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Effects of Pasteurella haemolytica culture supernate on bovine tracheal smooth muscle
Belanger, A. | Harris, W.H. | Yamashiro, S.
Сабельник болотный (Comarum palustre) и применение его в ветеринарной практике
Titovich, L.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the propagation, botanical characteristic, chemical composition and pharmacological properties of marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre) and its application in the veterinary practice against strongylatosis (Strongylata) of gastrointestinal system of cattle young stock. Reserch results showed that the perennial herbage plant marsh cinquefoil from Rosales (Rosaceae) family possessed different therapeutic properties: antipyretic agent; styptic agent; diuretic agent; bonding agent; wound healing substance; tonic agent; promotoring agent. Research results showed that the preparative forms (broth; liqueur; liquid juice; powder) of marsh cinquefoil possessed an active agent proanthocyanidin, a condensed tanning substance which were included into composition of a polyphenolic complex and proved to be efficient for treatment of cattle young stock strongylatosis.
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