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A case of idiopathic thrombocytopenia in a Yorkshire terrier dog
Kim, S.L. (Cheju National University, Jeju, Republic of Korea) | Cho, C.S. (Kim min jae Animal hospital, Seoul, Republic of Korea) | Kim, M.J. (Kim min jae Animal hospital, Seoul, Republic of Korea) | Kang, T.Y. (Cheju National University, Jeju, Republic of Korea) | Lee, J.M. (Cheju National University, Jeju, Republic of Korea) | Park, H.J. (Cheju National University, Jeju, Republic of Korea) | Cheong, J.T. (Cheju National University, Jeju, Republic of Korea) | Lee, K.K. (Cheju National University, Jeju, Republic of Korea) | Yun, Y.M. (Cheju National University, Jeju, Republic of Korea), E-mail:
A 4-year-old spayed female, Yorkshire terrier dog with a history of petechial and ecchymotic hemorrhages on the face, trunk and hind limb was referred to Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, Cheju National University. The complete blood count revealed a marked thrombocytopenia (96×10³/㎕). The biochemical profile showed only slightly increased glucose. The coagulation profile such as prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time, was within the reference range. In Giemsa staining, there were no endoparasites like as Babesia spp. on the RBC.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of clove oil on haematology and blood chemistry in crusian carp (Carassius auratus)
Kho, K.N. (Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea) | Jung, T.S. (Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Republic of Korea) | Heo, G.J. (Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea), E-mail:
To determine the effects of anesthesia to clove oil on the secondary stress indices, changes in haematological and blood chemistry were monitored in healthy crucian carps (Carassius auratus). 24 fishes were divided into three groups, and blood was collected before anaesthesia (control group), immediately after anaesthesia at a concentration of 30 mg/l clove oil (anesthetized group), and 24 h after anaesthesia (recovered group). The anesthesia to clove oil significantly increased glucose in anaesthetized group, and constantly decreased lactate dehydrogenase in anaesthetized group and recovered group.
Show more [+] Less [-]A comparative epidemiological study of hantavirus infection in Japan and Far East Russia
Kariwa, H.(Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan)) | Lokugamage, K. | Lokugamage, N. | Miyamoto, H. | Yoshii, K. | Nakauchi, M. | Yoshimatsu, K. | Arikawa, J. | Ivanov, L.I. | Iwasaki, T. | Takashima, I.
Hantaviruses are causative agents of some severe human illnesses, including hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS). The viruses are maintained by rodent hosts, and humans acquire infection by inhaling virus-contaminated excreta from infected animals. To examine the epidemiology of hantavirus infections in Japan and Far East Russia, we conducted epidemiological surveys in these regions. In Japan, anti-hantavirus antibodies were found in four rodent species, Clethrionomys rufocanus, Rattus norvegicus, R. rattus, and Apodemus speciosus. Although no new HFRS cases have been officially reported over the past 20 years in Japan, one member of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force did test positive for hantavirus antibody. Repeated surveys in Far East Russia have revealed that two distinct hantavirus types cause severe HFRS in this region. Hantavirus sequences identified from A. peninsulae, fetal HFRS cases in Vladivostok, and Amur virus are highly similar to each other (92% identity) , but they are less similar (-84% identity) to the prototypical Hantaan virus, which is carried by A. agrarius. Phylogenetic analysis also indicates that Amur and A. peninsulae -associated viruses are distinct from Hantaan virus, suggesting that A. peninsulae is the reservoir animal for Amur virus, which causes severe HFRS. From HFRS patients in the Khabarovsk region, we identified viruses with nucleotide sequences that are more similar to Far East virus (96%identity) than to the Hantaan (88-89%identity) or Amur (81-83% identity) viruses. Phylogenetic analysis also indicates that the viruses from Khabarovsk HFRS patients are closely related to the Far East virus, and distinct from Amur virus.
