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Polymerase chain reaction for differentiation of Pasteurella multocida isolates from turkeys in comparison to strains incorporating in fowl cholera vaccine
Nahed I.M.M. Khamis | Zeinab M. Souror | Hanan N. Ibrahim | S. M. Aboul Saoud
In the present study, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using random primer (E-20) was used to characterize and identify strains included in this study. Strains included 4 vaccinal reference strains of Pasteurella multocida, CU strain and 4 field isolates of Pasteurella multocida isolated from diseased turkeys which were identified biochemically and serologically as A:1, A:3, A3x4 and D:11. The obtained results revealed that all strains were reacted positively and in different manner with the E20 primer except the 2 field isolates. The results of these reactions demonstrated in terms of bands of different molecular weight specific to each strain. This can be used as a base for characterization and differentiation of strains involved in the present study as the 2 field strains A:1 and A:3 react with primer. Mouse protection test was performed by vaccination of mice with local fowl cholera oil adjuvant vaccine then challenge with virulent field strains A:1, A:3, D:12 and untypable isolates. Results revealed that the local fowl cholera adjuvant vaccine could protect mice against virulent challenge with A:1, A:3 and D:12 field strains but it could not be protect mice against untypable isolates
Show more [+] Less [-]Light and electron microscopy of Paranella diplodae N. SP. (Polyopisthocotylea;Microcotylidae; Monogenea ) from some Red Sea Teleost fishes in Egypt
E. M. Bayoumy | O. K. Abd El-Hady | M. A. Hassanain
The present study deals with a monogenean parasite infecting, some marine fish through light and scan electron microscopy. It revealed that the percentage of infection was 48% (14 out of 50 fish), 28% (14 out of 50 fish), 22% (11 out of 50 fish) and 16% (8 out of 50 fish) in Diplodus noct, Gerres oyena, Lethrinus elongates and Siganus revulatus, respectively. The present work recorded Paranaella diplodae (Polyopisthocotylea; Microcotylidae; Monogenea) as a new species collected from the investigated fish gills. They are lanculate flukes, the haptor is not distinguished from the body proper approximately 1/3 of the whole body length. The surface topography of the parasite bears small pits and conspicuous transverse folds and richly supplied with papillae-like unicellate sensory ending. The opisthohaptor is typical of Microcotylidae. The clamp structure and the haptoral tegument are similar to the rest of the body
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of high water temperature on natural resistance of cultured Oreochromis niloticus
M. N. M. Ali
Killing activity of fresh Oreochromis niloticus serum was used as an indicator of the natural immunity. Serum killing activity was tested in temperature stressed fish exposed to 32 ±1°C to different Pseudomonas fluorescens strains. As a clinical estimate of natural immunity and disease resistance, experimental challenge with P. fluorescens strains was conducted. The results cleared that serum killing activity at 32±1°C was almost stopped where fish got infected after bacterial challenge. On the other hand, control fish group kept at 23± 1°C developed serum killing activity and resistance to the acquisition of infection after challenge. A correlation was found between resistance activities of P. fluorescens strains to serum killing and their corresponding courses of infection after bacterial challenge. However, the results of experimental challenge conducted at 32±1°C suggested that the immunocompromising state resulted from the stress of inability to withstand high water temperature is exclusively the critical aspect for the induction of infection.
Show more [+] Less [-]Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) collected from animals in three western, semi-arid nature reserves in South Africa : research communication
H. Golezardy | I.G. Horak
The objective of this study was to make an inventory of the ixodid tick species infesting wild animals in three western, semi-arid nature reserves in South Africa. To this end 22 animals in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, 10 in the West Coast National Park and 16 in the Karoo National Park were examined. Fourteen tick species were recovered, of which Hyalomma truncatum, Rhipicephalus exoph thalmos and Rhipicephalus glabroscutatum were each present in two reserves and the remainder only in one. The distributions of two of the 14 tick species recovered, namely Rhipicephalus capensis and Rhipicephalus neumanni, are virtually confined to the western semi-arid regions of southern Africa. Hyalomma truncatum, R. capensis and R. glabroscutatum were the most numerous of the ticks recovered, and eland, Taurotragus oryx, were the most heavily infested with the former two species and gemsbok, Oryx gazella, and mountain reedbuck, Redunca fulvorufula, with R. glabroscutatum.
