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Cytologic evaluation of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid obtained from Standardbred racehorses with inflammatory airway disease
Moore, B.R. | Krakowka, S. | Robertson, J.T. | Cummins, J.M.
Cytologic examination of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), including phenotypic analysis of lymphocytes, was performed on 32 Standardbreds with poor race performance and endoscopic examination findings characteristic of inflammatory airway disease (IAD). Nucleated cell counts in BALF from IAD-affected horses were higher than those in control horses; the cytologic profile of BALF in affected horses included mixed inflammation, characterized by mild neutrophilia, lymphocytosis, and monocytosis. Eosinophil and mast cell counts were not higher in the IAD-affected group, compared with those in the control group; however, 4 IAD-affected horses had marked eosinophilia (24.7 +/- 4.8% SEM) in BALF. Phenotypic analysis of lymphocytes in BALF obtained from IAD-affected horses revealed a low proportion of CD4-positive cells and B cells, compared with those in the control group; these findings may have been representative of a greater proportion of non-B, non-T cells (null cells) in horses with IAD. The cytologic profile of BALF obtained from horses with IAD differed from that in horses affected with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, suggesting that the pathogenesis of inflammation in horses with IAD may differ from that of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of sodium hexametaphosphate on dental calculus formation in dogs
Stookey, G.K. | Warrick, J.M. | Miller, L.L.
A series of studies was conducted to identify a practical measure for preventing dental calculus formation in dogs. The studies involved a colony of 27 Beagles that received an initial dental prophylaxis. The dogs were then stratified on the basis of their normal rate of calculus formation and randomly assigned to parallel groups within each strata. During 4-week test periods, a variety of experimental regimens were instituted, followed by clinical assessments of calculus. Major observations were that a crystal growth inhibitor, soluble pyrophosphate, incorporated into a dry dog food modestly reduced calculus formation when used at high concentrations; anticalculus effects attributable to this agent were significant (P < 0.05) only when it was used as a surface coating the coating of dry dog chow or plain biscuits with a calcium sequestrant, sodium hexametaphosphate (HMP), provided the greatest benefit and resulted in significant (P < 0.05) reductions in calculus formation of about 60 to 80%, depending on the dosage regimen; and the feeding of a single daily snack of 2 HMP-coated plain biscuits (0.6% HMP) decreased calculus formation by nearly 80%. We concluded that the coating of dry dog chow or plain dog biscuits with HMP is an effective means of reducing calculus formation in dogs.
Show more [+] Less [-]Influence of four diets containing approximately 11% protein (dry weight) on uric acid, sodium urate, and ammonium urate urine activity product ratios of healthy Beagles
Bartges, J.W. | Osborne, C.A. | Felice, L.J. | Allen, T.A. | Brown, C. | Koehler, L.A. | Bird, K.A. | Unger, L.K. | Chen, M.
Urine activity product ratios of uric acid (APRua), sodium urate (APRna), and ammonium urate (APRau), and urinary excretion of 10 metabolites were determined in 24-hour urine samples produced by 6 healthy Beagles during periods of consumption of 4 diets containing approximately 11% protein (dry weight) and various protein sources: a 72% moisture, casein-based diet; a 10% moisture, egg-based diet; a 72% moisture, chicken-based diet; and a 71% moisture, chicken-based, liver-flavored diet. Significantly (P < 0.05) higher APRua, APRna, and APRau were observed when dogs consumed the egg-based diet, compared with the other 3 diets; there were no differences in these ratios among the other 3 diets. Twenty-four-hour urinary excretions of chloride, potassium, phosphorus, and oxalic acid were significantly (P < 0.05) higher when dogs consumed the egg-based diet. Twenty-four-hour urinary excretions of sodium were significantly (P < 0.05) higher when dogs consumed the egg-based diet, compared with the casein-based diet and the chicken-based, liver-flavored diet, but were not significantly different between the egg-based diet and chicken-based diet. Twenty-four-hour urine volume was similar when dogs consumed the 4 diets. Twenty-four-hour endogenous creatinine clearance was significantly (P < 0.05) lower when dogs consumed the casein-based diet; there were no differences among the other 3 diets. Although consumption of all diets was associated with production of alkaline urine, the 24-hour urine pH was significantly (P < 0.05) higher when dogs consumed the egg-based diet. These results suggest that use of diets containing approximately 10.5% protein (dry weight) and 70% moisture in protocols designed for dissolution and prevention of urate uroliths may be beneficial. The source of dietary protein in canned formulated diets does not appear to significantly influence the saturation of urine with uric acid, sodium urate, or ammonium urate.
