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Influence of type of enclosure on exercise fitness of dogs
Clark, J.D. | Calpin, J.P. | Armstrong, R.B.
The effect of various confinement conditions on physical fitness in dogs was evaluated. Eighteen 9.5- to 10-month-old female purpose-bred Beagles were maintained individually for 3 months at a time in 1 of 6 confinement conditions: Condition A--an outdoor housing area with a conventional dog house and free access to a 6.1 X 9.1-m pen; condition B--outdoor kennel with a conventional dog house and free access to a 1.8 X 6.1-m run; condition C--indoor environmentally controlled 1.2 X 3.66-m run; condition D--0.9 X 1.2 X 0.84-m conventional laboratory cage in an indoor environmentally controlled room; condition E--0.9 X 1.2 X 0.84-m conventional laboratory cage in an indoor environmentally controlled room with treadmill exercise (7 km/h at a 10% grade) for 30 min/d, 5 d/wk; condition F--0.71 X 0.86 X 0.69-m conventional laboratory cage in an indoor environmentally controlled room. During the final week of each 3-month interval, muscle succinate dehydrogenase enzyme activities and submaximal exercise heart rates (during treadmill exercise) were determined to estimate physical fitness. Also, 5 days after being moved into a different housing condition, blood samples were collected for plasma cortisol determination. The type of confinement condition for dogs had little effect on muscle succinate dehydrogenase activity, but had a modest effect on submaximal exercise heart rates of dogs. At the fifth and tenth minutes of the treadmill exercise period, heart rates of dogs maintained in the smallest cages (condition F) were higher than those of dogs maintained in outside pens and runs (conditions A and B), indicating decreased fitness in the dogs maintained in the smallest cages. Differences in heart rates were not detected among dogs in other conditions. The confinement conditions used in this study had no detectable effect on plasma cortisol concentrations. We concluded that neither cage or pen size nor a regular mandatory exercise program substantially impacted on physical fitness of laboratory confined dogs, as long as the cages complied with federal standards and guidelines. Dogs maintained in substandard cages did have modest decreases in fitness.
Show more [+] Less [-]Muscle responses of Thoroughbreds to conventional race training and detraining
Foreman, J.H. | Bayly, W.M. | Allen, J.R. | Matoba, H. | Grant, B.D. | Gollnick, P.D.
Ten healthy sedentary Thoroughbreds with previous race training experience were trained conventionally for 9 weeks. Muscle biopsy samples were obtained before and after training and after 6 weeks of detraining pasture rest. Biopsy samples were obtained from the right deltoid, triceps, vastus lateralis, middle gluteal, biceps femoris, and semitendinosus muscles. The deep-frozen biopsy samples were analyzed for activities of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), 3-hydroxy-acylcoenzyme A dehydrogenase (HAD), and phosphorylase (PHOS) and for glycogen concentration. The triceps and gluteal muscle samples were also serially sectioned and stained for myofibrillar actomyosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity after alkaline (pH 10.3) and sequential acidic (pH 4.34) ATPase inactivation. Fiber types I (alkaline preincubation), IIA1, IIA2, and IIA3 (sequential acidic preincubation over 5 minutes) were identified and were evaluated for fiber-type distribution and fiber areas. Increases in response to training were observed in deltoid and vastus muscle SDH and gluteal muscle HAD activities, and deltoid muscle glycogen concentration (P < 0.05 to P < 0.01). Changes in PHOS activity were not observed. Type-IIA1, -IIA2, and -IIA3 fiber areas in triceps muscle were increased in response to training (P < 0.05 to P < 0.01). Changes in fiber-type distribution did not occur in response to training. Changes in muscle enzyme activities, glycogen concentration, fiber types, and fiber areas were not seen from posttraining to detraining. Further increases were observed when detraining values were compared with pretraining values in deltoid, triceps, vastus, gluteal, and biceps femoris muscle SDH activities and in gluteal muscle glycogen concentration (P < 0.05 to P < 0.01). It was concluded that the predominant failure to detect training-induced muscle enzyme changes, along with documentation of increases in fast-twitch muscle fiber areas, indicate that conventional Thoroughbred training is principally of a sprinting nature. A greater emphasis on longer, slow endurance work early in training might add greatly to Thoroughbred horses' abilities to withstand the rigors of sprint training.
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