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Comparison of measured and calculated values for colloid osmotic pressure in hospitalized animals.
Brown S.A. | Dusza K. | Boehmer J.
A relation exists between colloid osmotic pressure and serum total protein concentration; equations describing this relation have been used to determine a calculated value for colloid osmotic pressure. However, the relation between total protein concentration and colloid osmotic pressure is altered by the method used to measure protein and by changes in the ratio of concentrations of albumin (A) to globulin (G). We developed nomograms for estimating colloid osmotic pressure from A and G concentrations, using samples obtained from clinically normal animals and compared the accuracy of these nomograms with that of previously described equations relating colloid osmotic pressure to total protein concentration. For comparison, serum samples from canine (n = 106), equine (n = 79), feline (n = 24), and bovine (n = 27) patients admitted to the University of Georgia Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital were used. Results indicated that nomograms based on protein concentration estimated by a refractometer generally were the least reliable. Although predictive nomograms, using total protein concentration determined by the biuret method, provided better results for serum samples, there was considerable variation between measured and calculated values for colloid osmotic pressure in all species studied. Calculated values for colloid osmotic pressure derived from A and G concentrations were most closely related to measured values for colloid osmotic pressure in dogs, horses, and cats. However, calculated values for colloid osmotic pressure differed from measured values by as much as 5 mm of Hg for some samples by each of the methods of estimation. These results indicate that, although calculated values for colloid osmotic pressure may be most accurate when variations in the A-to-G ratio are accounted for in the nomogram, none of the calculation methods provided a consistently accurate estimate of colloid osmotic pressure.
Show more [+] Less [-]Latex agglutination test: A simple, rapid and practical method for bovine serum CRP determination.
Sarikaputi M. | Morimatsu M. | Yamamoto S. | Syuto B. | Saito M. | Naki M.
Iron and transferrin in acute experimental Salmonella cholerae-suis infection in pigs.
Kramer T.T. | Griffith R.W. | Saucke L.
Studies on body types by body growth and blood chemical values in the Jindo dog., 1; Blood chemical values of Jindo dogs.
Kim W.K. | Lee J.H. | Kim J.S.
The present study was conducted in order to get the normal blood chemical values of Korean Jindo dogs. Blood samples were taken from 160 (male 34, female 126) healthy Jindo dogs in Jindo area. The mean values of serum total protein (TP), albumin (Alb) and globulin (Glb) content, cholesterol (Chole), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), inorganic phosphate (P), potassium (K), sodium (Na) and chloride (Cl) concentration in the group of less than one year old were 6.64 (male 6.62, female 6.64), 3.63 (male 3.57, female 3.65) and 3.00 (male 3.05, female 2.99) g/100ml, 170.97 (male 166.46, female 172.68) mg/100ml, 1.45 (male 1.43, female 1.46), 5.76 (male 5.62, female 5.81), 4.80 (male 4.95, female 4.75), 4.84 (male 4.72, female 4.89), 148.93 (male 148.79, female 148.98) and 110.22 (male 110.42, female 110.14) mEq/L, respectively, whereas the TP, Alb and Glb content, Chole Mg, Ca, P, K, Na and Cl concentration in the group of one year old and more were 6.88 (male 6.84, female 6.89), 3.65 (male 3.63, female 3.66) and 3.23 (male 3.21, female 3.23) g/100ml, 167.48 (male 173.80, female 166.48) mg/100ml, 1.40 (male 1.36, female 1.40), 5.69 (male 5.53, female 5.71), 4.62 (male 4.73, female 4.60), 4.88 (male 4.90, female 4.87), 149.86 (male 149.60, female 149.90)and 110.03 (male 110.70, female 109.92) mEq/L, respectively. The ratios of mean serum albumin to globulin (A/G), calcium to inorganic phosphate (Ca/P) and sodium to potassium (Na/K) in the group of less than one year old were 1.21 (male 1.17, female 1.22), 1.20 (male 1.14, female 1.22) and 30.77 (male 31.52, female 30.47), respectively, whereas the A/G, Ca/P and Na/K in the group of one year old and more were 1.13 (male 1.13, female 1.13), 1.23 (male 1.17, female 1.24) and 30.71 (male 30.53, female 30.78), respectively. The mean values of Alb content, Mg, Ca and K concentration, A/G and Ca/P ratio appeared to be higher in the female than in the male, whereas the reverse was the case with P concentration. No differences were found between male and female in the TP and Glb content, Chole, Na and Cl concentration and Na/K ratio.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of ascorbic acid supplementation on plasma protein profile in buffaloes during heat stress.