Show more [+] Less [-]Aggregate risk study of exposure to endophyte-infected (Acremonium coenophialum) tall fescue as a risk factor for laminitis in horses
Rohrbach, B.W. | Green, E.M. | Oliver, J.W. | Schneider, J.F.
Loline and ergot alkaloids found in endophyte-infected (Acremonium coenophialum) tall fescue (EITF) cause vasoconstriction of equine vessels in vitro. An aggregate risk study was used to evaluate the association between horses exposed to EITF and development of laminitis. Veterinary teaching hospitals participating in the Veterinary Medical Data Base were grouped by whether equine accessions were likely to have been at high, moderate, or low risk for exposure to EITF. From 1980-1990, there were 185,781 accessions, of which 5,536 had diagnosis of laminitis. Proportion of equine accessions with laminitis reported by veterinary teaching hospitals for high, moderate, and low risks, were 3.41, 3.04, and 2.00 cases/100 accessions, respectively (P < 0.0001). Comparison of the proportion of accessions with laminitis in the high- and moderate-risk groups with that in the low-risk group revealed significant differences between risk groups over all months (P = 0.063) and differences from month to month within risk groups (P = 0.0001). If the difference among risk groups is attributed entirely to exposure to EITF, the population-attributable risk is 7 cases/1,000 admissions, or 15% of all admissions for laminitis at veterinary teaching hospitals in our data base. Preliminary data support an association between hoses exposed to EITF and increased risk of laminitis; however, studies at the individual animal level are indicated to confirm this hypothesis.
Show more [+] Less [-]Androgen receptors in the pelvic diaphragm muscles of dogs with and without perineal hernia
Mann, F.A. | Nonneman, D.J. | Pope, E.R. | Boothe, H.W. | Welshons, W.V. | Ganjam, V.K.
Levator ani and coccygeus muscle estrogen and androgen receptors were measured in 6, healthy, greater than or equal to 5-year-old, noncastrated, male Beagles (controls) and in 24 dogs with perineal hernia. Estrogen and androgen receptor analyses were performed on levator ani and coccygeus muscle specimens obtained from control dogs at the time of castration; contralateral levator ani and coccygeus muscle specimens were assayed 2 months after castration. During herniorrhaphy of dogs with perineal hernia, levator ani (noncastrated, n = 12; castrated, n = 7) and/or coccygeus (noncastrated, n = 5; castrated, n = 4) muscle biopsy specimens were obtained for estrogen and androgen receptor analyses. For estrogen and androgen receptor assays, each muscle biopsy specimen was homogenized in Tris-EDTA-glycerol buffer, and centrifuged at 30,000 X g; extracts were used for binding with ligands: [3H]methyltrienolone (3H-R1881) for androgen receptors, and [3H]estradiol-17 beta for estrogen receptors. Extracts were incubated overnight at 0 to 4 C. Nonspecific binding was estimated, using 100-fold concentration of cold ligands. Bound and free hormones were separated, using hydroxylapatite batch assay. Receptor numbers for each tissue were calculated as femtomoles (fmol) per milligram of protein. Quantified data were compared between precastration and postcastration controls, using a paired t-test. One-way ANOVA and Bonferroni post-hoc test were used to compare values for precastration controls, postcastration controls, castrated dogs with perineal hernia, and noncastrated dogs with perineal hernia. Significance was set at P < 0.05. Estrogen receptors were not detected. Androgen receptors were characterized by Scatchard analysis (dissociation constant = 3.16 to 6.6 nM R1881, receptor number = 23 to 175 fmol/mg of protein). Post castration controls had significantly higher numbers of androgen receptors in levator ani and coccygeus muscles than did precastration controls. Dogs with perineal hernia (castrated and noncastrated) had lower numbers of androgen receptors than did either control group. The paucity of androgen receptors in pelvic diaphragm muscles of dogs with perineal hernia, compared with controls, suggests that decreases in quantity of androgen receptors contribute to the etiopathogenesis of perineal hernia in dogs.