Show more [+] Less [-]Oxidative stress and bovine liver diseases: Role of glutathione peroxidase and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase
Ellah, M.R.A.(Iwate Univ., Morioka (Japan). Faculty of Agriculture) | Okada, K. | Yasuda, J.
This article summarizes the different types of free radicals, antioxidants and the effect of oxidative stress on the activities of glutathione peroxidase and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase in bovine liver diseases. A growing body of evidence suggests that the formation of reactive oxygen species is a common occurrence associated with most if not all disease processes. The overall importance of reactive oxygen species to the progression and severity of various disease states varies greatly depending on the conditions and whether the disease is acute or chronic. Free radical researches in animals are in progress and further investigations are needed to establish the involvement of reactive oxygen species in diseases affecting different animal species and the pathology they produce.
Show more [+] Less [-]Epizootiological survey of Trichinella spp. infection in carnivores, rodents and insectivores in Hokkaido, Japan
Kanai, Y.(Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan)) | Inoue, T. | Mano, T. | Nonaka, N. | Katakura, K. | Oku, Y.
In order to evaluate the present epidemiological situation of Trichinella infection in wild animals in Hokkaido, Japan, red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides), brown bears (Ursus arctos), martens (Martes melampus), rodents and insectivores captured in Hokkaido were examined for muscle larvae by the artificial digestion method from 2000 to 2006. Foxes (44/319, 13.8%), raccoon dogs(6/77, 7.8%) and brown bears (4/126, 3.2%) were found to be infected with Trichinella larvae and all other animal species evaluated were negative. Multiplex PCR and DNA sequencing revealed that larvae from a fox captured in Otofuke, in south-eastern Hokkaido, were T. nativa, and larvae from 27 animals including 21 foxes, 2 raccoon dogs and 4 brown bears captured in western Hokkaido were Trichinella T9.
Show more [+] Less [-]Leptin inhibits hepatocyte growth factor-induced ductal morphogenesis of bovine mammary epithelial cells
Yamaji, D.(Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan)) | Kamikawa, A. | Soliman, M.M. | Ito, T. | Ahmed, M.M. | Makondo, K. | Watanabe, A. | Saito, M. | Kimura, K.
We examined the effect of stroma-derived factors, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and leptin, on morphological differentiation of bovine mammary epithelial cells (BMEC) in collagen gel three-dimensional culture in vitro. BMEC treated with HGF, but not leptin, formed duct-like organoids. The formation of organoids by HGF was enhanced by treatment with a mixture of insulin, cortisol and prolactin, while BMEC treated with the mixture alone did not produce the organoid. In contrast, the formation of organoids by HGF was dose-dependently inhibited by simultaneous addition of leptin, regardless of the presence or absence of the hormone mixture. These results suggest that stroma-derived factors intricately regulate mammary epithelial morphogenesis.
Show more [+] Less [-]Lumenal localization in the endoplasmic reticulum of the C-terminal tail of an AE1 mutant responsible for hereditary spherocytosis in cattle
Ito, D.(Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan)) | Otsuka, Y. | Koshino, I. | Inaba, M.
An R664X nonsense mutant AE1 is responsible for dominant hereditary spherocytosis in cattle and is degraded by the proteasomal endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation. The present study demonstrated that R664X AE1 translated in vitro had the trypsin-sensitve site identical to that of the wild-type AE1. The P661S/R664X mutant containing a possible N-glycosylation site at Asnsup(660) showed an increase in size by 3 kDa both in the cell-free translation system and in transfected HEK293 cells. Moreover, steady state levels of R664X and P661S/R664X in HEK293 cells were markedly increased in the presence of a proteasome inhibitior. These findings indicate that the truncated C-terminal region of R664X AE1 has lumenal localization in the endoplasmic reticulum and is not accessible to proteasomal machineries in the cytosol.