Gade, Nitin E. | Singh, G. | Sonawane, Pankaj R. | Mahapatra, R. K.
Heat stress is major concern for maintaining optimum production in livestock. The improvement of productivity in dairy animals, exposed to adverse environmental conditions, is primarily focused on improving the microclimate and nutritional management of the animals. The experiment was conducted on three groups of animals comprising six adult buffaloes in each group. Two groups were exposed to heat stress in the psychrometric chamber (40oC), the third group was kept under ambient conditions as control. One of the exposed groups was offered ascorbic acid (20g/day/animal). The blood samples were taken at every 4th day up to 16th day. Samples were analyzed for the total plasma protein and plasma albumin. Results showed that as the days of exposure progressed, the level of stress increased which is evident from the elevated level of total proteins. When compared with the ascorbic acid supplemented group (7.28±0.09 gm/dl), the non-supplemented group had higher protein content (7.93±0.13 gm/dl). There was significant difference (P 0.05) in protein levels among the groups. The level of albumin also followed the same pattern as that of total protein but in heat stressed (2.42±0.17gm/ dl) and ascorbic acid supplemented animals (2.41±0.19 gm/dl), the globulin levels declined as compared to group kept at ambient conditions (2.79±0.33 gm/dl). Further, the Albumin:Globulin ratio was significantly (P 0.05) higher in heat stressed animals (2.78±0.43) and ascorbic acid supplemented animals (2.19±0.30) as compared to control group (1.61±0.37). It can be concluded that ascorbic acid supplementation would be beneficial to buffalo producers of the arid/ semi-arid regions in amelioration of stress challenge imposed by the harsh weather.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of age, season and sex on the blood properties in the Cheju horse
Han, B.K. | Hyun, H.S. (Chonnam National University, Kwangju (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Chang, D.G. (Cheju Junior College, Cheju (Korea Republic))
Effect of Artemisia Iwayomogi water extract on hepatic injury by carbon tetrachloride in rats - (2) - Effect on serum ALP, LAP activities, total protein, bilirubin content and liver glycogen content
Kim, K.S. (Kyungpook National University, Taegu (Korea Republic). Department of Veterinary Medicine) | Park, J.H. (Choong Ang Chemical Company, Seoul (Korea Republic))
Studies on the electrophoretic analysis of serum proteins in dogs infected with Babesia gibsoni
Ihn, D.C. | Lee, J.M. | Chae, J.S. | Cha, H.S. (Chonbuk National Univ., Chonju (Korea Republic). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine)
Studies on coliform mastitis, 2; pathological findings on the effects of dexamethasone, iron and transferrin in mastitis of lactating rabbits
Han, D.S. (Wonkwang Univ., Iri (Korea R.). Dept. of Veterinary Medicine) | Lee, C.S. (Kyongbuk National Univ., Taegu (Korea R.))
In this study lactating female rabbits and strains of coliforms previously isolated from acute and chronic mastitis cases in dairy cattle were used. The pathological changes on mastitis experimentally induced with the coliform strains and the mammary glands after infusions of Escherichia coli suspension together with dexamethasone, dextran iron or transferrin were grossly and microscopically observed. In the bacterial suspension-infused groups by E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterobacter aerogenes, the affected quarters of udder showed gross swelling, hyperemia, hemorrhage, focal necrosis and firmness
Show more [+] Less [-]Эффективность применения концентрированной вакцины против рожи из матрикса Конева
Dremach, G.Eh., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Production examination of efficiency of concentrated vaccine against swine erysipelas from matrix Konev of trial series, control of its immunizing power and production experiments of biological preparation were realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Research results showed that the presented vaccine had more expressed immunogenic properties in comparison with its production analogue and provided piglets protection against infection. There was analyzed the immunological efficiency of the vaccine: determination of quantity of erythrocytes; leukocytes; content of hemoglobin, level of lysozyme activity, bacterial growth-inhibitory activity, blood serum, phagocytic activity, neutrophilic leukocytes, content of total protein and protein fractions, titre of erysipelas antibodies, and preventive properties of blood serum. Efficiency of biological preparation was determined on the basis of analysis of disease incidence rate, loss of immunized swine caused by swine erysipelas
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