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Radiological and Histological Assessment of the Ossification Centers of Pectoral Limb in Pigeon
Dadashpour, Mohamad | Alizadeh, Siamak | Rezaei, Mehdi
BACKGROUND: The growth and differentiation of skeletal pectoral limb girdle, wing and the ossification centers in these regions after hatching were investigated in pigeons. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine the age of physical maturity and radiological and histological assessment of the ossification centers of pectoral limb in quail. METHODS: Fourteen pigeons after hatching were reared in similar and standard conditions and sampled once every 7 to 90 days. RESULTS: According to radiological and histological results, scapula, clavicle, and coracoid were observed after 7th and sternum at 14th day in all specimens. Bones of the humerus, hadius, hlna, hetacarpus II, hetacarpus III, hetacarpus IV, and proximal phalanx of digit III were observed after the 7th day and radial carpal bone, ulnar carpal bone, proximal phalanx of digit II, distal phalanx of digit II, and distal phalanx of digit III at the 14th day and head of humerus, ventral tubercle of humerus, phalanx of digit IV, and dorsal tubercle of humerus at 21st and ventral condyle of humerus and dorsal condyle of humerus at 28th. The histological results were evaluated based on prepared tissue sample from the proximal humeral portion. Lack of bone marrow was observed in all 1st day`s tissue samples and bone marrow conformation was commenced after the 7th day. The growth plate was not observed in all the samples and this issue is complementary to the information obtained from radiographic examination. CONCLUSIONS: According to this study, time taken to complete the ossification process and the formation of all parts of pectoral limb girdle and wing is 28 days after hatching.
Show more [+] Less [-]Anatomical, Histological and Histochemical study of Eustachian tube in the Adult River Buffalo
Hashemi, Sayed Rashid | Soltanalinejad, Farhad | Najafi, Gholamreza | Shahrooz, Rasoul
BACKGROUND: The Eustachian tube is an osteocartilaginous channel connecting the tympanic cavity with the nasopharynx. There is no anatomical and histological research performed on this organ in buffalo. OBJECTIVES: Anatomical and histological study of Eustachian tube in buffalo will be useful for basic knowledge of this organ. METHODS: For this study 8 adult male and female buffalo's head were provided from slaughter house and their Eustachian tube were studied anatomically, then tissue samples were obtained and paraffin sections were prepared for using of staining methods such as H&E (for general study), Verhoff (for elastic fibers), PAS (for carbohydrates) and Masson's Trichrome Stainning Kit (for collagen fibers). RESULTS: Anatomical results showed Eustachian tube was white and funnel- like tube, no curve and structurally supported by cartilage and in both sexes they had the same structure. Histological and Histochemical results showed the epithelium of Eustachian tube in buffalo is pseudostratified ciliated columnar and in some regions of the Eustachian tube epithelium was stratified squamous. In the first portion of Eustachian tube cartilage was elastic and then eustachian tube cartilage was hyaline. The glands of Eustachian tube in buffalo were mucous and non folicular tubal tonsil could be found around the pharyngeal opening with obviously lymphoid tissue. CONCLUSIONS:. The results of this research can be used as the basic anatomical and Histological knowledge in buffalo..
Show more [+] Less [-]Echocardiography and Histology Evaluation of the Heart in the Immature (2.5 Years old) Beluga
Zehtabvar, Omid | vajhi, alireza | Tootian, Zahra | Masoudifard, Majid | Sadeghinejad, Javad | Davudypoor, Somaye
AbstractBACKGROUND: Beluga (Huso huso) is one of the sturgeons and currently is cultured artificially in Iran with different goals. The cardiovascular system is one of the important systems of the body, and heart is the most important organ in this system. So far, few studies have been done on the heart of sturgeons.OBJECTIVES: This study was done to determine the exact structure of beluga different parts of the heart septum using echocardiographic and histologic techniques. METHODS: Six immature male belugas (2.5 years old) were investigated in this study. For echocardiography, probe was placed on the ventral surface of body, between pectoral fins. At first, macroscopic morphologic studies of different parts of heart were done at the topographic place of them. For histological studies, usual methods of fixation and hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) coloring were used. Prepared slides were studied by light microscope.RESULTS: All parts of the heart including the sinus venosus, atrium, ventricle, conus arteriosus and pericardium were clearly visible in different probe moves. The pericardium were covered surround heart`s structures having homogenous echo pattern. Sinus venosus had a very thin septum without any expansion and contraction. Atrium had a completed muscular septum with expansion and contraction. Ventricle muscular septum had two layers: an external compact layer and an internal spongy layer. Conus arteriosus was composed of obvious muscular septum and connective tissue. Histological studies showed three layers in beluga heart including epicardium, myocardium and endocardium. In overall, the histological findings were matched with the results of echocardiography. CONCLUSIONS: This study is the first investigation on echocardiographic feature of different parts of beluga heart. These results were coordinated with histological findings. Normal information and findings of this study can be used for investigation of various anatomic or pathologic changes in beluga heart in different research projects.
