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Эффективность применения мультиэнзимной композиции Фекорд – 2004С и биологически активной добавки Оксидат торфа в кормлении поросят
Kapanskij, A.A., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
Results of researches on studying influence separate and combination feeding fermented compositions Fekord-2004C and biologically active additive Oxide Peat on energy of growth and protective properties of an organism of pigs – deprivation are stated. It is established that enrichment of mixed fodder investigated by the fodder fermented additive Fekord-2004C at the rate of 0,15 kg on ton of mixed fodder in combination application with biologically active substance Oxide Peat in a doze of 1,0 kg on ton of mixed fodder promotes increase of growth rate of pigs on development and to decrease of the charge of forages on unit of a gain of alive weight and safety of pigs
Show more [+] Less [-]Переваримость питательных веществ комбикормов с различным уровнем селена в рационах хряков-производителей
Poznyak, V.V., Vitebsk Meat-Packing Plant (Belarus)
In the physiological experience spent on male pigs-manufacturers, we had been studied influence of various doses of selenium (10 mg, 20 and 30 mg) in structure premix on nutrients. It is established, that increase of level of selenium in mixed fodders for male pigs-manufacturers to 30 mg/kg especially promotes increase in degree of use in their organism of fat to 58,7%; (P less than 0,05), the digested nitrogen to 62,1%, calcium – to 78,3% and phosphorus – to 72,5%
Show more [+] Less [-]Влияние качества ячменя и пшеницы в составе комбикормов на продуктивность свиней на откорме
Khochenkov, A.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
In the process of monogastric animal feeding, including pigs, the special role is played by the quality of coarse grain crops as they compose 70-75% of swine ration structure. Determination of fodder productive effect on fattening swine was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. The basis of the analyzed fodder was formed by fodder grain of extra fine grade. Research results showed the following: inclusion of extra fine grade barley (Hordeum vulgare) and wheat (Triticum aestivum) (chosen in accordance with the standard of the Republic of Belarus) into all-in-one mixed fodders SK-26 and SK-31 for fattening swine made it possible to obtain higher productive capacity of the experimental animals in comparison with the identical mixed fodders containing barley and wheat of other grades (chosen in accordance with All-Union State Standard 28672-90); in the experimental groups the average daily weight gain in course of the fattening period was on 34 grams higher, and the average selling weight of 1 head - on 4,1 kg than in the control group. Swine which were fed with the presented mixed fodders with grain extra fine grade showed fewer deviations from the rated value of metabolism (blood serum protein and its fractions, calcium, phosphorus, acid capacity) in comparison with the control groups
Show more [+] Less [-]Сапропель как компонент комбикорма
Adamovich, K.F., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Research of possibility of application of sapropel (putrid mud) of the Chervonnoe lake (the Republic of Belarus) in diets of bred and milking sows as one of the ingredients of mixed fodders, as well as the evaluation of its influence of sow development and digestibility of nutritive elements were studied. Application of dry sapropel a source of energy, protein, mineral and vitamin nutritive elements for mixed fodder production rendered the positive influence on sows productive qualities: there was stated the increased number of born piglets on o,5 heads with a higher growing capacity; there was noted the increasing of coefficients of nutritive elements metabolism (crude protein – on 2,7%, crude fat – on 2,9%, free-nitrogen extracts – on 1,3%, and dietary fibre – jn 4,7%) with the simultaneous increasing of nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorous uptake by sows. Nutritional value of the analysed sapropel was 0,23 fodder units and 3,13 MJ of exchange energy per 1 kg of dry matter. Inclusion of 3% sapropel into mixed fodders for pregnant and suckling sows promoted the increasing of quantity of pigs at a birth, body weight of one pig to 3-week age and has ensured young growth with higher energy of growth. Use of sapropel in mixed fodders for sows makes active a metabolism and promotes increase of digestibility of the basic nutrients of a rations
Show more [+] Less [-]Засухоустойчивые культуры в условиях Беларуси
Istranin, Yu.V. | Zinovenko, A.L. | Gurinovich, Zh.A. | Shibko, D.V., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Results of determination of yielding capacity, chemical composition of initial weight and silage quality of forages prepared from the binary mixtures of Japanese millet (Panicum curs-galli var. frumentaceum), millet (Panicum) and saccharine sorghum (Sorghum saccharatum) realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus were presented. Research results showed that the binary mixture of saccharine sorghum with blue lupine (Lupinus angustifolius) in ratio of 70% + 30%, respectively made it possible to obtain the highest efficiency (62,4 t/ha of green material, 15,1 t/ha of dry matter, 13,1 t/ha of fodder units). Mixed sowing of millet, Japanese millet and saccharine sorghum with blue lupine surpassed in productivity the single-crop sowing on 15,5-32,6%. It was established, that the silage produced from the mixture of sorghum and Japanese millet with lupine had higher energy and protein nutritive value: 0,86 and 0,98 fodder unit, respectively; 9,77 and 9,92 mJ of exchange energy per 1 kg of dry matter, respectively; 103, 3 and 108,4 grams of digestible protein per 1 fodder unit. High nutritive value and the best palatability of trial silos promoted the increasing of milk yield on 4,4-5,4% in comparison with the control tests. Haylage which was produced from drought resistant crops had high energy nutritive value: per 1 kg of dry matter there was noted 9,40-9,48 mJ of available energy, 0,89-0,94 fodder units with fodder unit provision with 102-114 grams of digestible protein
Show more [+] Less [-]Выращивание телят на комбикормах с включением рапса качества CanoL
Sapsaleva, T.L., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was determined of a dose of input and efficiency of feeding with rape oil cake and protein meal produced on the basis of a new rape (Brassica napus) variety Yavar as a part of a mixed fodder KR-2 in diets of young stock of cattle. Rape oil cake and protein meal with the content of 1,4-1,9% glucosinolates and 27-30 mcM per 1 kg of a dry matter of erucidic acid can be included into composition of the mixed fodder КR-2 for bull calves in a dose up to 20% on weight. Feeding with the mixed fodders КR-2 with inclusion of rape oil cake and protein meal made it possible to receive daily average weight gain of calves at a level of 827-906 gram at expenses of forages of 5,4-5,9 forage units per 1 kilogram of a weight gain. It was caused by cheaper rape forages. In course of the study there was analyzed the chemical composition of rape oil cake and protein meal; indexes of rumen digestion of experimental bull calves; morphological and biochemical blood structure; changes of body weight; daily average weight gain and expenses for forages.
