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Сравнительный анализ применения биологически активных препаратов и их влияние на качество животноводческой продукции
Golushko, V.M. | Kapitonova, E.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Research of the influence of biologically active preparations of natural origin on zoological indices and quality of animal products was studied by the example of their application in broiler chicken diets in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. On the basis of realized research it was established, that application of biologically active substances immunoamplifier Alveozan, probiotic Dialakt, probiotic Bifidoflorin liquid, prebiotic Biofon and prebiotic Biofon AIL (produced in the Republic of Belarus) did not render negative effect on quality of animal products (all studied meat samples had high quality). The received results testify to necessity of complex application of the above-stated preparations. Application of biologically active preparations made it possible to increase livability of growing birds on 100%, average live weight increase from 1,9 up to 5,1%, daily average weight gain - from 1,9 up to 5,1%, improvement of feed conversion ratio - from 18,3 up to 21%. All studied biologically active preparations made it possible to restore the physiological environment in poultry intestines, normal flora, to suppress the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. The above mentioned preparations could be applied both with preventive, and with the medical purposes
Show more [+] Less [-]Влияние влажного плющеного зерна кукурузы на переваримость питательных веществ и эффективность использования в рационах бычков
Kozinets, A.I. | Radchikov, V.F. | Kot, A.N., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Determination of the efficiency of young fat stock feeding with wet rolled maize grain which was preserved by means of different preparations was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. The following preserving agents were applied: HV-2 (by- product of amino-formaldehyde resin); AIV 3 Plus (mixture of 62% formic acid and 24% ammonium formate; KEMIRA, Finland); carbamide (30 kg/t) with 40 g/t of complex mineral supplement. Feeding of young fat stock with rolled maize grains preserved by NV-2 promoted the increasing of nutrient digestibility on 1,5-5,0%, nitrogen use - on 2% in comparison with control. Application of rolled maize grain preserved with AIV-3Plus and carbamide with the complex mineral supplement made it possible to increase the digestibility of nutrients on 1,0-4,8% and nitrogen use - on 1,6-1,7%. Introduction of rolled maize grain preserved with NV-2 into rations of bull calves increased their productivity on 4,7% (P less than 0,05) with the simultaneous lowering of forage expenses on 1,9%. Application rolled maize grains preserved with AIV-3Plus made it possible to increase daily average weight gain on 3,8% and lower the forages expenses on 2,6%. Use preserved with NV-2 and AIV-3Plus rolled maize grains in rations of young fat stock lowered the production cost price on 11,9% and 10,8% that proved the efficiency of the studied fodder
Show more [+] Less [-]Экономическая эффективность применения консерванта Лактотим при заготовке кукурузного силоса
Kozinets, A.I. | Radchikov, V.F. | Kot, A.N., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Evaluation of maize (Zea mays) silage prepared in combination with biological preserving agent Laktotim and calculation of its economic efficiency were realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Application of Laktotim rendered positive influence on forage dry matter content, on nutritive substance safety, and made it possible to increase the organoleptic indicators of silage. Use of the maize silage prepared with the preservative in a cow ration has positively affected their dairy efficiency. Cow milk yields have raised on 4,5%. Application of the preparation for silage making of green maize mass proved to be economically worth. The realized toxicological estimation of biological preserving agent Laktotim did not reveal any signs of preparation toxicity. Introduction of the preparation into mice stomach in a single maximum dose (25000 mg/kg; 12500; 5000 mg/kg of body weight), as well as application of the preparation in mixture with water in ratio which in 100 and 200 times exceeded the standard ratio in plant green mass, did not cause destruction of experimental animals. According to classifications of All-Union State Standard 12.1.007-76, the preparation Laktotim belongs to the4 class of danger - low-hazardous substances (LD50 over 5000 mg/kg)
Show more [+] Less [-]Комплексообразующая активность фитолектинов с углеводными детерминантами эритроцитов крупного рогатого скота и альфа 1-4 D-глюканом
