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Influence of estrogen on antibacterial and immunoglobulin secretory activities of uterine fluids from ovariectomized mares.
Johnson J.U. | Oxender W.D. | Berkhoff H.A.
Effect of estrogen (E2) and progesterone (P4) on uterine antibacterial activity and immunoglobulin concentrations in mares was studied. In 2 in vitro experiments, 6 mixed-breed mares were ovariectomized, and uterine fluid and blood serum were analyzed. Antibacterial assay methods were used to determine inhibitory effects on Streptococcus zooepidemicus of uterine fluid samples collected on days 3, 5, and 8, and serum obtained on day 8 of treatment. Single radial immunodiffusion methods were used to quantify amounts of IgA and IgG in uterine fluid and serum on days 3, 5, 8, and 14 of treatment. Neither E2 nor P4 increased activity of serum and uterine fluid against S zooepidemicus. Numbers of colony-forming units per milliliter of bacteria were significantly (P < 0.01) lower in control Hanks' balanced salt solution with 1.0% gelatin (HBSSG) than in uterine fluids. Bacterial numbers were significantly (50%) greater in uterine fluids and serum than in HBSSG controls for both treatments. Both fluids, especially serum, supported significantly (P < 0.01) more growth of S zooepidemicus than did HBSSG when incubated for 0, 2, and 4 hours. These findings are in contrast to previous reports of antibacterial activity in the uterus of sexually intact mares undergoing an estrous cycle: great reduction of bacterial count in uterine fluid from mares in diestrus, and significant increases in bacterial numbers in uterine fluid or serum from mares in estrus. Treatment comparisons between serum and uterine fluid IgA and IgG concentrations were not significantly different, although overall IgA concentration in the uterus was higher than concentration in serum. The IgG concentration in uterine fluid was higher in P4- than E2-treated mares. However, IgG concentration was significantly (P < 0.01) higher in uterine fluid on day 8 in P4-treated mares than on day 3 or 5. Results of this study indicate that neither immunoglobulin concentration nor hormone treatment has a direct effec.
Show more [+] Less [-]Cardiopulmonary effects of positioning pregnant cows in dorsal recumbency during the third trimester.
Dunlop C.I. | Hodgson D.S. | Smith J.A. | Chapman P.L. | Tyler L.M.
The uterine hemodynamic response to maternal positioning in dorsal recumbency was evaluated in 7 conscious pregnant cows during the third trimester. Anesthetic or sedative drugs were not administered. Uterine artery flow was measured, using a previously implanted ultrasonic flow probe. Catheters implanted in the uterine artery and vein were used for measurement of blood pressure and for blood sample collections. Heart rate, systemic arterial pressure, uterine arterial blood flow, arterial and venous oxygen and carbon dioxide tensions, and pH were measured in cows in standing position. Cows were cast with ropes and positioned in dorsal recumbency, then measurements were repeated at 15 and 30 minutes. Compared with standing measurements, dorsal recumbency caused 50% increase in heart rate and 44% increase in arterial blood pressure. Uterine artery flow did not change significantly. Despite increased ventilation, arterial oxygenation was reduced during dorsal recumbency. There were minimal differences between measurements at 15 and 30 minutes of dorsal recumbency.
Show more [+] Less [-]Immunoglobulin isotype of specific antibodies in reproductive tract secretions and sera in Tritrichomonas foetus-infected heifers.
Skirrow S.Z. | BonDurant R.H.