Show more [+] Less [-]Влажное консервированное зерно в составе концентратных кормосмесей в рационах бычков
Kozinets, A.I., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Yaroshevich, S.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Kot, A.N., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Budko, V.M., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Pentilyuk, S.I., Kherson State Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was determined the influence of experimental feed mixtures on the basis of humid preserved grain (conserved rolled grain of triticale; barley (Hordeum vulgare); oat (Avena sativa)) and protein, mineral and vitamin supplement (contains rape (Brassica napus) extraction cake; wheat bran; premix PKR-2; chalk; forage phosphate) on digestibility and metabolism of nutritive elements by young stock of cattle. There were presented recipes of the developed experimental feed mixtures and studied their influence on consumption and digestibility of nutritive elements of diets, metabolism of nitrogenous substances, calcium, phosphorous, as well as on hematological indexes. The proposed mixed fodders contained metabolizable energy; dry matter; crude protein; digestible protein; crude fat; fibre; starch; sugars; calcium; phosphorous; magnesium; potassium; sulphur; iron; copper; zinc; cobalt; manganese. In course of the study there was analyzed the consumption of the main nutritive elements; coefficients of their digestibility; nitrogen balance; balance of calcium and phosphorous; morphological and biochemical blood indexes.
Show more [+] Less [-]Эффективность использования экзогенных ферментов в комбикормах с повышенным уровнем зерна ржи для молодняка свиней в период доращивания и откорма
Mikulenok, V.G., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of application of enzyme preparations there is the possibility of inclusion into mixed fodders structure of such cheap fodder grains as rye. Determination of the optimal dose of introduction of the liquid enzymatic fodder additive (xylanase – 8800 units; phytase – 600 units; cellulose – 880 units; r-gluco – 4000 units; a- amylase – 200 units) and its influence on stores productivity during the completion of growing and fattening periods was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Research results showed the following: inclusion into mixed fodders of the increased amount of rye grain (without the enzyme additive) for stores feeding during the completion of growing (20%) and fattening (30%) periods did not render negative influence on experimental animals; the optimal dose of the trial enzyme for stores during the completion of growing period - (SK-21 including rye grain - 20%) was 200 ml per 1 t of mixed fodders; the optimal dose of the trial enzyme for stores during the fattening period (KDS-26 including rye -30%) was 150 ml per 1 t of mixed fodders. Application of the experimental fodder additive promoted the increasing live weight gain. There was noted the tendency of the positive influence of the analyzed enzyme on dry and organic matter, fat, dietary fibre and nitrogen-free extractive substances digestibility
Show more [+] Less [-]Зерно высокобелковых культур в составе БВМД в рационах племенных телок
Kurtina, V.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was analyzed the efficiency of feeding of a new protein vitamin and mineral additive containing national local protein and mineral raw material sources in diets of 12-16-month old heifers. Instead of sunflower extraction cake the heifers were fed with the protein-vitamin and mineral additive which contained rape grain (Brassica napus), lupine (Lupinus) grain as well as mineral and vitamin additives based on halites, phosphogypsum, phosphate, sapropel and premix in dose of 20-25% by weight as a part of mixed fodders. The additive was used against the background of rations with green mass from a cereal and leguminous mixture - 56-57%, mixed fodder - 36-37%, molasses - 6-7%. In accordance with nutritional value indexes the proposed additive rendered the positive influence on forage consumption, indexes of ruminal digestion, as well as on the morphological and biochemical blood composition. It application made it possible to obtain daily average weight gains of animals at the level of 812-827 grams within forage expenses of 7,0-7,2 сentner of fodder units. Inclusion of the protein vitamin and mineral additive with local protein and mineral raw materials in rations of calves made it possible to lower the mixed fodder cost price on 12-15% and the cost price of 1 centner of gain during the summer period - on 11-13%.
Show more [+] Less [-]Оптимизация энергопротеинового отношения в рационах высокопродуктивных коров в период раздоя
Goryachev, I.I., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
The recipe of mixed fodder is developed for cows with a 6-8 thousand kg yield of milk for a lactation during the period yield of milk, different the raised maintenance of a crude protein (18%) that allows to increase a yield of milk of animals by 6,6% (22,5 kg instead of 21,1 kg of 4% milk a day) to reduce the expense of forages on production unit to 6,4% (0,73 fodder units against 0,78 fodder units per 1 kg of milk). At the expense of additional production economic benefit makes 104,4 thousand rbl. counting on 1 head
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