Show more [+] Less [-]Enantioselective glucuronidation and subsequent biliary excretion of carprofen in horses
Soraci, A. | Benoit, E. | Jaussaud, P. | Lees, P. | Delatour, P.
Carprofen (CPF) enantiomers and their glucuronide conjugates (GLUC) were measured in plasma and bile of horses after IV administration of the racemic compound (0.7 mg/kg of body weight). The CPF was detectable in plasma for up to 72 hours after dosing, whereas GLUC appeared early (time for maximal plasma concentration, 1 hour) and was measurable transiently at low concentration (maximal plasma concentration, 0.5 micrograms/ml). The enantiospecific plasma profiles indicated a clear predominance of R-CPF, whereas the stereoselectivity of the glucuronides favored S-GLUC. At 1, 2, and 12 hours after administration of the drug, bile concentrations of GLUC were high compared with those in plasma and enantioselectivity favored S-GLUC. These data indicate that the higher body clearance observed for S-CPF is a consequence of the enantioselectivity in liver glucuronidation and subsequent biliary excretion of the S enantiomer of the drug.
Show more [+] Less [-]Differential cell analysis and phenotypic subtyping of lymphocytes in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from clinically normal dogs
Vail, D.M. | Mahler, P.A. | Soergel, S.A.
In 33 healthy dogs, 66 bronchoalveolar lavage samples from the right and left caudal lung lobes were analyzed for volume of return, cellularity, differential cellularity, and immunophenotypic lymphocyte subpopulations. Lavage return was 64.8% (mean) following 3 sequential 25-ml lavages, for a total lavage volume of 75 ml. With this technique, 21.1 X 10(6) cells/sample (mean) were obtained. The cellular components of bronchoalveolar lavage samples, in decreasing order of frequency, were alveolar macrophages (79.4%), lymphocytes (13.5%), eosinophils (3.6%), mast cells (2.1%), epithelial cells (0.8%), and neutrophils (0.6%). Mean alveolar lymphocyte subpopulation frequencies, determined in 18 samples, for pan T, CD4, and CD8 cells were 52, 21.9, and 17.8%, respectively, with a CD4/CD8 ratio of 1.3. Variables analyzed did not vary between right and left caudal lung lobes, nor were they affected by body weight.
Show more [+] Less [-]Ultrasonography as a method to determine tendon cross-sectional area
Gillis, C. | Sharkey, N. | Stover, S.M. | Pool, R.R. | Meagher, D.M. | Willits, N.
Ultrasonographic cross-sectional area (CSA) measurements of equine superficial digital flexor (SDF) tendon were obtained to determine the feasibility of ultrasonography for CSA measurement of tendon in vivo and in vitro. Ultrasonographic measurements were compared with a more traditional CSA measurement method, ink-blot analysis. In addition, values for ultrasonographic SDF tendon mean echogenicity were obtained in vivo and in vitro. The left forelimb SDF tendons of 23 horses were evaluated ultrasonographically. Cross-sectional images were acquired at 4-cm intervals distal to the base of the accessory carpal bone (DACB) to the level of the proximal sesamoid bones while horses were standing squarely. After euthanasia, the left forelimbs were mounted in a materials testing system (MTS) and loaded under tension to standing load. Ultrasonographic images were again acquired at the same locations. The ultrasonographic images were digitized, and values for ultrasonographic CSA and mean echogenicity were obtained for each level. Immediately after mechanical testing, a 1-cm-thick transverse section of SDF tendon at 12 cm DACB was removed. Three ink blots were prepared from each end of the removed tendon section and digitized. The 6 CSA values were averaged to generate a value for morphologic CSA for each SDF tendon at 12 cm DACB. Standing ultrasonographic tendon CSA at 12 cm DACB was consistently smallest (mean +/- SD CSA = 86 +/- 11 mm2), followed by MTS ultrasonographic CSA (mean, 95 +/- 12 mm2), with ink-blot morphologic CSA being largest (mean, 99 +/- 15 mm2). Comparison of standing and MTS ultrasonographic values at 12 cm DACB revealed a strong positive linear correlation between methods (R2 = 0.74, P = 0.001). Comparison of ink-blot CSA at 12 cm DACB with standing and MTS ultrasonographic CSA revealed strong positive linear correlations (R2 = 0.64, P = 0.001 and R2 = 0.72, P = 0.001, respectively). For ultrasonographic mean echogenicity, standing values insignificantly exceeded MTS values at each level. The authors conclude that ultrasonography is a useful technique for the noninvasive assessment of SDF tendon CSA that can be applied in vivo and in vitro.
