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Toxicity of lectin extracted from Korean mistletoe (Viscum album coloratum) in chicks and its immunoadjuvant activity on Newcastle disease virus vaccines
Yeo, S.G. (Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Republic of Korea), E-mail:
In order to search the availability of the lectin extracted from Korean mistletoe (Viscum album coloratum) as an adjuvant for the avian vaccines, attempts were made to determine toxicity of the lectin in chicks and its immunostimulating activity on the inactivated vaccines against Newcastle disease virus (NDV). For the determination of toxicity, the lectin was injected into the thigh muscle of SPF chicks (Charles River) of 1-week-old and observed hematologically and pathologically.
Show more [+] Less [-]Toxicity of lectin extracted from Korean mistletoe (Viscum album coloratum) in piglets and its effects on the immunogenicity of Aujeszky's disease virus vaccines
Yeo, S.G. (Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Republic of Korea), E-mail:
In the present study toxicity and immunostimulating activity of the lectin (KML-C), which was extracted from Korean mistletoe (Viscum album coloratum) were investigated in swine. To determine the toxicity, lectin was injected into thigh or cervical muscles of 4-week-old piglets (Landrace) and observed clinically and pathologically. For determinatio of the immunostimulating activity, lectin (0.7 ㎍/kg of body weight)-adjuvanted vaccine of Aujeszky's disease virus (ADV) (NYJ1-87) which was inactivated by 0.2% formalin was injected into the cervical muscle of antibody-negative piglets in the same age group.
Show more [+] Less [-]A lectin histochemical study of the thoracic respiratory air sacs of the fowl
Bezuidenhout, A.J.(Cornell Univ., Ithaca (USA))
Characterization of mucus glycoproteins in the intestinal mucosa of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) following lectin histochemistry
Coetzee, H.L. | Kotze, S.H. | Lourens, N. (Pretoria Univ., Onderstepoort (South Africa). Dept. of Anatomy)
Комплексообразующая активность фитолектинов с углеводными детерминантами эритроцитов крупного рогатого скота и альфа 1-4 D-глюканом
Kubarev, V.S., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breding (Belarus) | Dobrovolskij, S.A. | Shishlov, M.P., National Academy of Sciences (Belarus). Scientific and Practical Center for Arable Farming | Kurdeko, A.P. | Kovalenok, Yu.K., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Studying of interaction of phytolectins with carbohydrate epitopes of cattle erythrocytes and alpha 1-4 D-glukan was realize in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus was realized by the example of seeds of soy (Glycine max) of Viliya variety, common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) of Olga variety, spring barley (Hordeum vulgare) of VM-MGF variety, and wheat (Triticum aestivum) of Akogomugi varity. Lectins studies of pathological conditions (infringement of a cellular metabolism, transformation and cell destruction, etc.) were closely connected with research of structure and functions of cellular membranes that was important for carrying out of various biotechnological works. As a result of the realized research there was given the comparative characteristic of hemagglutinin activity of phytolectins of some bean and grain crops in relation to erythrocytes of cattle and precipitating with and 1-4 D-glukan. Intensive precipitation of alpha 1-4 D-glukan was observed in the conditions of its interaction with lectins of soya and wheat and less expressed in the conditions of interaction with lectins of bean and barley. It was established, that glucose monomers and its derivatives proved to be the basic structural element of glycocalyx of erythrocytes which detected the phytolectins of soya, beans, wheat and barley
Show more [+] Less [-]Комплексообразующая активность фитолектинов с углеводными детериминантами эритроцитов крупного рогатого скота и альфа 1-4 D-глюканом
Kubarev, V.S. | Dobrovolskij, S.A. | Shishlov, M.P., National Academy of Sciences (Belarus). Scientific and Practical Center for Arable Farming | Kurdeko, A.P. | Kovalenok, Yu.K., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
For the successful decision of pressing questions of manufacture of cattle-breeding production in the field of biochemistry in whole and molecular biology in particular in-depth studies are necessary. Progress and achievements in this area are closely connected with development of new research methods. One of them is studying of proteins-lectines. Lectines, entering into structure of plant tissues, microorganisms, animal, take part in regulation of their metabolism, and also in protection against some agents of environment. On the other hand, lectines, being allocated from live objects, are the valuable biochemical reagents which use is perspective in experimental cytochemistry, in diagnostics and treatment of some animal diseases, in biotechnological processes of allocation of some difficult hydrocarbon-bearing substances. Result of the spent research was the comparative characteristic of hemagglutinin activity of phytolectines of some bean and grain crops in relation to cattle erythrocytes and precipitated with and D-yeast cellulose. Intensive precipitation with a 1-4 D-yeast cellulose was observed at its interaction with soya and wheat pectins, and less expressed - at interaction with string bean and barley pectins. It is established, that by the basic structural element of erythrocytes glycocalyx which detect soya, string beans, wheat and barley phytolectines, are monomeasures of glucose or its derivatives. The given interactions of phytolectines with a 1-4 D-yeast cellulose are presented, hemagglutination curves by results of turbodimetria are shown | Для успешного решения актуальных вопросов производства животноводческой продукции необходимы глубокие исследования в области биохимии в целом и молекулярной биологии в частности. Прогресс и достижения в этой области науки тесно связаны с развитием новых методов исследований. Одним из них является изучение белков-лектинов. Лектины, входя в структуру тканей растений, микроорганизмов, животных, принимают участие в регулировании их метаболизма, а также в защите от некоторых агентов внешней среды. С другой стороны, лектины, будучи выделенные из живых объектов, являются ценными биохимическими реагентами, использование которых перспективно в экспериментальной цитохимии, в диагностике и лечении некоторых болезней животных, в биотехнологических процессах выделения некоторых сложных углеводсодержащих веществ. Результатом проведенных исследований явилась сравнительная характеристика гемагглютинирующей активности фитолектинов некоторых бобовых и зерновых культур по отношению к эритроцитам крупного рогатого скота и преципитирующая с а 1-4 D-глюканом. Интенсивная преципитация a 1-4 D-глюкана наблюдалась при его взаимодействии с пектинами сои и пшеницы, и менее выраженная - при взаимодействии с пектинами фасоли и ячменя. Установлено, что основным структурным элементом гликокалекса эритроцитов, который детектируют фитолектины сои, фасоли, пшеницы и ячменя, являются мономеры глюкозы или ее производные. Приведены данные взаимодействия фитолектинов с а 1-4 D-глюканом, показаны кривые гемагглютинации по результатам турбодиметрии
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