Kubarev, V.S., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breding (Belarus) | Dobrovolskij, S.A. | Shishlov, M.P., National Academy of Sciences (Belarus). Scientific and Practical Center for Arable Farming | Kurdeko, A.P. | Kovalenok, Yu.K., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Studying of interaction of phytolectins with carbohydrate epitopes of cattle erythrocytes and alpha 1-4 D-glukan was realize in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus was realized by the example of seeds of soy (Glycine max) of Viliya variety, common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) of Olga variety, spring barley (Hordeum vulgare) of VM-MGF variety, and wheat (Triticum aestivum) of Akogomugi varity. Lectins studies of pathological conditions (infringement of a cellular metabolism, transformation and cell destruction, etc.) were closely connected with research of structure and functions of cellular membranes that was important for carrying out of various biotechnological works. As a result of the realized research there was given the comparative characteristic of hemagglutinin activity of phytolectins of some bean and grain crops in relation to erythrocytes of cattle and precipitating with and 1-4 D-glukan. Intensive precipitation of alpha 1-4 D-glukan was observed in the conditions of its interaction with lectins of soya and wheat and less expressed in the conditions of interaction with lectins of bean and barley. It was established, that glucose monomers and its derivatives proved to be the basic structural element of glycocalyx of erythrocytes which detected the phytolectins of soya, beans, wheat and barley
Show more [+] Less [-]Биохимические показатели крови телят при скармливании им пробиотиков Акозил и Сублицин
Kupchenko, I.V. | Sobolev, D.T. | Razumovskij, N.P., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Nowadays in connection with an interdiction for antibiotics use in animal feeding it is very actual to work out and apply new forms of probiotic preparations which should be as ecologically safe and harmless both to people and animal products. Probiotics make it possible to improve the digestibility of nutritive substances of forages, normalize metabolism, enrich with biologically active substances that promotes the increasing of their productivity. In the Republic of Belarus the probiotics are produced in the obviously insufficient quantity that creates problems of young stock livability. Influence of application of Akozil and Sublicin probiotics in diets of suckling calves on biochemical parameters of blood serum was analysed. It was stated that use of the analysed probiotics made it possible to decrease the level of urea and total cholesterol, to increase of the total protein content in blood serum of the experimental calves. There was noted the increasing of glucose level in blood serum of calves fed with Akozil. There was marked the tendency of more optimal level of calcium and phosphorus in calves having Sublicin in their diets. The obtained results testified the normalization of metabolic processes taking place in calves which were fed by the mentioned above probiotics
Show more [+] Less [-]Продуктивность многоукосных однолетних ценозов
Lukashevich, N.P. | Zenkova, N.N. | Skovorodko, V.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
The level of yielding and biological capacity of grass mixtures of feeding crops (common ryegrass (Lolium perenne); spring vetch (Vicia); Austrian winter pea (Pisum arvense); blue lupine (Lupinus angustifolius); common barley (Hordeum vulgare)) in the conditions of the Northern part of the Republic of Belarus and their quality evaluation were studied. The optimum temperature of seed germination at the seeding depth and the sufficient amount of moisture in soil provided high germination rate. Nitric fertilizer application and crop sowing in the conditions of various coenosis did not affect seed germination. The quantity of shoots predetermined the optimum plant stand density and made it possible to generate high green mass productivity. Formation of a high green mass yield in single-crops sowings of annual ryegrass was obtained against the background of minimum 180 kg of primary nutrients of nitric fertilizers per 1 ha, taking into consideration that the amount of crop tops increases in 3 times in comparison with crops without nitric fertilizers. Inclusion bean component into the grass mixture (even without nitrogen application) made it possible to generate the level of top biomass by three hay crops from 40,2 up to 55,4 t/ha. However, application of mineral nitrogen for cultivation of leguminous and cereal crop mixtures with overgrassing of annual ryegrass made it possible to increase the green mass productivity. Inclusion of a bean component into a grass mixture rendered influence on the amount of digestible protein. The highest protein yield was provided by high yielding crops with content of spring vetch on the background of mineral nitrogen (0,9 t/ha). In coenosis with pea and lupine mixtures provided protein content of 0,8 t/ha
Show more [+] Less [-]Эффективность использования экзогенных ферментов в комбикормах с повышенным уровнем зерна ржи для молодняка свиней в период доращивания и откорма
Mikulenok, V.G., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of application of enzyme preparations there is the possibility of inclusion into mixed fodders structure of such cheap fodder grains as rye. Determination of the optimal dose of introduction of the liquid enzymatic fodder additive (xylanase – 8800 units; phytase – 600 units; cellulose – 880 units; r-gluco – 4000 units; a- amylase – 200 units) and its influence on stores productivity during the completion of growing and fattening periods was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Research results showed the following: inclusion into mixed fodders of the increased amount of rye grain (without the enzyme additive) for stores feeding during the completion of growing (20%) and fattening (30%) periods did not render negative influence on experimental animals; the optimal dose of the trial enzyme for stores during the completion of growing period - (SK-21 including rye grain - 20%) was 200 ml per 1 t of mixed fodders; the optimal dose of the trial enzyme for stores during the fattening period (KDS-26 including rye -30%) was 150 ml per 1 t of mixed fodders. Application of the experimental fodder additive promoted the increasing live weight gain. There was noted the tendency of the positive influence of the analyzed enzyme on dry and organic matter, fat, dietary fibre and nitrogen-free extractive substances digestibility
