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Morphological And Histological Study of The Liver, Spleen and Pancreas in See-See (Ammoperdix griseogularis)
Rasouli, Babak | Pourhaji Motab, Jalil | Rasouli, Seyyed Erfan
BACKGROUND: The importance of digestive accessory glands and spleen in human, domestic animals and birds has been studied for many years. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate the structural features of these organs in see-see. METHODS: Regarding the present study, 14 male and female see-see were randomly selected, from which, tissue samples of three males and three females were obtained. After preparation in the usual way, the samples were stained using hematoxylin and eosin methods. RESULTS: Liver involves two lobes, including right and left ones. Posterior border of the left lobe has a short cut which results in division of the left one into two sections. Gallbladder is extended in visceral level of the right lobe, from middle to posterior edge of it. Due to the lack of full penetration of capsule blades into the liver's parenchyma, lobulated tissues are unknown. Epithelium of the gallbladder is of simple cylindrical type; however, some areas there have very few goblet cells. See-see's spleen is red-brownish, pear-shaped, and is located in the posterior part of visceral level of the liver's left lobe. Spleen is embedded by muscle connective capsule. There are no splits of spleen capsule into parenchyma of the gland. Pancreas is an elongated organ in the situation between two arms of duodenum which is divided into three lobes including dorsal, ventral and splenic. Very delicate and short blades of the capsule are penetrated into the gland and it is divided to lobules. The endocrine part of pancreas consists of alpha and beta islets of Langerhans in large and small sizes. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that the structure and tissues of the liver, spleen and pancreas, despite the slight differences in morphological aspects, are similar to other birds.
Show more [+] Less [-]Anatomy and imaging features of the dew claws of the water buffalo and cow
Mazaheri, Yazdan | Nourinezhad, Jamal | Ghadiri, Ali Reza | Ahi, Mohammadreza | Sarbandi, Kosar | Hanafi, Mohammad Ghasem
BACKGROUND: Dew claws of ruminants are rudimentary of 2 and 5 digits and usually do not have functional action. Most studies about the dew claws were done on the diseases and shape-abnormality. OBJECTIVES: Because no comprehensive study has been done on the normal features of dew claws, especially in the water buffalo which is an important animal in Khouzestan, this study was performed on anatomy and radiology of the dew claws in the water buffalo and cow. METHODS: 136 dew claws from 11 water buffaloes and 6 cows were examined morphologically, morphometrically, and radiologically and their similarities and differences were clarified. RESULTS: Morphologic result showed that the dew claws were prismatic in shape; their bases were attached to skin at the level of the palmar or plantar surfaces of the fetlock joints. They had two bony ossicles in most cases as proximal and distal ones, but the ossicles in lateral dew claws of thoracic limb in the water buffalo were 3 in number. Proximal ossicles of the water buffalo were dumbbell-shaped, and were irregular or drop-shaped in the cow. Distal ossicles were nearly similar to the third phalanges of the main claws which were pyramid-shaped in water buffalo and triangle-shaped in the cow. Morphometrically, the measurements of the hoof and bony structures of the dew claws in the water buffalo were muchgreater than those of the cows. CONCLUSIONS: Although dew claws in both animals morphologically shared some similarities, there were morpho- metrically significant differences between the dew claws of the water buffalo and the cow. Being larger than the structures in the water buffalo may provide better adaption in static and dynamic of the animal in soft and swamp grounds. Radiologically, the best view for examination of dew claws and their elements was oblique view.
Show more [+] Less [-]Morphological and morphometical study of the ovine kidneys during the fetal period
Nourinezhad, Jamal | Mazaheri, Yazdan | Hooshmandi, Kianoosh | Tabari, Teimor | Bamohabat, Saleh
BACKGROUND: The study of animal development by a dynamic perspective on gross anatomy often provides amplified pattern to reveal the more complex anatomy of the adult. This is especially helpful in understanding system whose components drastically change their relation positions during developmental growth, such as urogenital organs. OJECTIVES: The aim of present study was to study morphologic and morphometric development of sheep kidneys during fetal period. METHODS: Sixty fetal kidneys obtained from 30 sheep fetuses were divided into three groups (70-100, 100-120, 120-145 days) according to body length. Topography, dimensions, and weight of kidneys were evaluated. RESULTS: The kidneys were located totally in the lumbar region of the sides of the median plane. The position of kidneys relative to the transvers process of lumbar vertebrae was different in the age groups. The fetal kidney was not located at the same level of adult position even at the end of fetal period. The right kidney was consistently slightly cranial to left kidney. The left kidney was in contact with dorsal sac of rumen in all age groups. The right kidney was covered by ventral surface and a small part of the lateral surface of right lobe of liver, but with advancing age, the contact are of right kidney with caudate process of liver showed tangible reduction and such a contact limited eventually to the cranial pole of kidney. Means of dimensions and weight of kidneys increased with gestational age during fetal period. There were no sex and laterality differences in any parameters. CONCLUSIONS: Topography of fetal sheep kidneys relative to the lumbar vertebrate and their contact area of the kidneys with right lobe and caudate process of liver differed extremely from that of adult sheep kidney. It seems that the emergence of positional asymmetry of kidneys and changing contact area of right kidney exhibited an intimate relationship with the cranial shift and grow rate of right lobe and caudate process of liver during fetal development. The morphmetric results of fetal sheep kidneys were in agreement with the morphometric findings of humans and bovine kidneys.