Show more [+] Less [-]Clinico-pathological findings in peripartum dairy cows fed anion salts lowering the dietary cation-anion difference: Involvement of serum inorganic phosphorus, chloride and plasma estrogen concentrations in milk fever
Kurosaki, N.(Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan)) | Yamato, O. | Sasamoto, Y. | Mori, F. | Imoto, S. | Kojima, T. | Yamasaki, M. | Maede, Y.
In our previous study, it was demonstrated that the administration of anion salts, which slightly lower the dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD), in the prepartum period is safe and effective for preventing milk fever in multiparous cows. In the present study, several clinico-pathological constituents in serum and urine, which might be related to milk fever, were analyzed using stored samples from the previous study to identify clinico-pathological parameters for easily evaluating the efficacy of lowering DCAD and to further investigate the mechanism by which lowering DCAD prevents milk fever. Among the parameters analyzed in the present study, inorganic phosphorus (iP) was involved in milk fever because the serum concentration and urinary excretion of iP were significantly higher in the group of primiparous cows (heifer group), which did not develop hypocalcemia, than those in other groups of multiparous cows. Serum chloride concentrations in the heifer group and the group of multiparous cows fed anion salts (anion group) tended to remain higher than those in other control groups of multiparous cows suggesting that serum chloride concentration may be utilized for evaluating the status of metabolic acidosis and the efficacy of lowerng DCAD in dairy cows fed anion salts. In addition, plasma estradiol-17beta concentration in the heifer group tended to be lower at parturition compared with that in other multiparous groups suggesting that estrogen known as a potent inhibitor of bone resorption may be involved in developing milk fever.
Show more [+] Less [-]Formação do sistema venoso portal em Chinchilla lanígera
Tiane Ferreira de Castro | Paulo César Gomes Pereira | Malcon Andrei Martinez Pereira | Pedro Primo Bombonato | Eduardo Madruga Rickes
O estudo referente à formação do sistema venoso portal (VP) em chinchila (Chinchilla lanigera) foi obtido através da análise de 10 animais dos quais o sistema porta extra-hepático sofreu injeção de látex corado, seguidos de dissecação em estereolupa. Logo após foram confeccionados esquemas a partir dos resultados observados, onde se averiguou que a VP é originada sempre através da confluência de duas raízes. A primeira destas raízes é o tronco mesentérico comum (TM), formado a partir da união das veias mesentérica cranial e mesentérica caudal. O TM recebe ainda como tributárias as veias pancreaticoduodenal cranial e gastroepiplóica direita. A segunda raiz, que apresenta menor calibre, é a veia lienal. Esta descrição foi observada em 100% dos espécimes mantendo-se constante, sugestionando que os resultados obtidos possam ser considerados como modelo padrão.
Show more [+] Less [-]Implante de tendão autógeno do músculo flexor superficial dos dedos no reparo de desvio do pênis de bovinos
Duvaldo Eurides | Leider Roberto Teixeira Bento | Luiz Antônio Franco da Silva | Carlos Roberto Daleck
Dezoito novilhos mestiços, com idade entre 16 e 20 meses, foram submetidos à remoção do ligamento apical do pênis para provocar o seu desvio. Decorridos 60 dias os animais foram colocados em presença de fêmeas em estro, sendo verificado formação de desvios ventral e lateral direito do pênis, com incapacidade de cópula. Os bovinos foram submetidos ao transplante autólogo de um segmento do tendão da porção superficial do músculo flexor superficial dos dedos, sobre a túnica albugínea, substituindo o ligamento apical do pênis removido. Observou-se a presença de poucas células mononucleares, polimorfonucleares e células gigantes e formação de tecido conjuntivo fibroso, ocasionando aderências resistentes e capacidade de sustentar a extremidade livre do pênis. Os bovinos, quando em presença de fêmeas em estro, não apresentaram desvio de pênis e modificações do comportamento sexual. A técnica mostrou ser eficaz, podendo ser indicada para corrigir desvio de pênis ventral e lateral de bovinos.
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