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Efficacy of acyclovir against herpesvirus infection in Quaker parakeets.
Norton T.M. | Gaskin J. | Kollias G.V. | Homer B. | Clark C.H. | Wilson R.
We evaluated the efficacy of acyclovir against experimentally induced herpesvirus infection (Pacheco's parrot disease) in Quaker parakeets. Thirty-two of 40 birds were challenge-exposed with 0.1 ml of a suspension of herpes-virus (10(4) median cell culture infective doses CCID50 ) given IM. Treatment with acyclovir was started 24 hours later and was continued for 7 days. The birds were allotted to 5 groups of 8 birds each. There was a considerable difference in mortality between groups 1-5. Of 8 birds in each group, 6 died in group 1 (control), 1 died in group 2 (gavage), 3 died in group 3 (low dose, IM), 4 died in group 4 (high dose, IM), and none died in group 5 (contact controls). There was a significant (P = 0.023) difference in mortality between groups 1 and 2, thus the oral form of acyclovir administered by gavage was the most efficacious therapeutic regimen. Clinical signs and death occurred after discontinuation of acyclovir in groups 2 and 3, whereas the mean time of death for the control group was 6 days after challenge exposure. Herpesvirus was recovered by inoculation of chick embryo cell culture with pooled tissue suspensions from all birds that died. Histologic evidence of herpesvirus infection was found in most birds that died, with the control group having the most severe lesions. Surviving Quaker parakeets were transferred to cages with seronegative Quaker parakeets with no known exposure to herpesvirus. There have been no deaths attributable to herpesvirus infection in a period exceeding 2 years.
Show more [+] Less [-]Prevention of reperfusion injury in surgically induced gastric dilatation-volvulus in dogs.
Badylak S.F. | Lantz G.C. | Jeffries M.
Canine gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) is a naturally acquired condition of large-breed dogs primarily and is associated with high mortality. The clinical course suggests that reperfusion injury may be important in the pathogenesis of GDV. To evaluate the role of xanthine oxidase and iron-dependent lipid peroxidation (which are purported mechanisms of reperfusion injury) in the pathogenesis of GDV-related mortality, we created experimental GDV in 21 dogs. These dogs were then treated with either allopurinol (a xanthine oxidase inhibitor), U74006F (an experimental lipid peroxidation inhibitor), or saline solution (NaCl, 0.85%). Three of 8 dogs died in the allopurinol-treated group, none of 5 died in the U74006F-treated group, and 4 of 8 died in the saline solution-treated group. Tissue malondialdehyde concentration, a nonspecific indicator of lipid peroxidation, was significantly (P < 0.05) greater in the duodenum, jejunum, colon, liver, and pancreas of the saline-solution treated and allopurinol-treated dogs than in the same tissues of the U74006F-treated dogs after surgical correction of the GDV (ie, during reperfusion), compared with malondialdehyde concentrations determined before inducing GDV. The results of this study support the concept that lipid peroxidation associated with reperfusion injury is important in the pathogenesis and high mortality of canine GDV. Furthermore, this lipid peroxidation and mortality may be preventable by appropriate and timely treatment.
Show more [+] Less [-]Fatal Pasteurella haemolytica pneumonia in bighorn sheep after direct contact with clinically normal domestic sheep.
Foreyt W.J.
Six Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep were raised in captivity from birth (n = 5) or taken from the wild as a lamb (n = 1). After the bighorn sheep were in captivity for over a year, 6 clinically normal domestic sheep were placed on the 2 ha of pasture on which the bighorn sheep were kept. Nasal swab specimens were obtained from all sheep at the time the domestic sheep were introduced. Pasteurella haemolytica was isolated from swab specimens obtained from 4 of 6 domestic sheep, but not from specimens obtained from the bighorn sheep. All 6 bighorn sheep died of acute hemorrhagic pneumonia after exposure to domestic sheep. Death in the bighorn sheep occurred on days 4, 27, 27, 29, 36, or 71 after initial exposure to domestic sheep. Pasteurella haemolytica was isolated from respiratory tract tissue specimens of all bighorn sheep at the time of death. None of the domestic sheep were clinically ill during the study. At the end of the study, 3 of 6 domestic sheep were euthanatized, and at necropsy, P haemolytica was isolated from 2 of them. The most common serotypes in bighorn and domestic sheep were P haemolytica T-3 and A-2. Other serotypes isolated included P haemolytica A-1, A-9, and A-11 in bighorn sheep and A-1 in domestic sheep. On the basis of results of this study and of other reports, domestic sheep and bighorn sheep should not be managed in proximity to each other because of the potential fatal consequences in bighorn sheep.
