- 6% of baseline and a T4 ratio of 13 +/- 12%. By 60 minutes after gentamicin administration, the T1 response had increased to 38 +/- 7% of baseline and the T4 ratio had increased to 21 +/- 13%. The time for recovery significantly (P less than 0.03) increased from 9.9 +/- 3.4 minutes during the control study to 18.1 +/- 10.7 minutes during the gentamicin study. In this study, gentamicin potentiated the neuromuscular blockade induced by atracurium and increased the recovery time. Residual blockade, observed after gentamicin administration was reversed with edrophonium.
Show more [+] Less [-]Somatosensory-evoked and spinal cord-evoked potentials in response to pudendal and tibial stimulation in cats.
Sims M.H. | Selcer R.R.
Somatosensory-evoked potentials (SEP) and spinal cord-evoked potentials (SCEP) were recorded in clinically normal adult cats in response to electrical stimulation of pudendal and tibial nerves to provide normative data that can be used in a clinical evaluation of pudendal nerve function in cats after sacral or sacrococcygeal luxations or fractures. Responses to tibial nerve stimulation were included in the study as an internal control because it is usually not involved in these types of injuries and because its SEP and SCEP are easily recorded. Evoked potentials were characterized by the latencies (ms) of positive (P or p) and negative (N or n) peaks. The SEP resulting from percutaneous pudendal nerve stimulation consisted of a prominent P-N-P potential in the 30- to 80-ms range. The pudendal SCEP was not successfully recorded because of large muscle artifacts evoked from the sacral area. The tibial SEP was similar to the pudendal SEP, except that the prominent P-N-P series in the 35- to 81-ms range was preceded by a smaller p-n-p-n sequence in the 7- to 23-ms range. The tibial SCEP consisted of a P-N-P series in the 2- to 4-ms range.
Show more [+] Less [-]Bicephalic larval cestode of Taeniidae from rats in Malaysia.
Kamiya M. | Ooi H.K. | Ohbayashi M. | Ow Yang C.K.