Show more [+] Less [-]Investigating the Fraud of Using Unauthorized Tissues in Sausages Produced in Hamadan Province
Ghaderi, Hadis | Pajohi-AlaMoti, Mohammad Reza | Kalantari-Hesari, Ali
BACKGROUND: Meat is one of society's most important nutritional needs, the price of which is higher than other food groups. In recent years, the use of meat products has increased due to human lifestyle changes. Fraud in meat products occurs for various reasons, including the economic value of meat. Therefore, it is crucial to use fast and accurate methods of identifying these frauds.OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study is to determine the unauthorized tissue by a histological method as well as to determine the unauthorized species used in meat products of factories in Hamadan province.METHODS: In the summer of 2021, fifty samples were collected from active production units of the Hamedan province that were available in the Hamadan city market and transferred to the laboratory for histological laboratory and animal species determination by PCR test. For the histology test based on the national standard 6103, the samples were subjected to fixation, passage (dehydration, clearing, impregnation with molten paraffin), blocking, sectioning, and H&E staining. PCR method was used to determine the type of animal species used in the production of the collected samples.RESULTS: The results confirmed the presence of unauthorized tissues, including bone, cartilage (articular and respiratory cartilage), skin, and glandular organ in meat products. Also, PCR test results showed that chicken meat was found in 100% of the samples labeled with beef.CONCLUSIONS: The presence of illegal tissue and the use of chicken meat in products labeled as beef meat is evident in the sausages produced in Hamadan province.
Show more [+] Less [-]Experimental Study of the Histological Method for Quantitative Detection of Meat in Kabab and Cooked Sausage Model
Hajimohammadi, Bahador | Fattahi, Kamand | Kavyani Yekta, Zohreh | Sadeghinezhad, Javad | Morovvati, Hasan | Akhondzadeh Basti, Afshin
BACKGROUND: Regarding the economic values of meat, adulteration in meat products is probable. OBJECTIVES: This study was carried out to evaluate the histological method for the quantitative detection of meat in Kabab Loghme and cooked sausage model. METHODS: Five Kabab samples (containing 70 % meat) and cooked sausage (30, 50, 70 and 90% meat), were prepared. Then, each sample was divided into three parts and one piece was taken from each part and fixed in 10% neutral-buffered formalin. The samples were routinely processed for light microscopy and embedded in paraffin. The paraffin-embedded blocks were cut into 6 μm sections and stained using hematoxylin and eosin (H & E) for histological study. RESULTS: The histometrical analysis indicated that the estimated percentages for the added meat in kabab did not show significant difference with the real related percentages. On the other hand, the amount of meat was difficult to estimate especially in cooked sausage. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of the present research suggest the histological technique as a complementary method for quantitative evaluations of meat in raw meat products. However, the quantitative evaluation of meat in raw meat products was more convenient than in processed ones.
