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Keratin and associated proteins of the equine hoof wall
Grosenbaugh, D.A. | Hood, D.M.
In this study, we described water-insoluble proteins extracted from the germinative regions (stratum internum and coronary band epithelium) and the cornified outer surface (stratum medium) of the equine hoof wall. Two major types of polypeptides were identified: the intermediate filaments (IF) and the IF-associated proteins. The IF, including keratins, composed a major portion of this fraction, had electrophoretic mobilities on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the range of 40 to 80 kDa, and reacted with acidic or basic keratinspecific monoclonal antibodies. Differences in the composition of keratins between germinative layers and the stratum medium were seen. Another less well-characterized group of polypeptides associated with the IF also were extracted with the water-insoluble polypeptide fraction. These associated proteins had an apparent molecular weight between 10 and 30 kDa on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and contained a higher percentage of sulfur-containing amino acids than did the IF. Water-insoluble protein fractions compared favorably with those found in other less-specialized keratinizing tissue with respect to size, immunoreactivity with monoclonal antibody, and amino acid composition.
Show more [+] Less [-]Systemic and pulmonary antibody response of calves to Pasteurella haemolytica after intrapulmonary inoculation
McBride, J.W. | Corstvet, R.E. | Paulsen, D.B. | McClure, J.R. | Enright, F.M.
Systemic and pulmonary antibody responses of calves to Pasteurella haemolytica were evaluated by measuring immunoglobulin production in blood for 9 days and in pulmonary lavage fluid for 7 days after intrapulmonary inoculation. Clinical signs, pulmonary lesions, pulmonary and systemic inflammatory response, and amount of antigen in lavage fluid were used to evaluate the response of calves to challenge with P haemolytica. The pulmonary response consisted of production of IgG, IgE, and IgM antibodies to P haemolytica antigens and a 17- to 68-fold increase of cells in lavage fluid 8 hours after inoculation, with a gradual decrease toward normal. Antibodies of the IgM isotype to P haemolytica were demonstrated as early as 8 hours through 7 days after inoculation in 3 of 3 calves. Of the anti-P haemolytica isotypes, IgM was found in the highest concentration. In all of the inoculated calves, IgE was found 1 to 2 days after inoculation, and IgG was found in 2 of 3 inoculated calves from day 1 through 7 after inoculation. Detection of IgG correlated with smaller pulmonary lesions. Immunoglobulin A was not detected in lavage fluid. Serum was evaluated for IgG and IgM antibody response to P haemolytica. Specific IgM was detectable 5 days after inoculation, and IgG was detectable 7 days after inoculation. Pasteurella haemolytica antigens were not detected in serum or plasma. A transient increase in neutrophil count was found 8 hours after inoculation, with return to baseline values by 24 hours after inoculation. Antigen was detected in lavage fluid by use of monoclonal antibodies against selected P haemolytica capsular antigen, outer membrane antigens, and leukotoxin in all inoculated calves 8 hours after inoculation. The monoclonal antibody specific for P haemolytica capsule provided the best detection of antigen. The other monoclonal antibodies detected antigen, but were less consistent.
Show more [+] Less [-]Cerebrospinal fluid changes after ioamidol and metrizamide myelography in clinically normal dogs
Widmer, W.R. | DeNicola, D.B. | Belvins, W.E. | Cook, J.R. Jr | Cantwell, H.D. | Teclaw, R.F.
Cerebrospinal fluid samples from 2 groups of clinically normal dogs were compared after iopamidol (n = 9) and metrizamide (n = 8) myelography. Iopamidol (200 mg of I/ml) and metrizamide (170 mg of I/ml) were administered by cerebellomedullary injection at dosage of 0.45 ml/kg of body weight. In dogs of both groups, postmyelographic CSF changes included high specific gravity, Pandy score, protein concentration, and WBC count. The high specific gravity and Pandy score were false-positive effects attributed to nonionic contrast media. Although postmyelographic protein concentration and total WBC count were greater in CSF samples from dogs given metrizamide than in those given iopamidol, differences were not statistically significant. The differential WBC counts were consistent with mild, acute leptomeningitis; these findings were supported by results of histologic examination. Iopamidol and metrizamide should be considered low-grade leptomeningeal irritants in dogs.