Show more [+] Less [-]Morphological and molecular characterization of cattle hydatid cysts in Khorramabad, Iran
Kasaeiyan, Fatemeh | Nayebzadeh, Hassan | Jalousian, Fatemeh | Shokrani, Hamid Reza
BACKGROUND: Hydatidosis is one of the zoonotic diseases which affect animals and human beings at the larval stage of Echinococcusgranulosus, thereby playing a role in exacerbating the economic and health problems in Iran. OBJECTIVES: This study was conducted to investigate the strains of Echinococcusgranulosus isolated from cattle hydatid cysts, in Khorramabad, in the Lorestan Province, west of Iran. METHODS: Twenty six isolates of hydatid cyst of cattle from lung (24 samples) and liver (2 sample) organs were collected from Golshan Slaughterhouse, in Khorramabad. All of the samples were transferred to the laboratory for morphometric characterization and molecular study. In morphological characterization, blade length of large (LBL) and small (SBL) hook and the ratio of blade length to total length in large (LBL/LTL) and small (SBL/STL) hooks and total length of large (LTL) and small (STL) hooks were measured. In molecular study, a partial sequence of cytochrome oxidase 1 (COX1) with 440 bp in length was amplified applying primers J3 and J4.5. Genomic DNA sequencing was performed by Sanger’s method. RESULTS: The morphological results showed that there is no significant difference between isolated from cattle hydatid cyst and sensu stricto strain (P<0.05). The results of molecular studies support the findings of morphological characterization. All sequences showed 100% identity with sensu stricto strain. CONCLUSIONS: The results from this study showed that sensu stricto strain (G1) is a causative agent of cattle hydatid cyst in Khorramabad. On the other hand, the cattle play a role in enabling the parasite to complete its cycle. Hence in order to execute a control program for minimizing the effects of this disease, the cattle shall be considered as a source of infection for dogs. The results of this study could be helpful in designing such control program in the region.
Show more [+] Less [-]Evaluation of morphological changes in small intestines of broiler chicks fed with different levels of glutamine in pre-starter diet on post-hatch period
Ghafari, Marziyeh | Shivazad, Mahmoud | Zaghari, Mojtaba | Ghaziani, Fateme | Madadgar, Omid | Namroud, Nebonid
BACKGROUND: Glutamine supplementation to the pre-starter diet of broiler chicks could improve their performance during the first week of post-hatch. OBJECTIVES: This experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of glutamine levels in the pre-starter diet on intestinal mucosa morphology and performance of broiler chicks. METHOD: A total of 160 Ross 308, one-day old broilers were used in a complete randomized block design with 3 treatments of 5 replicates. Diets were formulated to contain different levels of glutamine (0, 0.5 and 1%). Body weight and feed intake were measured at 6 and 13d. On d 0, 3, 6 and 13 post hatch, 2 birds per each replicate were weighted and killed, and samples of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum were taken subsequently. RESULTS: Supplementation of diets with 1% glutamine improved growth performance and feed efficiency at 6 and 13 day post hatch (p<0.05). On d 3 and 6, glutamine supplementation increased villi height and width in the small intestinal significantly (p<0.05). On d 13, chicks fed glutamine added diet had a longer villi height and width than those fed the basal diet (p<0.05). Glutamine supplementation has also decreased crypt depth of jejunum and ileum at 3, 6 and 13, but increased crypt depth in duodenum at 3 and 6 d of age (p<0.05). Increase in glutamine levels of pre-starter diet increased villi height relative crypt depth of jejunum and ileum at 3 and 6 d of age. On d 13, chicks fed diet contain 1% glutamine had a higher villi height relative crypt depth than those fed the basal diet. CONCLUSIONS: Addition of 1% glutamine to the pre-starter diets improved broiler growth performance and resulted in better development of the intestinal mucosa in broiler chicks.