Show more [+] Less [-]Histomorphological and Histochemical Effects of Diet With Qom Zeolite on the Tissue Structure of the Small Intestine of Broiler Chickens Compared With Commercial Zeolite
Eslami Farsani, Mohsen | dakhili, Mohamad | Ababzadeh, Shima | Yeganehparast, Mohamad | Heidari, Fatemeh
BACKGROUND: Population growth and the need for food, especially proteins, have increased the interest in using inexpensive and available supplements to increase protein production. ObjectiveS: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Qom region zeolite as a supplement to the histological and histochemical structure of broiler chicken intestine and to compare it with commercial zeolite. Methods: In this experimental study a total of 200 broiler chicks were purchased from Qom poultry and randomly divided into five groups including the control group; the experimental group of Qom zeolite which was subsequently subdivided into three different doses including (Z1 = 0.5 %, Z2 = 1%, Z3 =1,5%); and finally the anzymite group which received the commercial zeolite. 42 days later, 10 samples were selected from each group and after tissue preparation, the slides were stained with hematoxylin-eosin, PAS period, and toluidine blue; then microscopic assays were applied using the Image-j 1.49f software. Data analysis was done with SPSS 20 and One-way ANOVA and Tukey’s post hoc test. PResults: The height of the epithelial cells decreased in the anzymite group but the number of mucosal glands and goblet cells increased significantly (P<0.05). Except for Z1 group in other Qom zeolite treatment groups (Z2 and Z3), the number of goblet cells increased significantly (P<0.05). Therefore, the effect of zeolite higher than 1.5% may be comparable with anzymite. Conclusions: Our results showed that zeolite does not have any effect on increasing the absorption rate of the small intestine, but could stimulate the function of goblet cells and intestinal glands, so Qom zeolite with higher percentage could have the same effect as anzymite
Show more [+] Less [-]Anatomical and histological study of intrainguinal testis in adult donkey (Equus asinus)
Akbari, Ghasem | Kazemi-Darabadi, Siamak | Adibmoradi, Masood | Kianifard, Davoud
BACKGROUND: Cryptorchidism is a congenital anomaly in which one (unilateral cryptorchidism) or both (bilateral cryptorchidism) testes fail to descend into the scrotum. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to describe the anatomical and histological structure of the inguinal testis in the adult donkey. METHODS: In this study, after examination of the 59 donkeys, three of them with unilateral cryptorchidism in inguinal region were identified. These animals were euthanized, and their testicles were removed and evaluated biometrically. Then, the samples were fixated in 10% formalin solution and after sectioning, were stained with Hematoxylin-eosin and PAS, and examined under a light microscope. RESULTS: The results showed that the inguinal testes were stiff, epididymis was not determined and their size and weight were less than scrotal testes. The difference between the weight of cryptorchid and healthy testicles was statistically significant (p<0.05). Seminiferous tubules had lost their natural shape and inner cavity tubes did not have germ cells, and only a limited number of Sertoli cells could be seen. Remaining seminiferous tubules were only visible in the mediastinum. The cortical and subcapsular regions were without tubes and were occupied by loose connective tissues. CONCLUSIONS: Results indicated that the inguinal testes in adult donkeys lost their natural structure and more connective tissues and blood vessels are substituted.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of Chitosan and Nano-Chitosan Loaded Clinoptilolite on Histomorphology and Pepsin Activity in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Stomach
Khani Oushani, Ali | Soltani, Mehdi | Sheikhzadeh, Najmeh | Shamsaie Mehrgan, Mehdi | Rajabi Islami, Houman | Hamidian, Gholamreza
BACKGROUND: Numerous studies have investigated the positive effect of chitosan and nano-chitosan loaded clinoptilolite on growth performance, digestive enzyme activity, and intestinal histomorphology in different fish species. However, there are no data evaluating the potential effect of the composites on the fish stomach.OBJECTIVES: In the current study, the effects of chitosan and nano-chitosan loaded clinoptilolite on histological features and pepsin activity in the rainbow trout stomach were considered.METHODS: Chitosan and nano-chitosan loaded clinoptilolite were synthesized, and then two hundred and forty fish (~27.75 g) fish were distributed in eight groups each in three replicates. Ten days after adaptation, the fish were fed with eight diets, including control diet (CTR), clinpotilolite (T1), chitosan composites (T2, T3, T4), and nano-chitosan composites (T5, T6, T7) for 70 days. Afterward, all fish in each tank were anesthetized in clove extract (50 μl/l), and tissue samples were obtained for pepsin activity (n= 5) and histological assay (n = 5).RESULTS: The groups administrated with nanochitosan composites showed the highest pepsin activity (P˂0.05). Additionally, histological examinations exhibited a higher epithelial height, increased mucosal density, and oxynticopeptic cells hypertrophy in fish fed composites compared to the CTR group (P˂0.05). Meanwhile, nanochitosan composite administration could cause higher reaction of secreted granules to periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) staining.CONCLUSIONS: The findings demonstrated the potential application of chitosan and nano-chitosan loaded clinoptilolite composites for improvements in the histomorphology and pepsin activity of the rainbow trout stomach, resulting in higher growth performance.