Show more [+] Less [-]Estrone sulfate concentrations as an indicator of fetal demise in horses.
Kasman L.H. | Hughes J.P. | Stabenfeldt G.H. | Starr M.D. | Lasley B.L.
Pharmacokinetics of selenium administered parenterally at toxic doses in sheep.
Blodgett D.J. | Bevill R.F.
Mortality in swine herds endemically infected with Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae: effect of immunization with cross-reacting lipopolysaccharide core antigens of Escherichia coli.
Fenwick B.W. | Osburn B.I. | Cullor J.S. | Henry S.C. | Olander H.I.
Serum tumor necrosis factor activity in horses with colic attributable to gastrointestional tract disease.
Morris D.D. | Moore J.N. | Crowe N.
Over a 24-month period, serum tumor necrosis factor (TNF) activity was determined in 289 horses with colic attributable to gastrointestinal tract disease. Serum TNF activity was quantitated by use of a modified in vitro cytotoxicity bioassay, using WEHI 164 clone-13 murine fibrosarcoma cells. Causes for colic, determined by clinical and laboratory evaluation, exploratory celiotomy, or necropsy included: gastrointestinal tract rupture (GTR); ileal impaction; small intestinal strangulating obstruction (SIO); proximal enteritis (PE); transient small intestinal distention; large-colon displacement; large-colon vovulus; large-colon impaction; colitis; small-colon obstruction; peritonitis; and unknown. Each diagnosis was placed into 1 of 3 lesion categories: inflammatory disorders (GTR, PE, colitis, peritonitis); strangulating intestinal obstruction (SIO, large-colon volvulus); and nonstrangulating intestinal obstruction (ileal impaction, transient small intestinal distension, large-colon displacement, large-colon impaction, small-colon obstruction, unknown). The prevalence of high serum TNF activity and/or mortality were evaluated. Differences were tested at significance level of P < 0.05. Approximately 20% of the 289 horses has serum TNF activity greater than that found in clinically normal horses (> 2.5 U/ml). Twenty-three horses (8%) had marked increase in serum TNF activity (greater than or equal to 10 U/ml) which was more prevalent among horses with SIO and PE than in horses of other diagnostic groups, except those with GTR. Mortality and marked increase in serum TNF activity were greater in horses with intestinal inflammatory disorders or strangulating intestinal obstruction than in horses with nonstrangulating intestinal obstruction. Similarly, a greater proportion of the horses that died had markedly high serum TNF activity than did horses that lived. Mortality of horses with serum TNF greater than or equal to 10 U/ml was greater than that of horses with serum TNF activity < 10 U/ml. Results indicate possible association between colic and serum TNF activity in horses and that high mortality may be associated with horses with markedly increased serum TNF activity.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of tissue culture medium waste after harvest of Korean wild ginseng on growth performance and diseases resistance in broiler chickens
Seol, J.W., Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Republic of Korea | Park, J.H., Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Republic of Korea | Chae, J.S., Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea | Kang, H.S., Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Republic of Korea | Ryu, K.S., Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Republic of Korea | Kang, C.S., EnT, Nonsan, Republic of Korea | Park, S.Y., Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Republic of Korea
The large amount of tissue culture medium (TCM), which contains some of the active secretory components of Korean wild ginseng (KWG; Panax ginseng) such as saponins, is usually discarded after harvest of KWG. The present study was aimed to investigate the efficacy of oral administration of the TCM-KWG on growth performance and diseases resistance in broiler chickens. A day old broiler chickens randomized in 6 groups (n=60/groups) were administered orally with 0, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 mL/L TCM-KWG through drinking water for 5 weeks and examined the change of weight gain, feed intake and blood components. Also, five weeks old broiler chickens (n=15/groups) were challenged orally with Salmonella (S.) gallinarum and investigated the mortality in broiler chickens. An average weight gain and feed intake significantly didn't change in TCM-KWG administration groups as compared to control group. The concentration of calcium (Ca), phosphate (Pi) and potassium (K) in serum were increase by TCM-KWG administration in broiler chickens. We also found that oral administration of TCM-KWG through drinking water significantly reduced the mortality in broiler chickens experimentally infected with virulent S. gallinarum. The results of this study indicated that TCM-KWG administration may elevate the resistance on disease and improved the skeleton formation and body homeostasis of chickens, and TCM-KWG can be used as a cost-effective and environmentally alternative additives to control of the disease and growth.
