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Accuracy of ultrasound guided biopsy (USGB) and ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration biopsy (USG-FNAB) for diagnosis of abdominal affections in dogs.
Mahajan, S.K. | Singh, S.S. | Mohindroo, J. | Singh, N. | Saini, N.S. | Sood, N.K.
USGB with biopsy gun using free hand technique was found to be an easy, safe and accurate technique for obtaining sufficient and good quality tissue for histopathological diagnosis in cases of hepatic, renal, prostatic, splenic affections and abdominal masses in dogs. Similarly USG-FNABwith 20-22 G needles attached with 5-10ml disposable syringe using free hand technique was found to be an easy, safe, economical, accurate and reliable technique for obtaining sufficientand good quality samples for cytological diagnosis in cases of splenic and prostatic affections and abdominal masses in dogs.
Show more [+] Less [-]Immuno-pathological effect of Argemone maxicana in broilers (Gallus domesticus).
Parihar, Shradba | Garg, U.K. | Shrivastava, Nidhi
An experiment was conducted on 100 day in old broiler chicks to study the immunosuppressive potential of Argemone mexicana seeds toxicity. Toxicity was induced by administrating crushed Argemone seeds @ 5, 10,20 and 30 grams per Kg of feed in treatment groups Tl, T2, T3 and T4 respectively whereas the Control group was maintained on the normal feed. The birds in the treatment groups showed the symptoms like dullness, depression and ruffled feathers. The body weight gain (BWG) was poor in comparison to control. The lymphoid organ to body weight ratio, HI titers and percentage of active macrophage were found significantly reduced. The histopathological lesions revealed marked lymphoid depletion indicaive of immunosuppressive potential ofArgemone seeds.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of different levels of organic chromium on egg yolk cholesterol and chromium contents.
Palod, Jyoti | Kumar, A. | Singh, V.S. | Shukia, P.K.
Afeeding trial was conducted in layers for a period of8 weeks (23-30 weeks old) to evaluate the effect of chromium picolinate supplementation on egg yolk cholesterol and egg chromium content in layers.Atotal of (n=120) layers were randomly distributed in completely randomized design into 4 treatmentgroupseachwith2 replicates of 5chicks.The layers of treatment group T1(control)were provided water without chromiumwhile those of T2,T3andT4were provided water containing 200, 400 and 600 ppb chromium / litre respectively.At the end of feeding trial, six eggs from each replicate, on last three days were used for egg yolk cholesterol and egg chromium studies. The results indicated that the total cholesterol andLDL cholesterol content of eggs were significantly (P0.05) reduced and HDL-cholesterol content significantly increased in 400 and 600 ppb chromium supplemented group of layers. Whereas chromium content of eggs increased with increasing levels of chromium supplementation. It was concluded that organic chromium supplementation up to 600 ppb level through water may be advisable to reduce egg yolk total cholesterol and LDL- cholesterol and improved HDL-cholesterol and egg chromium content.
Show more [+] Less [-]Blood serum chemistry and enzyme values of laboratory rabbits in absence and presence of dietary green.
Gera, Sandeep | Guha, Anirban | Kapoor , P. K. | Chander, Suresh
The scarcity of green during summer months imposes nutritional stress on farm animals. In this study we examined the effect of nutritional stress on various biochemical parameters of rabbits.Control and green deprived groups each of 20, weaned New Zealand White rabbits, of either sex, were randomly placed and observed for two months. Then green was re-introduced in deprived group for again two months. Blood sera harvested at every 15th day and analyzed using RA 50 Chemistry auto analyzer. Significant (p0.05) decrease of alkaline phosphatase (AKP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and increase in gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) and serum cholesterol was observed in rabbits green deprived group.
Show more [+] Less [-]Gerentological studies on the epididymis of Gaddi goat (Capra hircus).
Archana | Katiyar, R.S. | Sharma, D.N. | Farooqui, M.M.
A study was conducted on the epididymis of 30 Gaddi goats, divided into three groups of 10 animals in each viz; Prepubertal (1 day old to 18 months of age), Pubertal (18 months to 5yrs of age)and Postpubertal (5yrs of age). The study revealed that all the structures of epididymis grew gradually and consistently with age; however the differential growth was more appreciable during prepubertal and pubertal stages of life than in the later phases. In one day old kids, the tubular epithelium comprised of simple columnar epithelium, which became pseudostratified columnar at six months of age. The tubular diameter and height of the epithelium and its stereocilia also increased from birth to late prepuberty. It increased further in the pubertal animals and only slightly in postpubertal animals. Histochemically the cytoplasm of epididymis was PAS positive and Sudanophilic. Moderate to strong ACPase and strong AKPase activities were observed in all the segments of epididymis, which increased with age.
Show more [+] Less [-]Physiological parameters in neonate lambs and kids.
Jacob, Ninan | Arya, J.S. | Wadhwani, K.N.