Show more [+] Less [-]Intestinal Histology and Haematology of Caspian Roach (Rutilus caspicus) Exposed to Yersinia ruckeri
Mazandarani, Mohammad | Taheri Mirghaed, Ali | Zargar, Ashkan | Khodadadi Arpanahi, Fatemeh | Pirali Kheirabadi, Esmail | Mirzargar, Seyed Saeed
BACKGROUND: Yersiniosis is known as one of the most prevalent bacterial diseases in fish, which causes high mortality and economic losses in cultured fish farms every year. OBJECTIVES: The present study was conducted to investigate the changes in hematological indices and gut histopathology in Caspian roach (Rutilus caspicus) exposed to Yersinia ruckeri. METHODS: 60 Caspian roach broodstock with an average weight of 63.4 ± 2.1 g were divided into three groups (with two replicates for each group), including one treatment, one positive control, and one negative control groups. The treatment group was intraperitoneally injected with Yersinia ruckeri bacterium at a dosage of 3.8 × 107 cell/fish. The positive group just received normal saline (0.9 % NaCl) via intraperitoneal injection. No injection was performed in the negative control group. RESULTS: Symptoms appeared on the fourth day after exposure and 20 % of the fish in the treatment group died 5 days after the challenge. Cumulative mortality reached 53 % on day 9 after the challenge. According to hematological analysis, the challenge with Yersinia ruckeri led to a significant increase in white blood cell counts (WBC) compared to the control groups. Moreover, 10 days following exposure, the treatment group experienced hypochromic macrocytic anemia. Gut histopathology was characterized with necrosis and detachment of intestinal epithelial cell and inflammatory cells infiltration in the treatment group. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the obtained results herein, Yersinia rackeri can cause acute disease in Caspian roach; therefore, preventing and controlling this disease is essential for these fish in infected regions.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Effect of L-Carnitine Supplementation in the Diet of Immature Cockerels on Testicular Histology, Spermatogenesis Indices and Plasma Lipoproteins at the Peak of Production
Mohammadi, Vahid | Sharifi, Seyed Davood | Sharafi, Mohsen | Mohammadi-Sangcheshmeh, Abdollah
BACKGROUND: Plasma lipoprotein profile is one of the effective mechanisms in testicular tissue development and spermatogenesis process in roosters. OBJECTIVES: The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary supplementation of l-carnitine during pre-pubertal period on testicular histology, spermatogenesis indexes and plasma lipoproteins of immature cockerels METHODS: A total of twelve Ross broiler breeder males (12 weeks) for 22 weeks in a completely randomized design with two treatments (0, and 250 mg/kg of L-carnitine in the diet) and six replications were used. Feeding program, and photoperiod regimen was performed based on ROSS 308 management handbook. To achieve the objectives of the study, at the age of 34 weeks, four birds were randomly selected from each treatment and after collecting blood samples from the veins under the wings, the birds were slaughtered. Finally, plasma cholesterol, LDL and HDL concentrations using a commercial kit and testicular parameters (number of seminiferous tubules, number of Sertoli cells, height of epithelium seminiferous tubules, seminiferous tubules diameter, spermatogenesis index, and tubular differentiation index) after preparation of 5-μm paraffin sections, were analyzed by SAS software. RESULTS: The results showed that the number of seminiferous tubules, and the number of Sertoli cells were significantly affected by l-carnitine (p < /em><0.05). L-carnitine supplementation in the diet of immature cockerels before sexual maturity significantly increased the spermatogenesis index (p < /em><0.003) and tubular differentiation index (p < /em><0.02). HDL levels were significantly affected by l-carnitine supplementation (p < /em><0.007). There was a significant tendency in LDL concentration (p < /em>=0.09) and LDL/HDL ratio (p < /em>=0.059) between treatments, but no significant differences were observed in cholesterol concentration between treatments. CONCLUSIONS: According to the results of this study, feeding immature cockerels before sexual maturity with 250 mg l-carnitine improves testicular tissue development and spermatogenesis process.
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