Four virgin heifers were experimentally inoculated intravaginally with 7 X 10(6) Tritrichomonas foetus, and 2 heifers served as uninfected controls. The durations of infection were 13, 20, 21, and 28 weeks, respectively. An ELISA that used whole T foetus antigen was used to detect anti-T foetus immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG1, IgG2, and IgM) in vaginal, cervical, and uterine secretions, and sera during the course of infection. The vaginal and cervical antibody responses were characterized by significantly increased T foetus-specific IgA and IgG1 at 7 to 9 weeks of infection, whereas uterine IgA and IgG1 responses peaked at 10 to 12 weeks. The antibody response in serum was predominantly of the IgG1 and IgG2 subclasses. In all reproductive tract regions, IgA persisted at least until the time of T foetus clearance, and usually longer. The next most persistent isotype was IgG1, lasting longest in the vagina, then cervix, and for the shortest time in the uterus. In local secretions, IgG2 was seen only transiently, increasing at weeks 13 to 15 in the vagina, and at weeks 10 to 12 in the cervix. Little IgM, relative to that present before infection, was detected in any secretion or serum, although cervical secretions had the greatest amount. Eight to 12 weeks after clearance, the 4 experimental heifers were inoculated intravaginally with 1 x 10(5) T foetus, transient infections (2 to 3 weeks' duration) were established in only 2 of 4 heifers, as determined by culturing of reproductive tract secretions. The lag times of antibody responses during this reinfection were shorter than in the initial infection, and ELISA optical densities were at least as high as during the primary infection, suggesting an anamnestic response.
Show more [+] Less [-]Release of immunoreactive arachidonate metabolites by equine endometrium in vitro.
Watson E.D.
The ability of equine endometrium to release prostaglandin (GH) F, PGE2, and leukotriene (LT) B4 was studied in vitro, using endometrial tissue from diestrous mares. Because of the high cross-reactivity of the PGF antiserum with PGF1alpha and with PGF2alpha, results were quoted as total immunoreactive PGF. Significant concentrations of these arachidonate metabolites were released into tissue culture medium between 1 and 24 hours of incubation. Significantly higher concentrations of PGE, but not of PGE2 or LTB4, were released from endometria of mares with chronic endometritis than from genitally normal mares. Prostaglandin F was released only in low concentrations from the endometrium of a mare with pyometra, but concentrations of PGE2 and LTB4 were similar to those of genitally normal mares.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of probenecid administration on cephapirin pharmacokinetics and concentrations in mares.
Juzwiak J.S. | Brown M.P. | Gronwall R. | Houston A.E.
Morphometric studies of the bovine uterus: microscopic lesions and retrospective reproductive history.
Gonzalez H.E. | Crowell W.A. | Caudle A.B. | Thompson F.N.
Comparative treatment of mares susceptible to chronic uterine infection.
Troedsson M.H.T. | Scott M.A. | Liu I.K.M.
Four intrauterine treatment strategies were evaluated for effectiveness in mares that were confirmed to be susceptible to chronic uterine infection. Pretreatment samples were obtained at detection of estrus, and a genital strain of Streptococcus zooepidemicus was infused into the uterus when a preovulatory (> 35 mm) follicle was detected. At 12 hours after inoculation, mares were assigned to 1 of 4 selected treatment groups: autologous plasma, 100 ml (n = 5); potassium penicillin, 5 million U in 100 ml of phosphate-buffered saline solution (PBSS; n = 5); 10 mg of prostaglandin F2alpha in 100 ml of PBSS (n = 5); and large-volume lavage with normal saline solution (1,000 ml increments). A fifth group, treated with vehicle alone (100 ml of PBSS), served as a negative control (n = 7). All treatments were administered into the uterus. To assess the effectiveness of the treatment, samples for culture and cytologic examination were collected at 96 hours after bacterial inoculation. An effect of treatment was observed on the number of uterine neutrophils (P = 0.02) and growth of S zooepidemicus (P < 0.01). Intrauterine treatment with potassium penicillin, prostaglandin F2alpha, and large-volume uterine lavage significantly reduced the growth of S zooepidemicus (P < 0.01) as well as the number of neutrophils (P < 0.02). Autologous plasma reduced the number of neutrophils (P < 0.05), but not growth of S zooepidemicus. There was significant correlation between the number of uterine neutrophils and growth of S zooepidemicus for each treatment group (r = 0.57; P < 0.05).
Show more [+] Less [-]Correlations between histologic endometrial lesions in mares and clinical response to intrauterine exposure with Streptococcus zooepidemicus.
Troedsson M.H.T. | deMoraes M.J. | Liu I.K.M.