Show more [+] Less [-]Serum lipoprotein concentrations and hepatic lesions in obese cats undergoing weight loss
Dimski, D.S. | Buffington, C.A. | Johnson, S.E. | Sherding, R.G. | Rosol, T.J.
Serum lipoprotein concentrations, routine serum biochemical values, and morphologic changes of the liver were evaluated in cats undergoing weight loss. Food was withheld from 6 obese and 6 control cats for 3 days (days 0 to 2), followed by feeding 50% of previous food intake for 26 days (days 3 to 28). Percutaneous liver biopsy specimens were obtained from all cats on days 0, 7, 14, and 28. Blood samples for serum biochemical analysis and lipoprotein profiles were obtained on days 0, 3, 7, 14, and 28. All cats lost weight throughout the study, and none developed signs of chemical illness, including those of idiopathic hepatic lipidosis syndrome. Serum total cholesterol concentrations decreased initially in all cats, but rapidly returned to normal after day 3 in obese cats, suggesting altered cholesterol metabolism during dietary restriction. Low-density lipoprotein concentrations decreased throughout the study in control cats, but were unchanged in obese cats. Examination of liver biopsy specimens from each cat revealed minimal lipid accumulation in all specimens, although some specimens contained hydropic degeneration.
Show more [+] Less [-]Systemic toxicosis associated with azathioprine administration in domestic cats
Beale, K.M. | Altman, D. | Clemmons, R.R. | Bolon, B.
Five cats were treated with an azathioprine suspension (2.2 mg/kg of body weight on alternate days) and 2 cats were given vehicle (controls) for 9 weeks. Complete blood and platelet counts and serum biochemistry variables were monitored weekly. Bone marrow aspirates were evaluated every 3 weeks, and core bone marrow biopsy was performed at the end of the study. Profound neutropenia (< 600 cells/microliter) was observed in all treated cats, and 1 cat developed pancytopenia. Treatment was discontinued if the WBC count was < 3,000 cells/microliter. Four weeks after discontinuation of azathioprine, 1 treated cat again was given azathioprine at a lower dosage (1.1 mg of azathioprine/kg on alternate days) and neutropenia recurred within 2 weeks. During treatment, 3 cats developed thrombocytosis, and 2 developed thrombocytopenia. In 4 of 5 cats, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia resolved when azathioprine was discontinued. Bone marrow cytologic examination during treatment revealed reduction of the neutrophil line, with relative increase in monocytes. Core bone marrow biopsy at the completion of the study revealed hypocellular marrow with marked decrease in the myeloid series in cats given azathioprine. One of the cats that was treated with azathioprine had a hyperceullar marrow with increased numbers of mature granulocytes and precursors; however, azathioprine had been discontinued 3 weeks prior to biopsy. Alterations in serum biochemical variables were not associated with azathioprine. Two cats that were treated with azathioprine developed respiratory tract infections, and 1 of them was euthanatized during the study.
Show more [+] Less [-]Histomorphometric analysis of the rumen of sheep during development
Franco, A. | Regodon, S. | Robina, A. | Redondo, E.
Histomorphometric and scanning electron microscopic analyses were carried out on 74 embryos and fetuses and 20 sheep (early postnatal to adult age). Histodifferentiation of the rumen took place at 33 days of fetal fife. Ruminal pillars were observed at 42 days, and at 61 days, ruminal papillae appeared as evaginations of the epithelial stratum basale. Neutral mucopolysaccharides first appeared in epithelial cells at 46 days of fetal life; thereafter, numbers decreased gradually and subsequently stabilized in postnatal life. Acid mucopolysaccharides, mucins, and mucoid compounds were not detected. Age and diet were recognized as factors that determine the structure of the ruminal mucosa. Growth curves and formulas were set out for each tissue layer.