Show more [+] Less [-]Использование жировой добавки Профат в кормлении коров
Radchikov, G.N. | Vozmitel, L.A. | Lyundyshev, V.A. | Gurina, D.V., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
In process of animal husbandry intensification much attention should be given to maintenance of the high-grade balanced feed of animals. Forage supplement Profat (Protected Fat) is a protected fat in dry-sand mould with 84% of fat content. Application of 0,5-0,8 kg of dry fat supplement in cows diets per 1 head a day (4,7-10,0% in mixed forage content) promotes the increasing of prime cost of milk yield with basic fatness at 1,8-2,8% within fatness growth at 0,1-0,24% without protein content decrease. During the analysis of morphological and biochemical blood structure there was not established any considerable inter-group distinctions. At the same time, it is necessary to notice, that in blood of animals of two experimental groups there was stated a little bit higher protein content. However, in proportion to application of experimental fat additive up to 0,8 kg per head a day the protein content decreased. The increased number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin content in blood of animal of trial groups proved the strengthening of metabolic processes. In blood of trial groups it was noted high quantity of vitamin A and phosphorus as well as lower amount of calcium
Show more [+] Less [-]Продуктивность и резистентность поросят на доращивании при использовании кормовой добавки Ватер Трит жидкий
Sadomov, N.A. | Shamsuddin, L.A., Belarus State Academy of Agriculture, Gorki (Belarus)
The purpose of research is to study influence of fodder additive Water Trit liquid on dynamics of live weight, natural resistance and determination of an optimal dose for pigs on growing. Thanks to рН decrease of intestines contents and presence of organic acids the additive is applied for disease prevention. Presence of organic acids stimulates the development of useful Lactobacillus micro flora in intestines gleam. From the received data positive influence of the fodder additive on a gain of body weight is visible. In the beginning of experiment the difference in body weight of a control and a trial groups was insignificant and made from 9,2 kg to 9,4 kg in the experimental group, and 9,3 kg - in the control group. In the end of experiment the difference in body weight was essential: 28,6 kg, 30,5 kg, 29,5 kg in the trial groups and 28,05 kg in the control. After application of the fodder additive Water Trit liquid in the trial groups there were noted the raised daily average weight gains: on 2,6% in the second, on 13,4% (P less than 0,05) - in the third and on 8,5% - in the fourth group in relation to control group. For studying of the influence of the fodder additive on animal organism there was carried out the blood testing: phagocytosis, bactericidal activity of blood serum, lysozyme activity of blood serum. Indexes on phagocytal index at animal of the control and trial groups were in the beginning of experiment approximately at one level. At 45-day age the indexes in the second and fourth trial groups were above the control ones on 5,2% and 8,9%, respectively. By the end of the experiment the phagocytal index in all four groups changed insignificantly. At studying of lysozyme activity of blood serum at pigs the given research have shown, that at 30-day age the indexes in the third and fourth trial groups were above the control, and indexes in the first group were above the standard of the control. At 70-day age the highest lysozyme activity of blood serum was in the second trial group and has made +16,0% to the control. It is necessary to notice, that on the 70th day this indicator was above the control in all three trial groups
Show more [+] Less [-]Злаковый силос, заготовленный с консервантом Axphast Gold, в рационах крупного рогатого скота
Tsaj, V.P. | Gurin, V.K., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
The comparative analysis of application of cereal ensilage produced with addition of microbial and enzymatic preserving agents Axphast Gold and Biotrof on fodder digestibility, hematological indexes and cicatrical digestion of cattle rearers was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Cattle feeding with the analysed silage rendered positive effect on digestibility of the forage dry matter, which was on 2% higher the control index, organic matter - on 2,4%, nitrogen-free extractive substances - on 2,84%, fat - on 0,58%, protein - on 2,3%, cellulose - on 2,1%. Use in feeding of ensilaged forages from the cereal perennial grasses preserved by the microbial- enzymatic preparation produced by company Biota rendered the positive influence on use of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus. There was also noted the increasing of the content of volatile fatty acids in paunch of young cattle silage fed with Axphast Gold that testified of more effective utilization of forage
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