Show more [+] Less [-]Histologic evaluation of tissue reactivity and absorption in response to a new synthetic fluorescent pigmented polypropylene suture material in rats
Beardsley, S.L. | Smeak, D.D. | Weisbrode, S.E.
The degree and type of tissue reactivity and the absorption of a new suture material was determined by implantation within rat gluteal muscles. Amount and type of tissue inflammatory reaction was compared among the new suture material, polypropylene, and coated polyamide. Histologic evaluation of the tissues in which sutures were implanted indicated that the new suture material, polypropylene, and coated polyamide had similar amounts and types of reaction at 30 days or less after implantation, but differed after 30 days. The new suture material and polypropylene had an inflammatory reaction zone measuring less than 25% of the high-power field after 60 days, but the coated polyamide still induced reaction greater than 45% of the field at 90 days. At 60 and 90 days after implantation, the new suture material and polypropylene induced a mature fibrous reaction; the reaction to coated polyamide was either immature fibrous or granulomatous, depending on whether there was rupture of the suture coat. There was no observable absorption of the new suture material at 90 days. This study indicated that the new suture material is nonabsorbable and is minimally reactive in rat muscle. The tissue reactions induced by this suture material are similar to those of polypropylene and significantly less than those induced by coated polyamide after 30 days following implantation.
Show more [+] Less [-]Digital Starling forces and hemodynamics during early laminitis induced by an aqueous extract of black walnut (Juglans nigra) in horses
Eaton, S.A. | Allen, D. | Eades, S.C. | Schneider, D.A.
Starling forces and hemodynamics in the digits of 5 horses were studied during early laminitis induced by oral administration of an aqueous extract of black walnut (Juglans nigra). The black walnut extract was prepared from heartwood shavings and was administered by nasogastric tube. Heart and respiratory rates, rectal temperature, central venous and arterial pressures, digital pulses, and signs of lameness were monitored. Blood samples were collected for determination of WBC count, hemoglobin concentration, and PCV and for endotoxin and tumor necrosis factor assays. Total WBC count and central venous pressure were monitored until they decreased by 30 or 20%, respectively. These decreases in WBC count and central venous pressure were observed 2 to 3 hours after dosing with black walnut extract. Respiratory and heart rates, body temperature, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, PCV, and hemoglobin concentration did not change significantly. Anesthesia was induced, heparin (500 IU/kg of body weight) was administered IV, and a pump-perfused extracorporeal digital preparation was established. Digital arterial and venous pressures were maintained at 100 and 30 mm of Hg, respectively. Blood flow, capillary pressure, lymph and plasma protein concentrations, and weight of the isolated digit during rapid increase in venous pressure were measured. Isogravimetric capillary filtration coefficient, vascular compliance, vascular and tissue oncotic pressures, tissue pressure, osmotic reflection coefficient, and precapillary and postcapillary resistances were calculated. Mean digital blood flow was 14 ml/min/100 g, capillary pressure was 52 mm of Hg, and vascular compliance was 0.06 ml/mm of Hg. The vascular and tissue oncotic pressures were 21.49 and 4.93 mm of Hg, respectively. The osmotic reflection coefficient was 0.71, and tissue pressure was 41 mm of Hg. The precapillary and postcapillary resistances were 7 and 2 mm of Hg/ml, respectively. Capillary permeability to proteins was not significantly different from that previously measured in healthy horses, suggesting that the increased capillary filtration coefficient reflected increased capillary hydrostatic pressure and perfusion of previously nonperfused capillaries. Neither endotoxin nor serum tumor necrosis factor activity was detected in any samples. The hemodynamic and Starling forces observed in this study were similar to those observed after laminitis was induced by administration of a carbohydrate gruel. Significant differences between the 2 models were detected for total vascular resistance, postcapillary resistance, and capillary filtration coefficient. It is likely that these differences were identified because the horses administered the black walnut extract were at an earlier stage in the disease process. The findings of this study suggest that the increase in capillary pressure causes transvascular fluid movement, resulting in increased tissue pressure and edema. We hypothesize that further increases in tissue pressure may collapse capillary beds and lead to tissue ischemia.
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