Show more [+] Less [-]Regulation of adrenocorticotropin secretion from cultured canine anterior pituitary cells
Kemppainen, R.J. | Clark, T.P. | Sartin, J.L. | Zerbe, C.A.
Pituitary cells, collected from five healthy dogs, were cultured and treated with various doses of ovine corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), arginine vasopressin (AVP), oxytocin (OT), or angiotensin II (AII) to determine which of these hypothalamic peptides affected adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) secretion. Of the 4 peptides, only CRH significantly increased ACTH secretion from cultured canine anterior pituitary cells. The lowest dose of CRH tested, 0.01 nM, significantly stimulated ACTH release. Co-addition of AVP, OT, or AII with CRH did not increase ACTH secretion beyond that caused by addition of CRH alone. Similarly, neither co-addition of AVP with OT, AVP with AII, or OT with AII significantly stimulated ACTH secretion. These results support a role for CRH in the physiologic regulation of ACTH secretion from the canine anterior pituitary, but do not support regulatory roles for AVP, OT, or AII.
Show more [+] Less [-]Colonization of the tonsils of calves with Pasteurella haemolytica
Frank, G.H. | Briggs, R.E.
Tonsils of 10 calves were inoculated with Pasteurella haemolytica (PH) and the degree of colonization was followed by collecting sequential tonsil wash specimens. Tonsils were colonized for at least 3 weeks after instillation of PH into the tonsillar sinus. Calves with colonized tonsils responded with serum and nasal secretion antibody responses to PH and to leukotoxin. Pasteurelia haemolytica was detected in nasal mucus specimens of 2 calves during the week after inoculation of the tonsils, but all other specimens were culture-negative. Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus-induced respiratory tract disease 25 days later did not elicit a population increase of PH in the tonsils, and did not elicit shedding of PH in nasal mucus.
Show more [+] Less [-]Evaluation of a modified-live virus vaccine administered in ovo to protect chickens against Newcastle disease
Ahmad, J. | Sharma, J.M.
The B1 strain of Newcastle disease virus (NDV-B1), which is nonpathogenic for newly hatched chickens, killed embryos when it was used to inoculate chicken eggs at embryonation day 18. Treatment of NDV-B1 with an alkylating agent, ethylmethane sulfonate (EMS) markedly reduced the pathogenicity of the virus for 18-day-old chicken embryos. Eggs inoculated with the modified virus (NDV-B1-EMS) hatched, and the virus was isolated from lungs and spleen of 1-day-old chickens. The hatched chickens developed antibody to NDV and were protected against challenge exposure (at 4 weeks of age) with a highly virulent GB-Texas strain of NDV. Presence of maternal antibody to NDV in embryonating eggs did not influence the protective ability of NDV-B1-EMS, which also induced protective immunity when administered to 4-week-old chickens. The 50% protective dose of NDV-B1-EMS in maternal antibody-negative and -positive embryos was calculated to be 10.77 and 17.70 embryo 50% lethal doses, respectively. Results of the study indicated that NDV-B1-EMS may be used as an embryo vaccine to protect chickens against Newcastle disease.
Show more [+] Less [-]In vivo isolation of Salmonella choleraesuis from porcine neutrophils
Roof, M.B. | Kramer, T.T. | Kunesh, J.P. | Roth, J.A.
Seventy-five pigs from 4 facilities were examined for Salmonella choleraesuis by use of bacteriologic culture of feces, blood, WBC (buffy coat), mononuclear leukocytes, and neutrophils. The organism was isolated from 0 of 75 fecal samples, compared with isolation from 39 of 75 purified neutrophil preparations. Of the pigs that did not have Salmonella isolated from feces or blood, but had S choleraesuis isolated from neutrophils, 6 were further examined. These pigs from 2 groups again had culture performed at least 3 successive times to test for repeatability and to determine optimal number of neutrophils required for Salmonella isolation. These same pigs were euthanatized and necropsied. Nineteen tissue specimens from each pig were obtained for culture, but S choleraesuis was isolated only from neutrophil samples. Results indicate that neutrophils may contribute to the carrier state in pigs and should be cultured when attempting to identify S choleraesuis carrier swine.
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