The relationship between histologic lesions in endometrial biopsy specimens and susceptibility to chronic uterine infection (CUI) in mares was investigated. Mares were allotted to 4 groups on the basis of degree of endometrial lesions. Mares in group 1 (n = 6) had no pathologic changes, mares in group 2 (n = 5) had only mild pathologic changes, group-3 mares (n = 7) had moderate changes, and group-4 mares (n = 7) had severe inflammatory and fibrotic endometrial changes. Susceptibility to CUI was determined by the inflammatory response to intrauterine inoculation of 5 X 10(6) Streptococcus zooepidemicus. The inoculum was given on the third day of behavioral estrus and in the presence of a follicle > 30 mm. Mares with > 1 neutrophil/5 high-magnification (400 X) microscopic fields and > 20 colonies of S zooepidemicus at 96 hours after inoculation were considered to be susceptible to CUI. There was a significant association between biopsy grade and susceptibility to CUI among the groups. Histologically normal endometrium was associated with resistance to CUI, and severe histopathologic changes in the endometrium were associated with susceptibility to CUI. Mild to moderate endometrial lesions did not correlate consistently with susceptibility or resistance to CUI.
Show more [+] Less [-]Endometrial concentrations of ampicillin in mares after intrauterine infusion of the drug.
Love C.C. | Strzemienski P.J. | Kenney R.M.
Serum concentration of ampicillin, a semisynthetic penicillin, was measured in mares at various time intervals up to 24 hours after intrauterine infusion of 3 g of ampicillin. Blood samples were drawn immediately before infusion and at l-, 4-, 10- and 24-hour intervals after infusion. At postinfusion hour 24, two endometrial biopsy specimens were obtained to measure endometrial concentrations of ampicillin. Blood was drawn twice as part of the 24-hour postinfusion sample collection, once before removal of the biopsy specimens and again 5 minutes after removal of the biopsy specimens. After drug infusion, more diestrous mares had detectable serum ampicillin concentration than did estrous mares for all samples, except the 24-hour prebiopsy sample. None of the 24-hour prebiopsy serum samples had detectable ampicillin concentration, but ampicillin was detected in the serum of 4 of 5 diestrous mares after endometrial biopsy. Endometrial concentrations of ampicillin were detectable at postinfusion hour 24 in estrous and diestrous mares, but were not different. All 24-hour biopsy specimens had ampicillin concentrations greater than the ampicillin minimal inhibitory concentration.
Show more [+] Less [-]Uterine clearance mechansims during the early postovulatory period in mares.
LeBlanc M.M. | Asbury A.C. | Lyle S.K.
Uterine response to inoculation with Streptococcus zooepidemicus organisms, 51Cr-labeled 15-micromoles microspheres, and charcoal was evaluated in 9 mares (4 resistant and 5 susceptible to endometritis) to determine mechanical and cellular clearance rates during the early postovulatory period. Mares were inoculated at estrus prior to ovulation during estrous cycles 1, 3, and 5. Uterine swab specimens for aerobic and anaerobic bacteriologic culture and serum for progesterone determination were obtained on postovulation day 3 during estrous cycle 1, on the day of ovulation during estrous cycle 3, and on postovulation day 5 during estrous cycle 5. Immediately thereafter, the uterus was irrigated with 50 ml of sterile physiologic saline solution containing tracer amounts of 125I-labeled human serum albumin. Streptococcus zooepidemicus was isolated from 10 of 15 (67%) uterine specimens collected from susceptible mares and incubated aerobically. Escherichia coli also was isolated from 2 of the 10 specimens incubated aerobically. Anaerobic bacteriologic culture of specimens from all mares yielded no growth. Chromium-labeled microspheres were recovered twice from 2 susceptible mares, on day 0 and day 5. Charcoal was retained in 5 specimens collected from 3 susceptible mares. Bacteriologic culture of specimens from resistant mares did not yield growth. On day 0, chromium-labeled microspheres and charcoal were recovered once from 1 resistant mare. Mares susceptible to end ometritis accumulated more fluid within the uterine lumen after ovulation than did resistant mares (mean +/- SEM, 52.73 +/- 15.22 ml and 7.41 +/- 1.96 ml, respectively; P less than 0.01). From this study, it appeared that uterine cellular and bactericidal mechanisms are dysfunctional during the early postovulatory period. However, there appeared to be no disruption of the mechanisms responsible for mechanical clearance of materials inoculated in the uterus.
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