Show more [+] Less [-]Identification and isolation of rumen fungi of baluchi sheep in Sistan
Yaghobi Moein, EIsa | Dehghani, Mohammad Reza | Chamani, Mohammad | Yousef Elahi, Mostafa
BACKGROUND: Based on the information no research has been done on the identification and isolation of anaerobic fungi in the Baloochi sheep’s rumen in the dry climate up to now. Objectives: The purpose of this research was the separation and study of the appearance morphology of anaerobic fungi in the Baloochi sheep’s rumen in Sistan region. Methods: The semi-defined medium environment was used in this research for cultivation, separation and purification of anaerobic fungi. Sampling from the solid and liquid contents of 50 Baloochi sheep was done randomly in Zabol slaughterhouse and these samples were used as the source of fungus to inoculation to culture. The roll bottle method was used for purification of rumen fungi. The antibiotic solutions (ampicillin, penicillin, streptomycin, oxytetracycline and chloramphenicol) were used for inhibiting growth of bacteria. Samples of pure fungi were transferred to culture and were observed after growth in glass slide with light microscope. The separated fungi were all monocentric and had rhizoid. Results: With regard to morphologic characteristics the genera of Neocallimastix and Piromyces and species of Piromyces communis, Piromyces minutus, Piromyces rhizinflata, Caecomyces communis was isolated in rumen of Baloochi sheep. Conclusions: With identification of these fungi species in rumen of Baloochi sheep, it is recommended to perform molecular test and enzyme extraction for further survey of characteristics in future research.
Show more [+] Less [-]Bivagina pagrosomi Murray (1931) (Monogenea: Polyopisthocotylea), a microcotylid infecting the gills of the gilt-head sea bream Sparus aurata (Sparidae) from the Red Sea: morphology and phylogeny
Dajem Saad Bin | Morsy Kareem | Shati Ali | Ezzat Ahmed | El-Said Fahmy | Abdel-Gaber Rewaida
Monogenea is a class of ectoparasitic flatworms on the skin, gills, or fins of fish. Microcotylidae is a family of polyopisthocotylean monogeneans parasitising only marine fishes. This work describes and taxonomically determines a microcotylid polyopisthocotylean monogenean in an important fish in Saudi aquaculture.
Show more [+] Less [-]Taxonomic justification of the pathogenic strongylid infecting the Arabian camel Camelus dromedarius as Haemonchus longistipes by morphological and molecular phylogeny
Dajem Saad | Morsy Kareem | Al-Kahtani Mohammed | Abdel-Gaber Rewaida
Introduction: There is still lack of morphological and phylogenetic information on the pathogenic nematode of the camel Haemonchus longistipes. In the present study, this parasite was isolated in Saudi Arabia and described.
Show more [+] Less [-]Characterisation of thrombocytes in Osteichthyes
Stosik Michał | Tokarz-Deptuła Beata | Deptuła Wiesław
Thrombocytes in vertebrates other than mammals, inter alia in fish, are analogues of platelets in mammals. In Osteichthyes, these cells take part in haemostatic processes, including aggregation and release reactions in cases of blood vessel damage, and in the immune response development as well. This paper discusses the development of thrombocytes in Osteichthyes, taking into account the need to make changes to the concept of grouping progenitor cells as suggested in the literature. The following pages present the morphological and cytochemical properties of thrombocytes as well as their defence functions, and also point out differences between thrombocytes in fish and platelets in mammals. The paper further highlights the level of thrombocytes’ immune activity observed in fish and based on an increased proportion of these cells in response to antigenic stimulation, on morphological shifts towards forms characteristic of dendritic cells after antigenic stimulation and on the presence of surface structures and cytokines released through, inter alia, gene expression of TLR receptors, MHC class II protein-coding genes and pro-inflammatory cytokines. The study also points out the need to recognise thrombocytes in Osteichthyes as specialised immune cells conditioning non-specific immune mechanisms and playing an important role in affecting adaptive immune mechanisms.
Show more [+] Less [-]Macro-microscopic research in reideer (Rangifer tarandus) hoof suitable for efficient locomotion on complex grounds
Zhang Rui | Qiao Yu | Ji Qiaoli | Ma Songsong | Li Jianqiao
Introduction: Reindeer are adapted to long distance migration. This species can cope with variations in substrate, especially in ice and snow environment. However, few detailed studies about reindeer hoof are available. Thus this article describes the results of studies on macro- and micro-structures of reindeer hoof.
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