Show more [+] Less [-]Some studies on enteric parasites of sheep in Beni-Suef Governorate
S. M. Abo El Hadid | H. S. Lotfy
This work was carried out in four selected provinces in Beni-Suef Governorate, Egypt to investigate the possibility of existence of different types of enteric parasites infect 2-5 years old sheep and estimate the rate of improvement in some of its productive parameters post eradication of these parasites in relation to each parasitic infection. The study cleared that gasterointestinal bursated nematodes (Haemonchus spp., Trichostrongylus spp., Ostertagia spp., Nematodirus spp. and Cooperia spp.) and Fasciola are the most common parasites infecting sheep (57.44% & 48.44% respectively), this was followed by Paramphistopmum infection (38.88%), Moniezia spp. (33.11%), different types of Eimeria spp. (29%) and finally Trichuris spp (7%). Fecal culture of positive samples demonstrate presence of five types of nematode larvae include Haemonchus spp. larvae (33.75%), Oestertagia spp. (31.5%), Trichostrongylus (11.75%), Cooperia spp. (14.5%) and Nematodirus spp. (8.5%). Using of ivermectin for treatement of GIN, Nitroxynil for treatment of Fasciola, and oxyclozanide for treatment of Paramphistomum species infection, induce marked decrease in the mean number of different eggs per gram (e.p.g.) of faeces associated with improvement in mean body weight gain (5.71 Kg) and rate of lambing (26.77) after 6 months post treatment. High rate of improvement post treatment was recorded in animals originally free from Fasciolia infection, also and that harboring low e.p.g. than animals of high e.p.g. Finally it was evident that high rate of improvement was cleared in animals less than 4 years old in comparison by that over 4 years old
Show more [+] Less [-]Treatment trials of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in quails
Jihan M. Badr | A. S. E. D. Metwali | Amal I. Yoseif | M. M. Arafa
Two experiments were carried out to evaluate the efficacy of the administration of active dry yeast and/or lactobacillus preparation (AVI-BAC), either before or after the infection with antibiotic resistant field strain of Escherichia coli O127 (E. coli O127) in controlling the severity of infection in quail chicks. The quail chicks of the different experimental groups were infected orally for two successive days with 3x107 CFU of E. coli O-127 as an individual dose. The used field strain proved to be highly pathogenic for quails. Probiotics were supplemented in the drinking water for the different treatment groups at a dose level of 0.5 gm/L. The results revealed that the inclusion of lactobacilli or active dry yeast before E. coli infection has been highly effective in reducing mortality rate, organ invasion and the number of E. coli positive quail chicks. In addition, it decreased the severity of macroscopic and microscopic lesions in different organs in the probiotic treated groups as compared to the infected controls. Lactobacilli preparations were more efficient in controlling the severity of the infection. On the other hand, the administration of yeast and /or lactobacilli after inducing E. coli infection reduced the mortality rate and the severity of lesion score in different organs but probiotics failed to protect quail chicks against the infection. It has been proved that the two probiotics have synergistic effect in controlling collibacillosis in quails.
Show more [+] Less [-]Isolation of Lumpy skin disease virus form naturally infected cattle previously vaccinated with live attenuated sheep poxvirus vaccine
S. M. Tamam
Lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV) was isolated, from naturally infected cattle that have a history of previous vaccination with live attenuated sheep pox virus (SPV) vaccine. The virus was isolated on chorio-allantoic membrane (CAM) of specific pathogen free (SPF) embryonated chicken eggs (ECE) and identified by agar gel precipitation test (AGPT) and neutralization test using specific hyperimmune serum against LSDV and SPV. Characteristic intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies was detected in trypsenized cell of infected CAM stained with H&E. Laboratory studies for characterization of isolated LSDV revealed that it was stable at a wide range of pH, but it was inactivated by exposure to 56 0C for 15 minutes. Treatment of isolated LSDV with lipid solvents (20% ethyle ether and chloroform) reduced the virus titer 3.2 and 4.4 log respectively after 24 hrs at 4 0C .On cross neutralization test complete neutralization of isolated LSDV was obtained with both reference LSDV and SPV antisera. Cattle vaccinated with live attenuated SPV vaccine under experimental condition found to be protected against natural field infection with LSDV.
Show more [+] Less [-]Molecular strategies for the differentiation and identification of local E. coli isolated from chicken: I. Characterization of protein profile.
S. S. Salama | Afaf A. Kheder | Elham A. Elebiary | M. M. Taha
In this study five serotypes of E. coli were isolated from chickens and identified as O1, O2, O6, O78 and O126 out of 33 isolates derived from a total of 60 samples. SDS-PAGE revealed that four proteins were characteristic and shared in all these serotypes at the molecular weight of 21, 30, 55 and 74 kDa of which 55 and 74 kDa proteins were fully reacted with the antisera against E. coli in the western blot. Other proteins are present but varied from one serotype to another.
Show more [+] Less [-]Tetrameres <i>numida</i> n. sp. (Nematoda: Tetrameridae) from Helmeted guineafowls, <i>Numida meleagris</i> (Linnaeus, 1758), in South Africa
J. Boomker | K. Junker
Tetrameres numida n. sp. from the proventriculus of Helmeted guinea fowls, Numida meleagris, in South Africa is described from eight male and four female specimens. The new species shares some characteristics with other Tetrameres species, but can be differentiated by a unique combination of characters. It bears two rows of cuticular spines extending over the whole length of the body and possesses two spicules. The left spicule measures 1 699-2 304 ?m and the right one 106-170 mm. Caudal spines are arranged in three ventral and three lateral pairs and the tail is 257-297 mm long. Diagnostic criteria of some of the previously described species of the genus Tetrameres from Africa and other parts of the world have been compiled from the literature and are included here.
Show more [+] Less [-]Ultrastructural features of the uterus in the sexually immature ostrich (<i>Struthio camelus</i>) during periods of ovarian inactivity and activity
M-C. Madekurozwa
The ultrastructure of the surface epithelium and tubular glands of the uterus in the immature ostrich is described. In ostriches with inactive ovaries the uterus is lined by a non-ciliated simple columnar epithelium, with basally located heterochromatic nuclei. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that these non-ciliated cells have a dense microvillous cover. A simple columnar to pseudostratified columnar epithelium, comprised of non-ciliated and ciliated cells, lines the uterus in birds with active ovaries. The ciliated cells possess a wide luminal region, which contains a nucleus and various organelles. An accumulation of secretory granules was observed in the apical regions of the non-ciliated cells, as well as in a few ciliated cells. In addition to non-ciliated and ciliated cells, a cell type with rarefied cytoplasm was also identified. These cells appear to correspond to calcium secreting cells identified in other avian species. The results of this study indicate that, although uterine differentiation is present in immature ostriches with active ovaries, the production of secretory product appears to occur mainly in non-ciliated epithelial cells.
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