A study was undertaken to understand the variations in physiological parameters \{Rectal Temperature (RT), Respiration Rate (RR) and Heart Rate (HR)\} in eight lambs (Patanwadi and Marwari)and six kids (Surti). The parameters were recorded on day 0 (day of birth) and days 3, 10 and 30 of age.Rectal Temperature (ºF) was found to be significantly low in both lambs (102.41) and kids (101.97) at birth as compared to the values recorded at later stages. On day 3 of age, the rectal temperature values were significantly higher in lambs than in kids, but at par on other stages. Respiration rate (no./min) and heart rate were significantly high on the day of birth and day 3 of age in both lambs and kids and dropped significantly with advancing age. Heart rate in kids (295.67) was significantly higher than in lambs (255) on day of birth,only.
Show more [+] Less [-]Clinico-biochemical studies on lantana toxicosis in cattle.
Sharma Jayata, | Wadhwa, D. R.
Clinico-therapeutic studies were made on thirty clinical cases of lantana toxicity in cattle. The affected animals showed anorexia, constipation, icteric mucous membranes, lachrymation, oligurea,cracks on muzzle, dehydration and rumen stasis. Biochemical analysis revealed that 61.53 % of early presented cases and 100 % of late presented cases were having biphasic Vanden Bergh reaction. Hypoglycemia and increased total protein level were present in late presented cases. Markedly elevated values of total bilirubin, BUN, AST and alkaline phosphatase in both the early and late cases of lantana toxicity indicated hepatic and renal dysfunction.
Peeters, Marie | Verwilghen, Denis | Serteyn, Didier | Vandenheede, Marc
peer reviewed
Show more [+] Less [-]Visual discrimination of species in the dog, canis familiaris
Autier-Dérian, Dominique | Chalvet-Monfray, Karine | Mounier, Luc | Ribolzi, Cindy | Deputte, Bertrand | Université Paris Nord (Paris 13) | UPE ; European Union Reference Laboratory for equine diseases (EURL) | Unité de Recherches sur les Herbivores (URH) ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) | VetAgro Sup - Institut national d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche en alimentation, santé animale, sciences agronomiques et de l'environnement (VAS) | LEEC
National audience
Show more [+] Less [-]Análise da textura de músculos peitorais submetidos à fixação e conservação em álcool | Tenderness analysis of muscles fixed and kept in alcohol
Teresa Chorense Nunes | Fabrício Singaretti de Oliveira | Thaís Helena Martins Gamón | Bruno Henrique Lopes Guastalli | Lígia Grisólia do Carmo | Erci Marcos Del Quiqui
A textura, ou maciez, pode ser avaliada pela mensuração da força necessária para ocorrer o cisalhamento das fibras musculares. Objetivou-se, nesse trabalho, a análise da textura de músculos submetidos à fixação e conservação em álcool, ao longo de um ano, mediante uso de um aparelho analisador de textura. Foram utilizados 48 peitos de frangos jovens, pesados, fixados e conservados em álcool etílico 96º GL. As análises foram realizadas após 15, 30, 90, 180 e 360 dias de conservação, além do grupo controle de músculos frescos. Os valores da força de cisalhamento dos diferentes grupos aumentaram progressivamente de 3,38 (grupo controle) até 15,31 Kgf (180 dias), caindo para 9,53 Kgf após 360 dias. Concluiu-se que quando músculos são submetidos à fixação e conservação em álcool 96º GL, ocorre diminuição da maciez, tornando-os quase cinco vezes mais rígidos ao corte após seis meses, e três vezes mais rígidos após um ano. Sugere-se que a dissecção de peças anatômicas musculares ocorra até 90 dias após fixação e conservação em álcool 96º GL ou ao redor de um ano nesse agente conservante, pois há menor rigidez tissular nesses períodos. Embora se tenha estudado o efeito do álcool na textura de tecido muscular de aves, acredita-se que, devido à grande homogeneidade tissular neste caso, tais dados possam ser extrapolados ou servir de base para estudos similares em outras espécies. | Texture, or tenderness, may be evaluated by measuring the force necessary to cause rupture of muscle fibers. The aim of this paper was to analyze the texture of muscles fixed and kept in alcohol, throughout a year, by using a texture analyzer. Forty eight poultry breasts were weighted, fixed and kept in a 96º GL ethylic alcohol solution. Analyses were performed at 15, 30, 90, 180 and 360 days of conservation, besides the one of the control group of fresh breasts. Values of shear forces of different groups increased progressively from 3.38 (control group) to 15.31 Kgf (180 days), decreasing to 9.53Kgf after 360 days. It was concluded that when muscles are fixed and kept in ethylic alcohol 96º GL the tenderness is decreased, becoming almost five times harder during the first six months and three times harder after a year. It is suggested that muscle anatomic pieces dissection occurs up to 90 days after fixation and conservation in 96º GL alcohol or around 1 year on this conservation product because there is smaller muscle stiffness in these times. Although the alcohol effect in texture of poultry muscle tissue has being studied in this paper, it is believed that, due this great tissue homogeneity, these data might be taken or being basis to similar studies in other species.
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