Show more [+] Less [-]The dairy calf mortality : the causes of calf death during ten years at a large dairy farm in Korea
Hur, T.Y., RDA, Cheonan, Republic of Korea | Jung, Y.H., RDA, Cheonan, Republic of Korea | Choe, C.Y., RDA, Cheonan, Republic of Korea | Cho, Y.I., RDA, Cheonan, Republic of Korea | Kang, S.J., RDA, Cheonan, Republic of Korea | Lee, H.J., RDA, Cheonan, Republic of Korea | Ki, K.S., RDA, Cheonan, Republic of Korea | Baek, K.S., RDA, Cheonan, Republic of Korea | Suh, G.H., Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Republic of Korea
The objective of this study was to investigate the calf death and analyse the causes of the mortality by based on medical records and autopsy findings during 10 years in a large dairy farm. Total of 1,361 calf born and 146 calf dead during the invested period. Mortality rate was 10.7% and showed the big difference by year-specific mortality from 2.8% (4 calves) to 19.2% (28 calves). The highest rate of mortality was 1 week age (18.5%, 27 calves) and followed by 2 week age (11.6%, 17 calves) and mortality of more old calf tended to be reduced. The death less than 4 weeks and 8 weeks of age of the entire mortality accounted for 41.1% (60/146 calves) and 70.0% (102/146 calves), respectively. Causes of calf death were digestive diseases (53.4%), respiratory diseases (17.1%), musculoskeletal disease (8.2%), and systemic disease (8.2%) in order. Specific causes of calf death was highest in enteritis (43.2%), followed by pneumonia (14.4%), sepsis (8.2%) and fractures (3.4%). Seasonally, most of calf death happened in winter (48.6%) and then fall (21.2%). This results showed that enteritis and pneumonia are the main reason of calf death but other reasons were involved in calf death on the based on autopsy finding. On going research relating factors of calf mortality is needed.
Show more [+] Less [-]Fecundity and egg viability of house fly exposed to insect growth regulators
Park, C.G. (Gyeong-sang National University, Chinju (Korea Republic). College of Agriculture) | Choe, S.Y. | Kim, J.S. (Gyeong-sang National University, Chinju College of Veterinary Medicine) | Kim, D.H. (Rural Development Administration, Suwon (Korea Republic). Research Management Bureau) | Lee, H.S. (Gyeongnam Agricultural Research and Extension Service, Chinju (Korea Republic).)
Two-day old house fly adults were exposed to six insect growth regulators, flufenoxuron, teflubenzuron, triflumuron, diflubenzuron, methoxyfenozide, tebufenozide, as a feed additive (milk + 5% sugar + chemical) in the laboratory for 6 days. The number of eggs deposited by the exposed-adults, viability of the eggs, and F1 larval development were checked. All the IGRs tested were found to have no adverse effect on the reproduction of house fly, except methoxyfenozide (210ppm). The most effective inhibitor to egg hatch was flufenoxuron, followed by teflubenzuron, triflumuron, and diflubenzuron. Exposure to flufenoxuron (over 5ppm), teflubenzuron (over 25ppm), triflumuron (over 125ppm), and diflubenzuron (over 125ppm) reduced egg hatchability to 0 to 1.3%, but lower concentrations of these IGRs were less effective (6.3 to 46.3% egg hatchability). Almost all the larvae emerged from eggs deposited by the adults exposed to diflubenzuron (62.5ppm) and teflubenzuron (12.5ppm) failed to develop into pupae, causing total mortalities of 98% and 100%, respectively. However, two IGRs, methoxyfenozide and tebufenozide, did not inhibit egg hatch and F1 larval development, except methoxyfenozide (210ppm) treatment. These results suggest that these 4 IGRs may be used in the development of autosterilization system for house fly control. However, further work is required to develop delivery systems capable of transferring an effective dose to the fly under field conditions.
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